lion that is covering the earth. God’s laborers will not have any results in attempting to turn a parliament or a congress or a United Nations or any other such movement to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. We labor to make known God’s good gospel so that indi viduals may be transformed. Free Fund Depleted Because there is a shortage in .our Free Fund, a number of missionaries, shut-ins, hospital patients, and others without extra assistance, cannot enjoy reading T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . Your gift toward this Fund will aid in this help ful ministry. Just send to T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e s s —today!
* SEE SONGS FOR CHILDREN by lend Seley Lawrence Ideal for Home, Sunday School, Chil Evangelism, program presentation. Wendell Loveless says: “ Different.. . fine sense of melody and musical taste. Catchy melodies and well expressed statements.” (“ Build the Ark, Noah” , “ The Gospel Umbrella“ , “ Only a Boy Named David” , etc.)
September 4, 1949 "WORTHY OF HIS HIRE" Luke 10:1-7
There Is No Program for Bringing Rest to a Restless World God’s message calls individuals to rest in Christ (Matt. 11:28). His pro gram is not a national, but a personal one. God’s laborers receive their wages from God and are engaged in the busi ness of solving individual problems and bringing men to Christ who alone can bring rest to a restless heart. There never has been and probably never will be until the millennium a nation that turns to God. Let us occupy our time and effort in winning individuals tc the Lord Jesus Christ. There Is No Hope Held Out for Better Conditions 2 Tim. 3:13 The labors of great foundations, the riches of financiers, the volumes from the pens of men all fail to stop or stem the flood of wickedness and rebel
The Scripture tells us that “the la bourers are few.” There are many loaf ers, critics, faultfinders, spectators, and dictators, but few real laborers. The field of true service for our blessed Lord is wide open to those who know God’s will and are trained to serve Him intel ligently and acceptably. Certainly all religious activity is not inspired by the Spirit of God nor does it emanate from heaven. God’s laborers pay no atten tion to the clock or the thermometer or the pay envelope. They are wholly occupied with doing the will of God any where, any time. There Is No Instruction for Service Nowhere does God tell us how to preach or how to serve or how to teach or how to give or how to sing. The Spirit of God is free always to direct each person in paths of usefulness as He sees fit. Sunday schools must be operated according to the good judg ment of those in charge under the guid ance of the Holy Spirit. Giving and singing and ushering must all be di rected by the Spirit of God according to the conditions that exist. Each Chris tian is expected to do his best and his utmost every day and all day. There is no limit to what he may do for God. There Is No Instruction for Correcting the World’s Evils God has not told His laborers how to clean up the filth of this world. There are no directions for fighting the liquor traffic or the tobacco habit or the theater or the gambling houses. God’s laborers are busy making known God’s will as revealed in His Word. It is the gospel of God’s grace that cleans up. It is the work of the Spirit of God exalting Christ Jesus that defeats Sa tan’s program and brings order out of chaos. God’s plan is the only success ful one.
75 Old Testament Stories In song, prayer and sea sonal songs, with Gospel application. $1 per copy. From your Christian supply store or • S INGING STOR I ES 296 North 5th Street, San Jose 12, California M Y L I F E I Hi THE CONVENT A BOOK OF FACTS A detailed description of black nunnery in Bristol. Twenty-four great chapters. Margaret Shepherd, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible ex periences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of Bristol convent. The most terrible revelations ever recorded. OVER 6,000,000 COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on the papal curse. No book like this in print! Read this frightful, heart-breaking story and learn the truth concern ing convent life. 258 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.50. The edition is limited . . . so order at once. Gospel Art Shoppe,'Dept. KB-8, Rowan, Iowa
I t J-fappened on— August 1 6 , 1 8 0 7
Robert Fulton began the first successful steamboat journey from New York City to Albany. Large crowds witnessed this beginning of a new era in the field of marine transportation. Just two years later, THE NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY inaugurated a new era in the religious life of New York
City. The year 1809 marked the beginning of the Society’s earnest work to bring the Word of God to the city’s poor, needy and unfortunate. During the last 140 years over 30,000,000 Scriptures have been distributed by the Society, a measure less contribution to a revival and strengthening of the faith. THE ANNUITY PLAN OF THE NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY enables you to share in this much needed work. Your funds, invested in a New York Bible Society Annuity, are used to bring the comfort and cheer of the Bible to those less for tunate. In return you receive a substantial income for life. Plan to “invest your funds for G od!” Write for our free descriptive booklet today! R e v . D . J. F a n t , General Secretary NEW YORK BIBLE SOCIETY sEas' i s N ew Y o r k 17 , N .Y .
A U G U S T , 1 9 4 9
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