King's Business - 1954-07



Sirs: While in a VA hospital undergoing an operation removing my legs be­ cause of machine gun wounds a chap­ lain handed me a copy of the K in g ’ s B u sin e ss . I read it over and over again and liked it so much I asked about a free subscription and a free Bible. I hear you have a special fund for this. I am a disabled war vet and was a prisoner of war for about a year in which time I was brain­ washed, beaten and had my left eye put out by a Red guard. Los Angeles, Calif. Albert E. DeLucia Reader DeLucia Utas been sent a year’s subscription and a copy of the Bible free of charge. Those who would like to contribute to our Free Fund may send their gifts so desig­ nated. This fund is used to give free subscriptions to missionaries and oth­ er worthy individuals.- — ED. Sirs: Your publication seems to me the most down to earth for common people of any Christian magazine I have ever taken and while I have had to give up many others, I feel that I cannot part with this one. Every article in it seems to reach and help in some way. I pray daily for the Bible school and your paper’s staff. Deerfield, Wis. Mrs. R. C. Mooney Sirs: This is from a Presbyterian elder who believes in the divine birth of Christ and the bodily resurrection and the verbal inspiration of the Bible and does not accept Dr. Bonnell as his spokesman. There are many Presbyterians who believe as we do, notwithstanding Dr. Bonnell’s pro­ nouncements. (K.B. May.) San Antonio, Tex. E. W. Staples Sirs: Judging by your letter in Look (Look magazine, May 4 issue), in answer to Dr. Bonnell’s article, I be­ lieve we are going to like your mag­ azine very much. The letter sounds like you believe the Bible, like it ought to be believed— every word of it. Enclosed is $3 in currency for subscription as long as this amount pays for. Houston, Tex. DOWN TO EARTH WHAT IS A PRESBYTERIAN?

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The Peace of Mind which comes from a regular income that never shrinks may add years to your life. Figures prove owners of annuities live longer. As a holder of an American Bible Society Annuity Agreement, you re­ ceive a generous check regularly, re­ gardless of world conditions. Such checks have been issued without fail for more than 100 years.

American Bible Society, 450 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB-6 entitled “ A Gift That Lives.”

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