25 | Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme
Evaluation Panel meetings will be scheduled monthly over the duration of the open competitive call but may be more or less frequent if the circumstances so require, at the discretion of the Chair. Evaluation criteria to be applied to Scheme applications Funding will be awarded to successful applications following the evaluation process. All applications will be evaluated against the following criteria: Evaluation Criteria Weighting Impacts, Value for Money and Project Delivery 20% Collaboration and Participation 15% Viability and Sustainability 20% Building Regional Strengths 20% Innovation & Capability Building 25% Total 100% Applicants that are being considered for support under Stream One, Stream Two, Stream Three, and for Stream Four (Priming) must have attained a minimum 70% of the score available. Applicants for Stream Four (Feasibility) must attain a minimum 60% of the available score. A minimum score of 41% of marks available in each of the 5 criteria is also required for support. Impacts, Value for Money and Project Delivery – 20% ώ Demonstrate the additional regional gaps which have been identified and are being addressed, and the alignment of the proposal with Smart Regions objectives. ώ Demonstrate that projects can commence and start implementation within 12 months of approval. As part of this, applicants should demonstrate the structure and resources to deliver against KPIs. ώ Demonstrate how the project can deliver economic impacts and benefits to enterprises within the region within the first 5 years and during the lifetime of the project. ώ Demonstrate value for money. As part of this, demonstrate how the project will have positive enterprise impacts for start-ups, scaling companies or entrepreneurs in the region. Collaboration and Participation – 15% ώ Demonstrable industry support/need/benefit. Evidence of collaboration between a range of stakeholders to develop and implement the proposal and having appropriate governance and structures and a diverse range of shareholders. ώ Building linkages between different sectors and subsectors on convergence and innovation opportunities and other issues so as to enable the end-users of Stream One and Three projects to receive enhanced services, or to enable Stream Two projects to develop the clustering/consortia offering, or to facilitate enhanced feasibility or priming projects under Stream Four. That is, to build on the ecosystem of MNCs and exporting/sub supply SMEs, and start-ups and between micro enterprise and other businesses and interests.
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