2024 1st Quarter Crime Report 4-19-24

2024 1st Quarter Crime Rate First Quarter 2024 Citywide Group A crime rate increased 1.8%. Crimes Against Persons decreased 3.8%, Crimes Against Property increased 6.2%, and Crimes Against Society decreased 9%.

2024 1st Quarter Citywide NIBRS Group A Crime Rate

2024 1st Quarter Crime Report Crime rate shown above uses the Fort Worth population estimate of 980,484 for 2023 and 997,438 for 2024 (U.S. Census Bureau, plus average annual rate since 2020). The population numbers are as of the end of 2022 and 2023. For NIBRS offense definitions, go to https://ucr.fbi.gov/nibrs/2019/resource - pages/ nibrs_offense_definitions - 2019.pdf Back to Table of Contents 3

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