church choir. In her prayer she told t h e Lord t h at she was a "blacker sin- n er t h an her h u s b a nd ever was." MABS H I LL The meetings on Los Angeles Street and in the Yoke Fellows Hall are increas- ing continually in interest and attendance. More men are being converted at every meeting, a n d. there is a worker to deal with each man who takes a stand. Dur- ing the past month about ninety men have made a profession of accepting Christ. Last Sunday the weather was unpropri- tious, there being such a high wind, that the leader of the meeting suggested to the men on the street t h at they go into the hall, but this was immediately voted down by the congregation and this proved the wisest plan after all, for there were more than 1600 men who had the oppor- tunity to hear the Gospel. At the 6:30 meeting alone there were 776 men present. At the meeting Monday night, a man and woman came into the hall and asked to be joined in wedlock. There was a minister present who performed the cere- mony and this opened the way for the leader of the meeting to speak of the Bride of Christ and the return of our Lord to take His Bride. The man and woman both accepted Jesus as their Sav- iour before they left the Hall. The Sunday night suppers will be re- sumed next Sunday night, November 3d, as there are many homeless, and friend- less men coming into the city. Another Encouraging featuire of the work is t h at during the month 200 men have been placed in positions free of charge. The Employment Bureau has been able to find places for every able- bodied man who wants work from April 1st to the present date. WILLIAM MULLEN. T HE SPANISH MISSION Gospel meetings have been conducted regularly every night at the Mission hall, and also afternoon training classes. The location of t h e Mission (608 N. Main St.) while quieter for the meetings, and a good home for the believers, is a little too f ar North of the Plaza to get a good attendance of the unsaved at the indoor meetings. However the open air meet- ings at the Plaza have been good. The changed condition among the Mex- icans, which makes it more difficult to get a public hearing from the unsaved, h as forced us to lay mo re and more stress upon personal work. Of the seven who professed the Lord last month, five of them were won through personal efforts.
questions -which were answered with the Wo rd of God, until t he young woman who had been teaching t he class for mo n t hs b r o ke down completely and confessed to the class t h at she had never been saved. A broken and a contrite spirit God never despised, and a f t er being tenderly shown t he Way, t he T r u th and t he Life, class and teacher rejoiced together over salvation assured, and we feel sure t h at class will not be t a u g h t. A woman about 50 years of age who was going t h r o u gh t he deepest trouble ( h er h u s b a nd living with a n o t h er wo- ma n ) came to see me one day, calling me up on the phone first, asking me if she could come and talk to me. I was more t h an surprised as I barely k n ew her. At one time she had attended our church occasionally but since then had become an " Ed d y i t e ." She came in and began to tell me of her troubles, telling me, first of all, t h at she was a Christian Scientist. I ma de reply, "Well, Mrs. B„ I am a child of God and believe His Word, and a l t h o u gh it may seem r u de to you, according to His Wo rd in 2 J o hn 7.11 (and I read it tp h e r) I cannot entertain you in my h ome unless you let me talk of Jesus Christ. Now you can talk all you wa nt about Mrs. Eddy and I will talk of my Lo r d ." Although greatly t a k en back by this, she assented as she wanted to be helped in her domestic troubles. So she began about h er husband and her aw f ul sor- row and things which I k n ew were true. Af t er she h ad talked a while, I told her t h at according to her belief her h u s b a nd was not committing a sin, It was only " e r r o r ," it was all in her mind, to f o r g et it entirely, etc. At this, she became a n g ry and said, "If it were your h u s b a nd would you talk t h at w a y ?" " T h at is entirely different," I replied; " t he closer I live to God t he blacker sin becomes to me. As to Chris- tian Scientists, t he n e a r er they live to t h e ir teachings, t he sin becomes less." I then told her, h e r one need, and it took me nearly t h r ee h o u rs to convince her she was lost and needed a Saviour, b ut wh en she finally saw it, we got down on our k n e es together, and t h en such a prayer as came f r om h er heart, a prayer of praise and thanksgiving, and in it she said, "Oh, Jesus, with your own precious blood wa sh away my sins." She then hugged and kissed me. She is now one of t he happiest Chris- tians I know a nd is singing in our
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