King's Business - 1949-08

T A HQ U I T Z P I N E S Vacation with a Purpose Summer Conferences Junior High July 30—August 6, or August 6-13 Senior High August 13-20, or August 20-27 College August 27 -.September 3 For information write LOS ANGELES COUNTY CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR 756 So. Broadway, Los Angeles 14, Calif.

F O R G I V E N E S S Some years ago a band of brigands attacked the homestead of a Manchurian farmer named Tung. They tied him up, burned his home, and carried off his property. Tung, who was a humble Chinese Christian, did not inform the authorities. He bore his loss, restored his home, and went on with his work. About two years afterward, he met in the city one of the robber band, who, seeing that he was recognized, begged for mercy. Tung said, “ I do not bear any grudge against you. Tell me about yourself.” The man, hardly believing his ears, told the story of his troubles. His feet were frostbitten, he owed money at the inn, but had none left, and he was in need of food. “ Well,” Tung said, “ go back and get some food,” and he gave him some money, adding, “ go back and pay your account if you can. I will call for you tomorrow and take you to the hospital.” The man, who feared that behind his generosity there must be some plot to capture him, would fain have run away in the night, but found it impossible, his feet were so bad. Next day Tung came for him in his own cart and took him to the hospital, saying to himself, “ Perhaps he will learn of Jesus as I did, and will come out a different man.” And he did. —Missionary Review of the World. When we see the lilies spinning in distress, Talcing thought to manufacturing their loveliness, When we see the birds all building barns for store;, Twill be time for us to worry: NOT BEFORE.

HITCHHIKING ON PURPOSE (Continued from Page 16) He ran out in the road and stopped the car. I did not hear the conversation, but the man came back and said, “ Go back into town and tell Rev. Lee to tele­ phone me.” The next morning there was an army truck at the door, and the man driving it had orders to take one passenger di­ rectly to the border. There were no cars going, because a bridge was out, but the Lord arranged a ride for me. One of the most interesting persons I have ever met was a Jew who gave me a ride. He would get out to sell his wares, and I would get out and hand out tracts. I said to this young Jew, “ Do you know why the Jews are going back to their homeland?” “ I know they’re going back, but I don’t know why.” I gave him Scripture after Scripture pertaining to the Jews’ return to Pales­ tine, and I had a wonderful time talking to him. Golden Opportunities There is a verse in the Bible which reads like this: -“ Buy up every oppor­ tunity as a merchantman would buy up a scarce commodity.” Many people say to me, “ Why do you travel like this? Why don’t you just have a church and preach?” Where in the world could I have a chance to talk to such a variety of peo­ ple about the Lord as I do in this min­ istry of mine? In one day I was picked up by a contractor, a Jewish whiskey salesman, another salesman, a college man, a high school principal, a manu­ facturer, and an army captain on his way to his mother’s funeral. On another day I was picked up by a salesman, two Jehovah’s Witnesses, a manufacturer, a Seventh Day Adventist, a truck driver, and a Greek Orthodox priest. When I get into a car beside a man, believe me, he hears the gospel of grace, because that is all I know—sal­ vation by grace, plus nothing! Overripe Harvest Fields I was riding with a man not long ago through the wheat country. “ Elmer, why are those fields white?” I asked. “ That’s wheat,” he replied. “ Wheat!” I exclaimed, “I always thought that wheat was a golden color.” “Yes,” he said, “ it is when it is ripe, but when it is overripe, it begins to turn white.” “ Oh, now I know why the Lord said, ‘The fields are white. They are overripe, but the laborers are few’.” May the Lord keep us wide awake, “ on our toes” for Him! Reprinted from THE GOOD NEWS BROAD­ CASTER. Lincoln, Nebr. Used by permission. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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By DR. HARUN J . ROPER, Scofield M emorial


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