ter, overcoming gravitation, resisting a nd utilizing many forces; as those of light and chemistry; it reproduces itself in f o rms of life and b e a u ty in endless variety. Science itself h as forced scep- itcs to become believers in creation by its discoveries in t he realm of vital n a t u r e. 4. Summa r y. T h e re are f o ur facts Science does not pretend to explain t he origin of, viz., ma t t e r, motion, life, and intellect. Moses accounts for t h em: of ma t t e r, he says, "God created t he heavens a nd t he e a r t h "; of life, "God created every living c r e a t u r e "; of in- tellect, "God created m a n in His own i ma g e "; the word " c r e a t e" is limited to these very problems; and as for motion, it is accounted for in t h at " t he Spirit of God mo v ed u p on t h e face of t he wa t e r s" ( t h e universal fluid). IV. CONCLUDING NOTE. The fii;st of all facts Is GOD, "in t he beginning God." Only the devout can. find H i m , P s. 1 0 : 1 0 ; H a b . 2 : 2 0 ; 1 T i m , 6 : 1 6 ; J o b 1 1 : 7 ; R o . 1 1 : 3 3 . N o e v i - dence of His being is of force with the proud minded, Mt. 5.8; Jn. 3 : 3; 1 Co. 2 : 1 4; Ps. 14:1. Creation is a Bu r n i ng Bush. He who puts his shoes f r om upon his feet may discover t he cause of the " g r e at sight," Ex. 33-6. He may hear t he Voice, the only voice t h at can say " I AM"; all others say me r e l y "I became," Ex. 3:13. Th e re is b ut One self-existent, Who is before all, above all, in all, t h r o u gh all, and for Wh om a re all things, Eph. 4.4; 2 Co. 1:17. Wh a t a wo n d e r! how great! how go- rious! how good! Our mind cannot compass Him, our eye cannot see Him. Wh en any can see him we may cry, "Woe is me! for I h a ve seen Go d !" and He is no taller t h an I can reach; no broader t h an I can embrace; no deeper t h an I can f a t h om ." Then we will put on our shoes and get back to our herd in t he Wilderness. L u t h er said, " I have often essayed to expound the Ten Commandments, b ut could never get be- yond, 'I am t he Lord thy God.' " MAN THE CROWN OF CREATION Lesson II. J a n u a ry 12. Gen. 1:26, 27 ; 2 : 4 - 2 5; Psa. 8. I. MAN'S NATURE. I ts threefold aspect (I Thes. 5 : 2 3) allies his body to material, his soul to animal, and his spirit to divine being. (1) "Du st of t he g r o u n d ." Cremate ma n 's body, collect its elements, and they prove identical with those of t he laboratory, to be bottled and labeled
t h at He is Almighty, All-present, All- wise, and All-beneficent, and also t he Inspirer of Scripture, for we have shown t h at s u p e r n a t u r al revelation alone could have discovered t he facts; and inspira- tion alone can account for the ma n n er and method, of t he record. III. CREATION. The constitution of n a t u re proves it to be created. .1. Matter. (1) Itself. It is t he stuff seen things are made of. It exists crudely in microscopic particles, every one of which the highest authorities declare to h a ve "all t he appearance of ma n u f a c t u r ed articles." Th at is, they a re not like cobblestones, b ut like bricks; not like chips, but like dove- tailed pieces. They a r e m a de to p u t together; like the letters of t he alpha- bet, they have no meaning without their fellows. (2) I ts combinations. Air, water, acids, gases, salts, are made up of these atoms, so adapted to go to- gether, and are combined in exact weights, measures, numbers, and pro- portions. A chemist's prescription is n o t s o e x a c t , I s a . 4 0 : 1 2 , J o b 2 8 : 2 5 . ( 3 ) Celestial a r r a n g eme n t s. The distances, times, velocities, masses of heavenly bodies are exactly proportioned. A costly chronometer is not so accurate. The slightest alteration in t he weight of a planet would wreck the system. Myriads of facts thus' prove, the being and presence of an Almighty creating and upholding Power "Doer of all these t h i n g s" (Am. 9 : 1 2 ). " T he un- devout astronomer is ma d ." 2. Motion. In our experience of ef- fects we produce we know t h at nothing moves save by will alone. Our bodies, all bodies, rest till we will t h em to move. F r om mi n u t e st atom to mighti- est sun all is incessant and intelligent motion. We justly infer, t h at it too is due to will. Never mind t h at we can- not see Him, we too a re invisible. We know t h at no ma t t er moves itself. In- visible will moves the dead weight of our bodies, and t h r o u gh it other mate- rial objects. Invisible Will moves all things and supports them, as we. our bodies, which, but for unseen will would collapse, H b . 1.3; Col. 1 : 1 5 - 1 7; J o b 9:5-12. Motion had a Creator. 3. Life. Life comes only f r om life. As cinders bear t he proof of f o rmer fire, facts show t h at E a r th was once too fiercely heated for life to have ex- isted in it. L i fe Is here. Th e r e f o re a Living One mu st have imparted it. Gen. SU.11, 20, 21, 2 7; 2 : 7 . L i fe is a p e r- petual miracle, quickening dead ma t-
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