Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme

Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme | 22

ώ All Applicants will be encouraged to consider and report on any positive contribution their activities can have in supporting the 6 principles of DNSH. Appendix C – Procurement Guidelines Public Procurement is governed by EU legislation and national rules and guidelines with the aim of promoting an open, competitive and non-discriminatory public procurement regime which delivers best value for money. The EU Procurement Directives were transposed into Irish Law in 2016 and 2017 under S.I. No. 284/2016 (the “2016 Regulations”); S.I. No. 286/2016 (the “2016 Utilities Regulations”) and S.I. No. 203/2017 (the “2017 Concessions Regulations”). In addition, succcessful applicants should be aware that the public funding of expenditures of private bodies gives rise to procurement obligations for those bodies. This is particularly so where the public funding represents a substantial portion of the costs (i.e. over 50%), as is the case in this fund. The extent of those obligations will depend on the value and type of the expenditure. In general, the higher the value of the expenditure, the greater the obligation. ώ National Thresholds are set out in 2.1 and 2.2 of Circular 05/2023 - Initiatives to assist SMEs in Public Procurement. ώ Accordingly, expenditures (a) over €215,000 (excluding VAT) for goods and/or services contracts and (b) over €5,382,000 (excluding VAT) for construction works contracts, bring the relevant contract within the terms of current Regulations requiring advertising on the European Journal. ώ Where the value of the relevant works, goods or services supply contract is below the relevant threshold then less prescriptive tender (or obtaining quotations for very low-cost works) requirements apply, which are set out in the Government Procurement Guidelines of November 2019 and updated on 7 th September 2021 10 . Appendix D – Evaluation Process The completed Application (both parts) will be subjected to a detailed evaluation process in 3 stages, post eligibility checks being successfully completed: Evaluation Stage 1: (All Streams) ώ Due diligence and project evaluation will be completed by Enterprise Ireland on eligible applications received, but Commercial & Technical Evaluators may also be used during this stage. ώ Enterprise Ireland reserves the right to employ an external Commercial and/or Technical Evaluator to assist in the evaluation process. These Evaluators will submit their reports to an Enterprise Ireland Evaluation Panel.

10 - Thresholds (

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