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Pointers on the Lesson, H om er A . K e n t , T h .D . Helps for the Children, A l l iso n A rrowood
Lesson material is based upon outlines of the International Sunday School Lessons copyrighted by the International Council of Religious Education; used by permission.
September 4, 1949 PSALMS OF JUSTICE Psa. 49:1-7; Psa. 82
The psalms selected for this week’s study have to do with very practical matters. They have to do with the life lived in this world. Our religion after all is a very down-to-earth affair. It helps folks to meet the problems that they face in their everyday lives. The Impotency of Riches Psa. 49:1-7 A solemn invitation is extended to all men in verses 1 to 4 to listen to the mes sage the psalmist has to give. It is a message of universal interest. They are words of wisdom and understanding. What he has to tell to others, the psalm ist first listens to himself (v. 4). He speaks of that which he has to tell as a parable and a dark saying or riddle. It all adds up to the idea that what is to be listened to is of profound and far-reach ing importance. The psalmist has re ceived it by revelation. The whole idea that he wants to pre sent is the impotency of wealth. Wealth cannot save from death. Even though many make a god of riches, they will find that wealth will be powerless to keep any one out of the grave. And no one can take any of his wealth with him BIBLE QU IZ Bible Rhymes 1. A famous tower and a son of Adam and Eve. 2. A character noted for his patience and garment put on Christ just be fore the crucifixion. 3. A famous city and a musical instru ment. 4. A weapon and the word omitted in the phrase “ Be of good . . . . ” 5. A king of Bashan and an animal often mentioned in Scripture. 6. A heathen god and a bird once sent as food to the Children of Israel. 7. One of the “forbidden” birds men tioned in Leviticus 11 and a fowl. 8. A perfume and a tree.
when he departs from the earthly scene. The thought of verse 7 is very likely borrowed from Exodus 21:30, 31 where in cases of neglect, a man’s life might be redeemed by paying a ransom to the relatives of a deceased person. Thus there were cases in which wealth could deliver from death when man was deal ing with man. But when God claims a life, riches are of no avail. A Plea for Justice Psa. 82 Here is presented a judgment scene. The responsibility of earthly judges to the Supreme Judge is set forth. Earthly judges are representatives of Him. Verse 1 presents God as the Supreme Judge taking His stand in the congregation and the human judges (called gods) ap pearing before Him. Verses 2 to 4 find God reprimanding these judges for their injustice and partiality, and outlining for them their real duties. Verses 5 to 7 offer the solemn picture of human judges seemingly incapable of reformation with the result that society is in a turmoil. However, it is evident that things could be different if only these who were God’s representatives would seek God’s wis dom. They were His children. God is always ready to enable His children to do what they ought to do. None of God’s children has any real excuse for failure because God is able to give the victory that is needed. The psalmist concludes with a prayer that God himself may assume the gov ernment of the world. One cannot help but think of that day when the Lord will come to this earth as King of kings and Lord of lords and set up His kingdom here. He will rule in righteousness from one end of the earth to the other. The Judge of all the earth will do right. Not till then will things be right in the earth. Till then God’s servants should seek to be filled with the Spirit so that their ac tions one toward another may be of such character as will reflect their identifi cation with Him who is the Supreme Judge of the universe.
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—Vernon Howard in Lively Bible Quizzes
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