The Comprehensive Bible Chart of which Rev. L. H. Jamison is the author, is the most comprehensive and complete' chart of the Bible that has so far come to our notice. We wish to commend it to Bible students everywhere as a marvelous picture of the plan, purpose and program of God during the various ages and dispensations in which He deals with the uni- verse. Students of the Word of God will be greatly assisted by the chart. This comprehensive Bible chart is beautifully printed in seven colors, size 19x34 inches. P r i ce 50 cents, mailed to any address. Each chart is accompanied by a com- plete "key" which fully explains it.. We invite your orders. Birthday "Scripture Text" Books Daily "Scripture Text" Books Beautifully printed in two colors. Size, 1 2 %x3 inches.
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Bound in smooth leather, divinity cir- cuit, round Corners, red edges, assorted colors, 50c.
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