King's Business - 1949-08

another man’s health; or why God leaves this Christian with $20,000.00 a year and takes away practically every penny from some other man. But nothing “hap­ pens” in the providence of God. Some time ago a Christian friend and I were recounting our experiences over a period of twenty-five years. During all that time, I had lacked no necessary provision. My friend told me that before the depression he had supported ten missionaries. But he said that when the collapse of 1929 came, his entire for­ tune was wiped away, and many a day he and his wife had sat at the break­ fast table drinking coffee without sugar or cream because they did not have suffi­ cient money to buy these supplies. God had seen best to test him severely, but the full purpose of that testing and of the glorious testimony that grew out of it can be known only when we are at home with the Lord. My friends, never try to find out rea­ sons for the providences of God. If you do so, your soul will grow dark and cold. Just trust God, and you will learn some day that all the tears and heartaches were essential as God views human needs. Poor Jacob cried, “ All these things are against me,” when he heard that Benjamin was ’wanted in Egypt after Joseph' had been taken away from him. But later he came to see that the very things that seemed to be against him had worked out for his good and for the preservation of his whole family. When you stand on the glory side and look at the pathway along which you have come, you will thank God for the loving heart that planned and for the pierced hand that led you all the way. In joy or sorrow, in sickness or health, in riches or in poverty, in life or in death, our testimony is to the assur­ ance of God’s unfailing purpose: “ And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur­ pose.” “We know” only in part here, but there we shall fully know. Finally, Heaven is to be an eternal place. There we shall not have to gauge our time by clocks and calendars. We shall have all the eternal ages in which to worship, praise, and serve our won­ derful Lord. In Hebrews 13:14, the apostle refers to a “ continuing city,” in contrast to the perishing abodes of this earth. Earth’s greatest metropolises soon crumble into dust. Where are Nine­ veh and Babylon with their pomp and dazzling glory? They are gone, and the ruins lie buried beneath the accumulated debris of the ages. Only a few mourn­ ful bits remain of the ancient city of Rome, once called “the eternal city.” But the New Jerusalem has God'as its Builder and Maker, and it never shall pass away. The city and the joys as well are to be endless. Their glories will never be marred. (The Fourth Message in this Series Will Appear in Next Month’s Issue.) T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


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Christ at the age of thirty-five, and her child, who is then ten years old, is permitted to live to a ripe old age, would it seem strange to the mother to find this older person as the little daughter she had known and loved? Other writers affirm that as progress is characteristic of all God’s working, the place of His eternal habitation will be the scene for advance along all lines. Following this reasoning, children would not remain juvenile. But the mother who crosses the threshold of the life be­ yond would instantly realize that her child had grown and would receive him as her own nevertheless, with the same individual traits that had endeared him to her. F. C. Spurr tells of a friend of his who had lost a child, and who sent him a card printed in silver, bearing the words: “ In memory of our little Donald, lent to us for two years; the sunshine of our home, recalled by the Father, now at school with the angels for his tutors.” What a sweet thought this is! Now both of these views are sugges­ tive, but no one can dogmatize as to which one is correct. This we know, that no matter what change may be wrought upon their forms, our loved ones still will be ours. Mary recognized the risen Lord Jesus by the sweet intonation of His voice when ne called her name. The Emmaus disciples recognized the hands of their beloved Lord as He broke bread with them. The loved traits of human nature are not destroyed by the grave. Richard Baxter, in his fine hymn on the Confidence and Covenant of Faith ex­ presses the true Christian point of view: “ My knowledge of that life is small, The eye of faith is dim; But ’tis enough that Christ knows all, And I shall be with Him.” Heaven is a place of universal and perfect knowledge. How little we know here on earth, even the wisest of men! Sir Isaac Newton, when an old man, said to one who praised his wisdom, “ I am as a child on the seashore picking up a pebble here and a shell there, but the great ocean of truth still lies before me.” But in Heaven the most unedu­ cated souls (so far as human standards go) will fathom the great ocean of truth. In Heaven we shall understand the mysteries of God and why He led us along the way that seemed strange to us. We shall realize then how fully true is the statement in Romans 8:28: “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his pur­ pose.” How unsearchable are some of God’s ways with us! We cannot understand why God allows this man to retain his strength and vitality, and takes away

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