Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme

Smart Regions Enterprise Innovation Scheme | 2

The aim of the Smart Regions Scheme is to accelerate economic growth across all regions with a focus on enterprise development. The Smart Regions Scheme will support the development of innovative services through local infrastructure, innovation clusters, Services to SME’s and early-stage feasibility and priming research. This will lead to the establishment of modern innovation infrastructure, organisations focused

on disseminating knowledge, and innovation clusters. The scheme, with a total value of €145.3m will support: 1. Local infrastructure projects 2. Innovation clusters and consortia 3. Services to SMEs to drive Innovative Solutions 4. Feasibility & Priming Grants

In accordance with Section 7 (1) (i) of the Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Act 1998, this Scheme shall be administered by Enterprise Ireland, using funds made available for that purpose by the Department of Enterprise, Trade & Employment with the consent of both the Minister for Enterprise Trade & Employment and the Minister for Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery & Reform. From a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) perspective, the scheme is being delivered by Enterprise Ireland as an Intermediary Body under two ERDF Regional Programmes. While overall responsibility for managing the Regional Programmes rests with the Managing Authorities, Article 71(3) of Regulation (EU) 2021/1060 allows that a Managing Authority may identify one or more intermediary bodies to carry out certain tasks under its responsibility. The Managing Authorities have identified Enterprise Ireland as the Intermediate Body for the delivery of the Smart Regions Scheme. Please note, all queries relating to the Smart Region Scheme or if you would like to receive a copy of the application pack (including workbook) please email

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