July 2023


S everal years ago, I entertained the possibility of a career change. An opportunity became available for something I always said I wanted, but no matter how hard I tried, I just didn’t have peace about making the change. I remember talking to my parents about struggling with the decision, weighing the pros and cons, and Daddy asking me if I was unhappy with my current career. My response was no; I was actually very happy where I was and I enjoyed going to work every day. His next statement, as usual, was exactly what I needed to hear: “There is nothing wrong with being content.” I didn’t want or need a career change. Instead, I was trying to create something new and unnecessary for myself that God didn’t have planned for me. Why was I trying to stir up some change where nothing needed changing? Dictionary.com defines contentment as “satisfaction. Ease of mind.” Contentment is comfortable. It is happy and easy, not complicated, and, in my opinion, incredibly underrated in our world

today. Since that conversation with my parents, I have tried to be intentional about regularly taking inventory on who Liz Flippo is. Are the words I’m saying and the actions I’m choosing authentic? Or am I trying to fit an image or belong to a crowd I have no business belonging to? We were invited to a cocktail party over the Christmas holiday, and I stressed over what to wear for weeks. I roll my eyes thinking how much of my time was spent searching online boutiques and social media influencers to get ideas for the perfect outfit until I gave myself the most freeing, figurative slap in the face; no one cares what I wear. Who do I think I am to place so much value on what I would wear as a guest to a party our good friends are hosting? It wasn’t about me. As a girlfriend of mine would say, “do less, Liz.” I love being able to volunteer at my children’s schools. Getting to know the people who see my children every day is important to me, and I’ll volunteer as long as my kids let me. If their class needs a room mom, sign me up. Teachers give and do more than enough



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