King's Business - 1954-07


Looking Ahead In Christian Ed

e d i t e d b y M a r g a r e t J a c o b s e n , M .A . Associate professor of Christian Education, Biola Bible College

Search For DVBS Talent

A t the time this is being written our church is staffing its Daily Vaca­ tion Bible School. We try to have a committee representing the various church groups to suggest helpers, but find that many of those suggested as good workers do not volunteer. : “ If we only had an all-church file on members’ abilities,” sighed one of our committee. “We can’t know every­ thing about everybody, and we really don’t know enough about anybody.” First we want to know name, address (street and section of town) and phone number. In a big city, section of town is important. If Jewel Street is only one block long, it’s good to know that it is in the South Park section. The department store always asks, Nearest cross-street? for a reason. Fortunately, we have a church di­ rectory so this basic information (ex­ cept for area) is easy to get. Any church on the west coast (and ours is no exception) is receiving members who were active in the church back home. We are looking for a principal for our kindergarten department, someone who has had previous experience. Last year’s prin­ cipal is sick; the previous one has a new baby. Another prospect is going on her vacation. Our search for tal­ ent questionnaire would ask what pre­ vious experience our church members have had, in what age-groups they have worked, and in what capacity. It would ask what vocations people have followed, too. Under a Bushel We’re sure some happily married home-body is hiding under a bushel the fact that she used to teach kinder­ garten. To find her would really solve our problem! There are some who have been secretaries and the church can use that talent. We need a school nurse; a'school librarian; mu­ sicians—pianists and song leaders for every day, instrumentalists and vo­ calists for our special features. Our

who could help prepare materials at home? Who" would do our publicity write-ups, or help us with a school newsette? Who would be delighted to handle our supplies and finances, a job some of us would call a necessary evil. Most of all we need prayer part­ ners, people who are willing to receive specific requests for prayer and pray for them. A Typical Questionnaire All in all our questionnaire should boil down to certain general cate­ gories: Personal information Training Vocations followed Previous experience in Christian service Hobbies Areas of possible service in the church Other Forms of Service Let us never imagine that preach­ ing, or teaching, or even music, are the only ways the Lord can be served. “ But now hath God set the mem­ bers every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. And if they were all one member, where were the body? But now are they many mem­ bers, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you. Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary: And those members of the body, which we think to be less honourable, upon these we bestow more abundant honour; and our uncomely parts have more abun­ dant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need: but God hath tempered the body together, having given more abundant honour to that part which lacked: That there should be no schism in the body; but that the mem­ bers should have the same care one for another.” (1 Cor. 12:18-25.) END.

choir leader knows some of them— but, come to think of it, he might like to look at the talent-file too. We want slides taken of our Daily Vacation Bible School. Who has the hobby of photography? We’d like several special features. Do we have a magician to work up some object lessons, some artists to make posters, do chalk talks, illustrate our lessons, jr a scientist to give us a demonstra­ tion on the dangers of alcohol or nico­ tine? There must be some person whose hobby is flower arranging who would be willing to be responsible for the decoration of the sanctuary and the exhibit of the children’s work for our final program. We’re going to need cookies for our reception after the program too. Some of our ladies who can’t leave home to teach have offered to bake cookies for us. A card file of talents would let us know of others who would be willing to do that for the Lord too— cook, or serve, or decorate, or open a home for a church group. (We don’t need that for DVBS, but our junior high principal is looking for a home with a large patio for a barbecue.) Transportation One of our problems is transporta­ tion. Each year we have children who can come if transportation is provided. We need to know who has a car and is willing to drive it for Christ. (This is where that general residential area comes in.) The missionary society and ladies’ aid need consecrated cars too. We need recreation leaders and our boys’ work chairman would like to know who likes football, basketball, baseball, soccer, hiking, swimming and a long list of other sports. Our girls’ work chairman would like to know people who can help in athletic and craft programs too— and who en­ joy helping with parties. Is there someone who cannot serve at church


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