CA newspaper Template 22.04.2024

22 Apr, 2024 Clarksdale, MS

of highlighting a local business each week, anticipation builds among residents eager to discover who will be the next recipient of this honor. Suggestions and nominations buzz through social media channels, community forums, and casual conversations at local gathering spots. Everyone has their favorite spot they hope will receive recognition, whether it’s the cozy bookstore where they found their favorite novel or the cozy diner where they’ve shared countless meals with family and friends. But beyond personal preferences, there’s a collective desire to see businesses that embody the spirit of Clarksdale showcased – those that prioritize community engagement, sustainability, and innovation. Whether it’s a farm-to-table restaurant sourcing ingredients from local growers or a startup using technology to revitalize traditional crafts, the ideal candidate is one that reflects the values and aspirations of the community. Moreover, the weekly spotlight serves as more than just a marketing boost for the chosen business; it’s an opportunity to deepen connections within the community. Each feature sparks conversations, fosters new collaborations, and inspires residents to explore what their town has to offer. It’s a reminder that behind every storefront is a story worth sharing and a person

or family pouring their heart and soul into their entrepreneurial endeavors. In a world where big-box retailers and online giants dominate the landscape, the commitment to supporting local businesses is a radical act of resistance – a declaration that the soul of a community cannot be commodified or homogenized. Clarksdale’s tradition of highlighting a local business each week is not just a nod to nostalgia or quaint tradition; it’s a testament to the resilience of community bonds and the enduring power of small-scale entrepreneurship. As the weeks unfold and the spotlight continues to shine on Clarksdale’s local businesses, one thing remains certain: the heart of this community beats strongest when its members come together to support, celebrate, and uplift one another. And in doing so, they weave a tapestry of resilience, creativity, and connection that defines the very essence of Clarksdale itself.

Coahoma Community College Wins New Grant with the Education

Design Lab for Rural College Practitioners By ALEXUS HUNTER

(Clarksdale, — Coahoma Community College was notified in early March that the institution stood out among a competitive pool and became a finalist for receiving a $50,000 Incentive Grant from the Education Design Lab for Rural College Practitioners. Mississippi) The Education Design Lab works with colleges across the United States to improve educational efforts. Some of the areas of emphasis have entailed micro- pathways and micro-credentialing. The purpose of the grant is to



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