NVME 2020 Annual Summary

New Ventures Maine is a statewide program of the University of Maine at Augusta, University of Maine System, an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.

FY 2020 Financial Summary Budget: $1,838,808

Program Summary (continued)

PROGRAM AREAS Starting a Business


Served 632 new and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Federal $115,960

Awarded 7 marketing mini-grants to spur growth.

Other Sources $232,615

Building Careers

State $986,503

Served 241 individuals with training and individual assistance.

Hosted three in-person Totally Trades Conferences and 8 virtual career sessions, providing hands-on and online workshops to 367 8th-12th grade girls statewide.

Managing Money

Served 415 individuals with training and individual assistance.

Grants $503,730

Completed our 5th year of partnership with CA$H Maine bringing information and assistance to 4,406 tax filers. Supported 80 Family Development Account holders and 123 Rainy Day Savings account holders. DEMOGRAPHIC PROFILE OF PARTICIPANTS* Gender Women 73% Men 26% Non-binary/Undisclosed 1% Income From households at/below 200% of HHS poverty 75% From households above 200% HHS poverty 25% Work Unemployed 34% Employed or self-employed 62% Retired or semi-retired 4% Age Under 35 27% 35-54 50% 55+ 23% Education Did not complete HS 9% HS diploma, HiSET or GED 44% Associates Degree 9% Trade School Certificate 9% Bachelors Degree or higher 29%


Communications $25,404

Indirect Costs $41,229

Travel/Staff Development $23,407

Facilities/Tech/ Equipment $47,366

Supplies & Materials $14,304

Supportive Services/Grants $61,028

Grants/ Cash Forward $359,309

Staffing $1,266,761

Program Summary


In 2020 we provided training and/or individual assistance to 1,253 Maine people statewide.

Training attendees


Persons receiving Individual Assistance


*derived from registration data obtained from 1,199 participants

Girls attending Totally Trades conferences


Annual Summary 2020


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