King's Business - 1954-07

YOUNG PEOPLE continued Aug. 24 —— The Burning Bush on Mt. Horeb Aug. 25 — Elijah's Sacrifice on Mt. Carmel Aug. 26 — The Mount of Transfiguration Aug. 27 — The Ascension at Mt. Olivet

Quality Religious Films for Mid-week and Sunday Evening Services Sunday School — Youth Groups Men's Groups — Missionary Societies BIBLE TEACHING FILMS and MODERN STORY FILMS WITH SPIRITUAL APPLICATIONS Distributor of MOODY SCIENCE FILMS and "TH IS IS THE LIFE" Series LARGE FILM CATALOG with Descriptive Brochures and Film-strip Catalog sent upon request when name of church is mentioned. H a n s e n ’ s C h u r c h F ilm s 1463 Vine St. Hollywood 28, Calif. HOIlywood 3-3155 C V T T T B Catalog and fine selections of sample materials on request. Fair prices. Mention whether for Pulpit or Choir. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 S. 14th St. Greenville, III. SACRED PIANO SOLOS "There's a Wideness to God's Mercy" Classical arrangements. Original instructions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations. Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from CORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif. LINDA VISTA BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE AND SEMINARY Liberal Arts Theology Christian Education APPROVED FOR VETERANS SAN DIEGO 11 CALIFORNIA The HOTOMATIC Instantaneous, Automatic Gas W A T E R HEATER W ill Supply A LL the Hot Water needed for BAPT ISTR IES Church Kitchens, Rest Rooms, etc. Heats 450 GPH 20° Rise. Special Discount to Churches. Write for Folders and Prices: Little Giant M.fg . Co* 907 7th St. Orange, Texas "Blessed Be the Fountain" "Safe in the Arms of Jesus"

Complete Bible Coverage with "ATTENTION GETTER" Story-O-Graphs Story-O-Graph Bible characters have, with­ out doubt, the BEST quality in COLOR, realistic lifelike DRAWINGS, and the LARGE SIZE most in demand of all flannelgraph figures on the market today. STORY-O-GRAPH CUTOUTS are the per­ fect tools to make your talks dynamic and remembered. No tnumbtacking or pin­ ning, just move characters from place to place on colorful oil painted flannel back­ grounds as your story unfolds. YOUR CHOICE OF 40 stories of the OLD TESTAMENT 36 stories of the GOSPEL 10 stories of the ACTS 2 stories on MISSIONARIES More than 1,000 Bible characters 13 colorful hand painted BACKGROUNDS VIS-U-FOLD . . . Aluminum Telescopic Tripod, fabric board folds into compact roll. DON'T be satisfied with imitations. GET THE ORIGINALS. Write for FREE folder and price list STORY - O - GRAPHS P.O. Box 145M, Dept. KB, Pasadena 16, Cal.

— Ex. 3:1-10

— 1 Kings 18:20-39

— Mark 9:2-8

— Acts 1:9-12

Aug. 28 —

Inspiration from the Hills

— Psalm 121:1-2

HEART OF THE LESSON Mountains play a vital part in providing the setting for some of the most important events in the Bible. It is easy to see why this is so—mountains are symbolic of the majesty, the grandeur, the might of our great God. W e will think, in this lesson, of some of the vital happenings on the mountains of the Bible. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. Where did God promise to reveal Himself? (Gen. 22:11.) 2. Why the prohibition of w . 12, 13? Does this show the holiness of God? See Heb. 12:18-24 for the contrast between the Old Testament dispensation and the New Testament dispensation. 3. What was the intended impression by the sights and sounds on the Mount? (w . 16, 18, 19.) 4. What wonderful thing did God do for the people at Mount Sinai? (ch. 22.) What was the purpose of the giving of the law? (Rom. 3:19, 20; Gal. 3:19, 24, 25.) 5. How is a man justified from the de­ mands and the condemnation of the law? (Rom. 5:1; 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 2:16, etc.) 6. What title is usually given to the contents of Matt. 5-7? 7. The word blessed in Matt. 5:3-12, means happy. Make a list of the character of the really happy man. 8. What is the responsibility of the believer according to Matt. 5:13-16? Are you fulfilling your obligation? 9. How does the Saviour give a more spiritual interpretation of the law? (Matt. 5:17-48.) This makes a good passage for open discussion. 10. What is the acceptable attitude of Christian service? (Matt. 6:1-7.) 11. Analyze the prayer taught by the Saviour in Matt. 6:8-15. When will the “ kingdom” really come? (1 Thess. 1:10; 2:19; 3:13, etc.) 12. What important admonition does the Saviour give in Matt. 6:19-24? How can the believer lay up treasures in heaven? Compare 1 Cor. 3:11-15; 2 Cor. 5:10. 13. According to Matt. 6:25-34, is it a sin to worry? Why? 14. What should take first place in every believer’s life? (v. 33.) 15. What does our Lord teach about judging others? (Matt. 7:1-6.) 16. What great argument for believing prayer is given in Matt. 7:7-12? 17. What is the main argument of Matt. 7:21-29? Are you building your life on the Word of God? END.


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July 10-17 ...... ..... Dr. Vincent Bennett July 16-24 ....................... Village Missions July 24-31 ......... Dr. William Ward Ayer July 31-Aug. 7 .................. Eugenia Price Aug. 14-21 ..................... Dr. Theodore Epp THE KING'S BUSINESS

Dept. 435

Pleasant Hill, Ohio


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