September 11, 1949 RELIGIOUS ROOTS OF EDUCATION Deut. 6:4-9
not controlled by Christian principles or influenced by Christian teaching. The ungodly educated man is a menace in stead of a blessing. Unless God’s Word is read in our schools and impregnated upon the minds of our children, we shall rear a generation of wicked, rebellious people who regard neither God nor man. The Knowledge of the Lord Is a Preventive of Sin Sin is a product of self-seeking. Wars come from selfishness and the desire for gold. Only the teaching of God’s grace and the ministry of God’s gospel can prevent the hatching of the vipers which poison society and wreck the life of the nation. The presence of the Bible is itself a preventive of sin. The prac tice of Bible principles thwarts the plans of Satan. The enjoyment of the Bible program brings the peace and prosperity to which men are entitled There is no substitute for the Bible. The Knowledge of the Lord Enables His Spirit to Operate The Spirit of God is the Spirit of life and of light. Only He can change men from being strictly animal to being unusual children of God. An educated man who is unsaved manifests his ani mal instincts and desires and brooks no restraint. “Man [is] bom . . . a wild ass’s colt” and does not wish anyone to rule him. Only the Spirit of God can make each man a free man so that he will use his education for God’s glory. has proved that where the Word of God is known and loved, educational programs flourish, morals are uplifted, and society is blessed. Why do not educators see that the rejection of Christianity is resulting in a wave of crime, sin, lust, and every form of iniq uity? “The World By Wisdom Knew Not God” 1 Cor. 1:21 No amount of education produces godliness or godly living. The study of mathematics is essential, but mathe matics without Christ may become very cruel. Chemistry is necessary, yet chemistry without Christ is wicked. Lit erature should develop culture, but literature without Christ produces pride, arrogancy, and self-sufficiency. One can not be considered to have proper edu cation unless the Word of God has its place of authority in regulating the life. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
Godly living depends upon godly teaching. The family altar in the home plus godly teaching in the classroom will produce a generation of God-fear ing men and women. Unfortunately both are not only neglected but also rejected. The written Word and the living Word are excluded from most homes and from many classrooms. There can be no true education without the knowl edge of God and His Word. “ The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowl edge.” The Knowledge of the Lord Is Essential for Education The heathen have no institutions of learning, for their minds have not been enlightened by the gospel of God’s grace. Educational processes do not flourish in taverns, dance halls, and gambling dens, but only where the re straints of God’s Word are exercised. Where the Bible is loved and honored, the mind becomes enlightened, thought becomes constructive, and educational processes flourish. When this is absent, moral decay sets in and life becomes decadent and filled with sin. The Knowledge of the Lord Is Fundamental With sin ruling in the human heart, educational values can have true re alization only as the Word of God con trols the animal emotion and evil de sires present in human life. Our prisons are filled with educated men who were Yes, man can be educated without religion, but it is an education which results in riotous living and unre strained lust. In many universities and colleges, lust, and liquor, profanity and tobacco are the rule, with no restraint from the educators. Recent debacles on the campuses of two Midwestern uni versities aré evidence sufficient that education without Christ and the Bible only makes men more clever and more zealous in the practice of the lusts of their bodies. The rights of others are ignored. “They Have Rejected the Word of the Lord” Jer. 8:9b Many centuries ago in Jeremiah’s day, it was recognized that the rejection of God’s Word was the reception of Satan’s program. The darkness of un belief feeds the destructiveness of sin and hearts are left depraved. History
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September 18, 1949 CAN WE EDUCATE WITHOUT RELIGION? Prov. 3:1-6, 13-18; John 8:31, 32
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