King's Business - 1949-08

Lord told is found in the New Testa­ ment in Luke 15:11-32. The father of the prodigal son had many reasons for which he might have been angry with his younger son. The boy had wasted his money and had brought disgrace to his family. When the boy decided to return home, his father loved him and forgave him even before the son had found time to ask for forgiveness. How like God was this father! See what David, the psalmist says. God’s love is even greater than that of a human father. He not only forgives the sins of His children, but He takes them away completely. He forgets as well as forgives, too! Sometimes earthly parents lose their patience with their children, but God is always “slow to anger.” Pointers on the Lesson What the chart and compass are to the mariner as he guides his ship on the bounding sea, the Word of God is to Christians in their pilgrimage through this world. Three psalms have been se­ lected for this week’s study which have special bearing upon the daily conduct of the child of God. In these passages there is clearly set forth the manner of folk Christians ought to be. Things Necessary for Unbroken Fellow­ ship. Psa. 15 The psalm opens in verse 1 with a question as to what kind of people will livq in intimate fellowship with the Lord. The following verses give the an­ swer. We are not to suppose that fol­ lowing out the instructions of verses two to five will bring salvation. Salva­ tion comes only through reposing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The passage before us means that those who are saved, truly born again, will seek to live in accordance with the ideals set forth in these verses. The more per­ fectly the ideals are realized, the more intimate' will the enjoyment of God’s presence be. Note the things that ought to charac­ terize a believer’s life: (1) a Consistent walk, v. 2 ; (2) a righteous conduct, v. 2 ; (3) a truthful attitude, v. 2; (4) a non­ gossiping tongue, v. 3; (5) a neighborly consideration, v. 3; (6) a hatred of evil, v. 4; (7) a lover of the good, v. 4; (8) an unchangeable fidelity, v. 4; and (9) honesty in business, v. 5. The psalm closes by asserting that they who do these things shall not be moved from the place of the fullest enjoyment of God. Qualification for Holy Association Psa. 24:1-6 This is the psalm of the King. It is the third of a magnificent trilogy: chapter 22 is the psalm of the Suffering Shep­ herd; chapter 23 of the Risen Shepherd; and, as previously indicated, chapter 24 is the psalm of the Reigning Shepherd Verses 1 and 2 give us the King’s pos­ session. The earth belongs to Christ. A U G U S T , 1 9 4 9

When Christians sin, if they quickly seek their Father’s face, they will find forgiveness and joy at once. Some Christians pray many times, even for many months or years, for God’s for­ giveness for the same sin. They do not believe what God says, “ As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions [sins] from us” . The first time that a child of God asks God’s forgiveness for a sin, that sin is taken away forever. It is lack of faith in God’s Word to pray more than once that this sin be forgiven. So it is with those who are not saved. They need not plead a long time with God to save them. The minute that their hearts ask God for salvation, and they believe His Word, they become His chil­ dren forever!

sent the associates of the King when He comes back again to assume control of His millennial kingdom. This company will doubtless include those Israelites who will believe during the Tribulation period and also the company of Gentiles who will learn righteousness when the judgments of the Lord are upon the earth. But the thing of practical impor­ tance is that those so blessed will be those who have experienced practical righteousness which is the fruit of faith. It is always true that “ the pure in heart” shall see God (Matt. 5:8). This purity can only be realized through the new birth (John 3:3) which issues in purity of life. A Prayer for Holy Living Psa. 143:8-10 This is the kind of a prayer the Christian ought to offer at the begin­ ning of each day. We need to be given guidance for the untrodden way of each returning day. We need strength to overcome the many enemies that con­ tinually seek to defeat the Christian. We need to know God’s will and to have a passion to accomplish it.

September 18, 1949 PSALMS FOR DAILY LIVING Psa. 15; 24:1-6; 143:8-10

Satan got control temporarily due to the entrance of sin. But Christ will re­ gain control. Verses 3 through 6 pre-


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