Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme | 26
ώ Appropriate industry, 3rd level, R&D and/or Local Authority linkages locally, regionally and nationally e.g., collaboration with key stakeholders (e.g., EI, LEO, Regional Skills Fora, Education & Training Board (ETB), Higher and Further Education Institutes, and Chambers of Commerce etc Viability and sustainability – 20% ώ Demonstrate a clear path toward financial self-sustainability 11 . ώ Outline proposed climate actions initiatives, or targets proposed in this project in support of the 6 principles of DNSH and Climate Proofing where appropriate. ώ Workable business /project plan with cash flows, including other sources of finance for project identified. ώ Proven track record of promoters in delivering and implementing projects. ώ Outline key performance metrics and timelines for project delivery. Show a credible value proposition for the regions. Building Regional Strengths – 20% ώ Building on existing or potential geographical strengths by sectors. ώ Projects demonstrate how they will have a positive impact on entrepreneurial activity and/or the productivity and/or the innovative capability of enterprises in the Region. ώ Projects which align with and support strategic objectives of the Regional Enterprise Plans and Ireland’s Smart Specialisation Strategy. ώ Leveraging of existing public/private infrastructure in the area. Innovation & Capability Building – 25% ώ Define the key enterprise capability building initiatives. ώ Define the target enterprise audience for these initiatives and their potential impact. ώ Outline how this initiative will build innovation in target companies in the region. ώ Additionality of these initiatives to enterprise in the regions. ώ How the initiatives will build resilience in enterprise in the region to respond to market challenges. In the event that funding in a competitive call is limited, and two or more applicants (of the same Stream) have the same overall score, the projects will be ranked in the following order: a. The applicant with the highest score under the ‘Innovation and Capability Building’ criteria, b. If the scores are still even the applicant with the highest score under ‘Impacts, Value for Money and Project Delivery’ criteria, and c. If the scores are still even, the applicant with the highest score under ‘Viability and Sustainability’ criteria.
11 For Stream 3 applicants will be evaluated against an available De Minimis balance
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