King's Business - 1912-12

T h e WoncDers of R a d i u m. By Wm. T h om s on 1..'. .05 Wonderful as are the properties- of Rad- the author shows that it is the most striking all round symbol of the Holy Suirit known to man. Jtmurru t h e H o me of t h e No r t h e rn Semites. By P r o f. A. T. Clay, Yale University 1.25 The origin of Israel's religion as set forth in the' Old Testament is substantiated. Ch r o n o l o gy in t h e Bible. By Wil- lis J.. Be e c h er .25 A brief study of the sources and principles of Bible chronology. T ho Apostles as E v e r y d ay Men. By R o b e rt Ellis Th omp s o n .. .50 To see the Twelve as real men, with their weaknesses and noblè characteristics sym- pathetically set forth, is the privilege of et ery .reader of this book. ArcheoIogy!s Solution of Old Test- a m e n t Puzzles. By Rev. J o hn U r q u h a rt . .30 Brings within small compass some of the chief results of archaelogical work. D a t ed E v e n ts of t h e Old T e s t ame n t. By Willis J. Beecher.......... .50 An indispensable hand-book for the care- ful student, teacher or preacher. Deity of J e s us Christ. By S. W. P r a t t, D. D .50 The topic of the book is discussed from the standpoint of -the Gospel of John and is an analysis of that Gospel. F r o m t h e Nile to Nebo. By F r a n k- lin E. Ho s k i ns 3.00 A- Discussion of the Problems and the Koute of the Exodus. Illustrated with 85 halftones, contains 366 pages of type mat- ter. L i g ht on t h e Story of J o n a h. By H. Clay Trumbull.... .2 0 Light ' on the story friom Oriental re- searches beside the light from the Bible' itielf. Uight on t h e Old T e s t a m e nt f r om y Babel. By Rev. A. T. Clay........ 2.00 authoritative statement of the .results of recent archaeological discoveries, and the light they throw on the Old Testament. Our Mi s u n d e r s t o od Bible. By H. Clay T r umb u ll 1..

BOOKS FOR THE LAST DAYS .Antichrist ,„; 15 Who is He? Wh at will he do? Who a re his agents and forerunners? 'The G r e at Apostesy Set I n 15 Has it? If so, by what signs do you rec- ognize it? 'The Com i ng Golden Age— 15 What will it be like? When will it begin? How long wiil it last? iPrayer, a M i g h ty F o r ce in t h e Wo r k of Soul S a v i ng 15 A splendid small book the title of whicli .10 Wh at connection is there between the days of Noah and our present time? 'The C om i ng C r a sh b e t we en capital a nd labor .15 The argument is very convincingly set forth. T h e P a r a b le of t h e L e a v e n. By Rev. J. Denovan .10 A very convincing little book which shows •what the references t o leaven in Scripture ¡always mean. L e s s o ns of t h e Ag es f o r this age. By W. A. Mason ? 15 Why is man destined to be seven times a failure? W h a t Good Does I t D o ? 10 1 Or 36 eminently practical and blessed re- sults which the hope and preaching or Christ's return produces upon the heart and life. Mo d e rn Socialism. S a t a n ic or Di- vine, Wh i c h? By W. Ro b e r t s o n .. .05 An up-to-date examination of the princi- ples and practices of Socialism. Seventh Day Advenjrfsts. By J. R i t c h ie 05 Their Origin, History and Erroneous Doc- trines. \ y Seventh Day Adventisnn. By D. A. ' Berry, M. D .25 Whence it is. Wh at it means. Whither it tends; convincing and startling. T h e Mo r mo ns a n d T h e ir Doctrines. By J. Ritchie 05 Full of information. Da v id B r a i n e r d, t h e Mighty Man of P r a y er ~ 10 It will stimulate to devotion "and prayer. Tells how he prayed down a very Pente- cost upon the helpless heathen. Wo r l d ly Co n f o r m i ty in Dress. By >15 17"reasons against worldly conformity- in dress, 26 common excuses are answered. itells its own story. OThe Days of No ah E t e r n a l P u i s h m e nt 10 T h e S a t an of S c r i p t u r e. By W. A. Mason I... v a r i o us a u t h o rs (compiled)

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