Who and what are RESOC? The UWE Real Estate Soc i ety (RESOC) was founded i n 2017 by 3, second year UWE 'Real Estate' students and has grown i nto a great tool for the student body to take
the i r i nterest i n property to the next level and get real world exper i ence and make the i r own connect i ons . The soc i ety works closely w i th the course lecturers and s i m i lar soc i et i es at other un i vers i t i es to organ i se great events and help i mprove the employab i l i ty of our members .
• Offering talks from industry experts so that UWE students have better commercial knowledge. Who can jo i n the soc i ety? All UWE students past and present are more than welcome to join our society, but we specifically focus on attracting students interested in employment in the built environment. We are very keen to hear from UWE property alumni and rebuild connections with them . More i nformat i on about what we do i s ava i lable on our webs i te: www . resoc . co . uk and you can get i n touch w i th us v i a ema i l at: i nfo@resoc . co . uk or speak to one of us th i s even i ng at the auct i on .
Who are the comm i ttee? We are a committee of 5 people consisting of various roles from different RICS accredited courses at the University of the West of England (UWE). We run the society because we are all focused on improving our career and building our networks from as early as possible and getting to know everyone on our courses. What i s the a i m of the soc i ety? The aim of our society is to help our members to develop employability, extend networks and build friendships. We do this by: • Organising social events for everyone to get to know people in different years and courses. • Giving our members opportunities to interact with industry experts by hosting events that will attract both professionals and students.
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