King's Business - 1949-08

Light Comes From the Word of God Isa. 8:20 Every great invention has been a product of Christian association. The typewriter, the fountain pen, the tele­ phone, and telegraph are the products of minds produced in the atmosphere of the Word of God. The steam engine, the gas engine, the aeroplane, the au­ tomobile, the outboard motor are all products of minds trained in Christian surroundings. The electric light, the ra­ dio, the clock, dentures, spectacles, and locks were designed and devised in Christian countries. Our lawmakers have decided that our young people will become splendid law- abiding citizens of the stalwart type who founded our present republic, if they are denied access to the Word of God and refused permission to know anything about God. They have failed to read history. They have ignored the lessons of history. They have refused the examples that history provides. No people have ever yet prospered intel­ lectually or morally who removed, ig­ nored, or repudiated God’s Word as re­ vealed in the Bible. The Head and the Heart Must Be The head directs our thought but the heart directs our action. Both must be illuminated by the Word of God if the results are to be good. It is God’s plan that we should live in the atmosphere of the Scriptures constantly. The Word of God should occupy our thoughts throughout the day and the night. The Scripture will direct our steps and our stops. They will lead us in paths of righteousness, godliness, honesty, and justice. The absence of God’s Word leaves the child with no restraint.- All Are to Be Taught By the Lord Isa. 54:13 Only the power of God and the re­ straint of the Word of God can keep our children from being thieves, van­ dals, and criminals. The human heart is born wrong. The fear of human laws has a restraining power to a certain extent. And the fear of God’s laws has a restraining power to a greater de­ gree. The reading of the Ten Command­ ments, the warnings concerning hell and God’s judgments always have restrained sin and sinners much more. It will do so still if made known to the children. All Do Not Receive the Teaching Luke 13:26 Because of the great variety of re­ ligions with many strange interpreta­ tions, it became necessary to forbid the Prepared Deut. 6:7

The Way of Darkness Follows the Rejection of the Scriptures Prov. 4:19 We readily see in our country and in other lands how the darkness of the devil permeates society when the re­ straining power of the Word of God is removed. If we mingle with the crowd at a baseball game or a prize fight or a football game or on Coney Island and listen to the conversations, we find very quickly that culture, refinement, godli­ ness, and enlightenment have been re­ placed by profanity, filth, liquor, and tobacco. When the light of the Word of God is shut out, the darkness- of Satan enters. teaching of religion in the schools. This is easily understood. However, if our boys and girls can hear the Word of God read to them daily, then the Scriptures would themselves have a very blessed effect on the hearts and lives of those who hear. When they hear nothing about God’s plan and purpose and are not acquainted with His judgments, then they feel free to do as they please. What they please to do is not always pleasant or profitable. Christ Is a Good Teacher Eph. 4:21 Christ’s ministry leads one to put off evil habits and to put on good ways. He never leads one to drink or to be profane or to be lustful. His path is one of kindness and consideration, hon­ esty and justice. He teaches us to re­ spect the rights of others. All the teaching of God’s Word is against sin and for righteousness. All the com­ mandments of God are for our good and profit. Let us seek in every way to re­ store the reading of God’s Word to our children in the public schools.

m C h o ir & A A 1 A / U C p „ / p , y l i t m u s Ü Fine materials, beautiful work, pleasingly low prices. Catalog and samples on request. State your needs and name of church. DeMoulin Bros. & Co. 1126 So. 4th St., Greenville, 111. SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original introductions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performance. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E. HOOKER 558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles 13, Calif. ¿ ^ P R O F I T â œ With our complete, fast-selling, religious line— SCRIPTURE TEXT, PLASTIC CARDS, Every­ day Cards, Plaques, Calendars, Stationery, Bibles, Books, Novelties, Gifts, etc. Good profit easily made. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write today for full information and liberal Wholesale Price List. C. W. BOYER CO. Dept. KB Dayton 5, Ohio CHURCH BULLETINS Large Assortment—Self Selection Lithographed—Special Days General Use Be Sure to Get Our Free Catalog and Samples ECCLESIA STICA L ART PRESS Dept. K Louisville 12, Ky. L A N T E R N S L I D E S Missionaries and Christian Workers: You can have your black and white snapshots or printed pictures turned into beautiful colored glass slides (2"x2^ or 3^4"x4") at 75 cents each. (Discount on quan­ tity.) Over 15 progressive years at this address. Los Angeles 42, Calif. TW O CHRISTMAS BOXES 21 beautifully colored folders with Scripturewerses, or 21 with quotations. Prices (either) Sample $1.00, 2 for $1.50, 3. for $2.00, and 5 for $3.00, postpaid. Also Everyday Cards, large colored fold­ ers. 14 in box for $1.00, 3 for $2.00. A real buy. H. L. De Vail 52 Woodbridge Avenue New Brunswick. N. J. C. WHITFIELD SIMS Phone CLeveland 66129 6176 Myosotis Street

September 25, 1949 RELIGION IN SCHOOLS TODAY Prov. 8:1-11; 2 Pet. 1:1-9

Soulwinmng h y m n su m s a o em a cieF u tu res


Three young men won to Christ at one serv­ ice. Each slide produced after much prayer and study of God’s word. (H I) Faith of Our Fathers. 9 Double Frame Pictures. (H2) The Church’s One Foundation.12 Double Frame Pictures. (H3) Yield Not to Temptation. 15 Double Frame Pictures. (H4) Rescue the Perishing. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H5) Rock of Ages. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H6) Dare to be a Daniel. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H7) Throw Out the Life Line. 12 Double Frame Pictures. (H8) Hark the Herald Angels Sing. 12 DoubleFrame Pictures. (H9) Onward Christian Soldiers 12 Double Frame Pictures.

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Price per Double Frame film strip—only $4.50. On 2x2 readymounts, per slide 50c. Glass binders, per slide 60c. Place your orders early. Write for descriptive pamphlet of Bible Stories, Children’s Stories, etc. ADDRESS DEPT. KB Produced by GOSPEL SLIDE and FILM SERVICE 923 South Eye Street, Tacoma 3, Wash.

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