King's Business - 1954-07

MARTHA S. HOOKER, Editor Associate Professor of Christian Education, Biola Bible College Pen Pals S ome of our Junior K in g ’ s B u sin ess readers have written that they would like to receive letters from other boys and girls. This month we have the name of Joan Holmes, Box 66, Noonan, N. Dak. She is 10 and is interested in hiking, swimming and playing the piano and the drum. We got a letter from Jo Ann Pep­ per, age 11, of Wilsall, Mont. She has already written to some of the girls mentioned on the pen pal list. Her main interests are playing the piano, horseback riding, handwork and missionaries. This is a good way to make new friends and to learn what children are doing in other parts of the coun­ try. Write today and send us your name, address, age and interests. Ad­ dress your letters to Pen Pal Editor, Junior K in g ’ s B u sin e ss , 558 So. Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, Calif.

we try together to show Him that we do?” Mary’s blue eyes smiled up at him happily. Then some of the troubled look came back into her face, as she said, “ But Muvver said she had heard about God. Do you suppose she knows that Jesus is alive?” Mary’s father turned his head away from the anxious look in the little girl’s eyes. She could not understand why he held her so tightly without speaking for several moments before he was able to smile at her and an­ swer quietly, “We must talk to her about Him, mustn’t we, Mary?” This is how it happened that be­ fore a month had passed, there were three in that mountain cabin at Gold Rock who loved the wonderful Sav­ iour. A little child had carried the “ good news.” END.

CORRESPONDENCE Scrim 6 Biola Day School CREDIT Courses By Correspondence BIBLE FOUNDATION COURSE 12 Lessons— 6 Examinations $ 2.00 BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY 16 Lessons— 6 Examinations $2.50 CHAPTER SUMMARY (Through the Bible by Books and Chapters) 41 Lessons— 41 Examinations $5.00 CHILD EVANGELISM 9 Lessons— 9 Examinations $5.00 FUNDAMENTAL DOCTRINES OF CHRISTIANITY by Reuben Torrey, D.D.— 20 Lessons— 11 Examinations $5.00 NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS by lone Lowman, Ph.D. $3.50 SEND TODAY FOR NEW BRO­ CHURE WH ICH LISTS IN DE­ T A IL 14 OTHER COURSES. , "J S- : , > <• ' CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc, 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California:

July Memory Work A Bible verse for each letter in the word “ July” is our memory work for this month. “J esus saith . . . I am the way, the truth and the life” (John 14:6). “ U nto thee, O God, do we give thanks, unto thee do we give thanks: for that thy name is near thy wondrous works declare” (Psalm 75:1). “L et no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example “ Y e are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid” (Matt. 5:14).



o f ^ j t u r d S. Hooker

By Martha H ave yOu ever looked up into the heavens on a starry night and re­ cited the little poem that every boy and girl knows? I mean this one:

of each of His children—knows your name and mine. How wonderful it is to realize that He knows us each one, and has a special place for us to serve and shine for Him! Just as the stars move about in their ap­ pointed places, so God has placed you dear boys and girls in places best suited for each of you. Some of you may live in a large city, while some of you may live in a small town. But no matter where your home is, God knows you by name, and wants you to shine for Him just where you are. The stars make a dark night beau­ tiful. Just so, you dear children can make the darkest place beautiful for the Lord. “ Shine, shine, just where you are, Shine, shine, just where you are; Out of the night, into the light, Shine for the Lord where you are.”

“ Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are; Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.”

For the past several nights I have been enjoying God’s lovely garden of stars. As I have looked up at the countless number of twinkling lights, I have been reminded that God knows them all by name. He knows the name of the one which sheds the dimmest light, as well as of the one which shines the brightest. He made them all and placed them in their appointed orbits, or pathways, there to shine for Him on the darkest night. Our God is such a great God, boys and girls. He knows the names, too,


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