Advanced Balance: Don't Ignore Your Back Pain

SPORT INJURY PREVENTION PROGRAM Static stretching - Constant tension held at end range; inhibits the muscle; requires 30 seconds to 1 minute to influence muscle length changes; has been shown to decrease performance in strength, speed and power if performed prior to activity and effects lasting 60 minutes after static stretching routines; has not been shown to increase or decrease injury. Best performed after activity to influence tissue recovery. Training Held once weekly (day and time to be determined by soccer coach) for 1 ½ hours. Each team will work together through warm-up, dynamic stretching techniques specific to sport, agility and plyometric skills, foam rolling, cool down, and static stretching techniques. Execution of aforementioned will be monitored for precision and any identified movement dysfunction will be addressed to ensure premier movement development. Adjunct Services These will be available, at a discounted rate, to each participant including:

Dynamic stretching - Activity specific utilizing sport specific movements; increases body core temperature, related controlled movements trained with focus on quality mimicking sports movement patterns; require a combination of strength, flexibility, balance and coordination while preparing the body for activity. Best performed as part of multimodal training regime to prepare for sport activity. Flexibility - Measure of range of motion about a joint and its surrounding muscles, ligaments, and connective tissue during passive movements. Can be measured and clinically characterized as excessive or restrictive. Warm-up - Time used to gain numerous training adaptations in many aspects of physical conditioning including strength, flexibility, endurance, coordination, correction of muscle imbalances and focus toward activity. Controlled mobility - Is a harmonious relationship between mobility and stability. Mobility has to do with the ability to move, whereas stability has to do with the absence of movement and/or control of erroneous movement. It is the balance of these two entities that is the essence of controlled mobility. Overuse injury - Is any type of muscle or joint injury, such as tendinitis or a stress fracture, that’s caused by repetitive trauma. An overuse injury typically stems from: Training errors. Training errors can occur when you take on too much physical activity too quickly. Agility - Is the ability to change the body’s position efficiently, and requires the integration of isolated movement skills using a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance. Speed - The ability to move quickly across the ground or move limbs rapidly to grab or throw. Movement speed requires good strength and power. Body coordination - Is a performance-related fitness component that describes the smooth, efficient movement patterns that are parts of sport skills and tasks. Your stage of learning influences how well you can perform these component movements of a skill.

• Computerized balance testing - Utilized as part of baseline testing for concussions. It will also measure postural control, reaction time, balance, speed, rhythmic control and limits of stability. • Taping techniques - Athletic taping, Kinesio-taping and dynamic taping depending on individual need. • Soft tissue mobilization - Focused soft tissue work on injured or restricted tissues utilizing TheraGun and Graston technique to improve tissue mobility. • Private stretch sessions - One-on-one manual stretch sessions to target and improve overall flexibility. Discounted Team Pricing Training: Monthly package (4 sessions)$100 per athlete

(Pay per session $30 per session/per athlete). Computerized balance testing: $20 ($65 value) Any Taping technique: $15 ($25 value) Soft tissue mobilization: $45 for every 15 minutes Private ABSTRETCH session: $30 for 30 minute session Individual Pricing Monthly package: (4 sessions) $120 Pay per session: $35 per person

Payable Monthly by automatic credit card charge only. May be canceled at any time after the initial two (2) months of sessions; no refund for unused classes

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