King's Business - 1912-12

"Wh at is me a nt in Ezekiel 2 1 : 27 by 'overthrown, overthrown will I r e n d er it, also this shall not belong (to any one) until He comes, whose right it is, and I will give it H i m?' " "Wh at is me a nt in Daniel 9:26, 'Mes- siah shall be cut o f f ' ?" "Wh at does Zech. 12:10 mean, 'And they shall look upon Him wh om they have p i e r c e d ' ?" "Wh a t does JeĀ£us me an wh en He says, 'Labor not for the me at which perisheth but for t h at me at which en- d u r e th unto everlasting life, which the Son of Man shall give unto you,' Jno. 6 : 2 7; and 'Ye a re of your f a t h er the devil' in Jno. 8 : 4 4 ?" Af t er t a l k i ng over these last two questions she closed her Bible and with her h a nd on it looked up with convic- tion written on her face and said, "How can we k n ow these things are s o ?" She was r e f e r r ed to Jno. 7.17. Her convic- tion grew deeper with each interview until, fully realizing the step she was t a k i ng and t he persecution which mu st certainly follow, she last Wednesday, August 30th, definitely s u r r e n d e r ed her- self to Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour, and confessed Him t he same a f t e r n o on as -Messiah in one of t he Bible classes in the hospital. Since an a t t a ck of typhoid fever two years ago, she h as not walked, b ut is now steadily improving, and we feel the Lord has a very definite work for h er to do f or Him amo ng her own peo- ple. We covet for her the prayer of faith. A young woman, deserted by her husband, depressed and overwhelmed by her troubles, tried to d& away with h e r life. A f t er her recovery, h er case was given to a Bible woman who sent h er an invitation to t he Lyceum Club. She came t he next week, and as the teacher talked with her, at t he close of t he class, she f o u nd her utterly ignor- a nt of wh at ma de one a Christian, and of t he Way of salvation. As t he girl read, in t he Book, each verse pointing out t he great love of God for sinners, who were Satan's by right of conquest, and God's simple plan for their redemp- tion, she said, "I wa nt to be a child of God. I don't wa nt a n y t h i ng to do with S a t a n ." So, like a little child, she joy- fully received t he wo n d e r f ul g i ft of God's son, saying to a girl near her, "I've accepted Jesus as my own Sav- iour and I'm so glad," t h us fulfilling Roma ns 10:9.,

The Bible woman who had sent her, unable to come herself, had been in prayer for the girl d u r i ng the whole evening. At a recent all-day meeting of one of o ur classes in a s u b u r b an town, a woman of 74 years, who had testified in meetings, led in prayer and done church work for years, acknowledged t h at she had no peace and fplt sure she had never been regenerate^. Her hus- band had always been an officer in the church and a leader in every good wor*k. One of our Bible women dealt with her, showing her, by t he Wo rd of God, her great need and t he wo n d e r f ul provision of God for her soul. She gladly accept- ed Jesus Christ as her Saviour and with joyful face and g r a t e f ul h e a rt made confession, with her mouth, of her sal- vation. We have another wo n d e r f ul illustra- tion of the power of prayer and t he f a i t h f u l n e ss of God. A young couple were married, neither of them being a Christian. In a short time the young man left his wife and began paying mu ch attention to a for- mer sweetheart. This girl received his attentions until one day the Lord spoke to her apd she became a child of God. She then, r e b u k i ng her f r i e nd and showing him his sin and how God looked upon it, told him to r e t u rn to his wife and "become a Christian man. He went to his home under aw f ul con- viction. During his absence, t he young wife in one of our classes accepted Christ as her Saviour, by which h er life was t r a n s f o rme d. The other young woman, with a friend, had been defin- itely praying, daily, for the conversion of t he young couple and their family. The b r o t h er of the wife has already con- fessed the Lord, and her mother, who has always been an ultra worldling, re- cently declared she would have no more to do with cards, t h e a t er or dancing, now t h at her childern had changed their ways, for she dared not stand in their way. As th% woman attends t he Bible class with her daughter, we feel assured the whole family will soon be one in t he faith. Please place the son a nd husband, who is very near the King- dom, on your prayer list. A Bible woman had been invited to visit and teach a large class at one of t he beach towns. A s t r o ng lesson oh dispensational lines, bringing out t he sovereignty of God prominently, awak- ened intense interest and invited many

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