King's Business - 1949-08

God Wills It !— India Before Your Church CEYLON AND INDIA GENERAL MISSION 55 years in India — still advancing. Write for information and literature. 128 South Lombard Ave. OAK PARK, ILLINOIS W ESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE CO LLEG E 528 33rd St. OAKLAND 9, CALIf. H. O. Van Gilder, D.D., President Three-year intensive Bible Course in Mis­ sions, Pastoral, Chr. Ed., Music. Approved for Veterans. Write for Catalog. EVANGELISTIC HYMN PLAYING Home Study Course composed and directed by— Robert Harkness Teaches TEN Accompaniment Methods— also Chimes—Chords—Trills— 80 Lessons. Over SIX THOUSAND Students Have Enrolled. Write for Free Details to ROBERT HARKNESS, 20 North Raymond Avenue, Pasadena 1, Calif. NOTE: If you cannot already play, ask for— BEGINNERS HYMN PLAYING COURSE True Bell Tone —You Be the Judge! CAR I L LON RECORD INGS BY Robert B. Kleinschmidt, Carilloneur 100 Famous Church Hymns In these recordings are captured all the magni­ ficent overtones, all the resonance and beauty of great CATHEDRAL BELLS, woven into glorious harmony by a great musician. Broadcast from your church tower, they will bring pleasure and spiritual uplift to all who hear them. 2 Hymns to a side— 4 on each record. Made for record changer operation. Write for record list and trial offer. RIGGS & JEFFREYS. Inc. A BATTLE BETWEEN TWO INVISIBLE POW ­ ERS (temporary). Hearts are being turned to the Lord Jesus Christ by this new "comic" book, because faithful is He who promised: "My word shall accomplish." We speak for this book, "Here am I, s$nd me; for I am an accomplished missionary carrying the pre­ cious Word of Life in pictorial form to souls who shun a Bible, but open the door to me. I speak loud and often, so put me to work, and watch and pray for results. I love people of all ages." $100. offered for a permanent name. Evangelistic, Fundamental, Undenominational Single copy .20—Subscription $2.00 (12 issues) The Lighted Path Publishers Box 52, W illows, California Page Twetny-nine

Rev. Elmer L Wilder

Illustrated by Gladys Bowman

also, and him that , hath no helper” (Psalm 72:12). This is what happens when people are doing the will of God —“He shall deliver the needy . . . and him that hath no helper.” Boys and girls, the best and safest place to be is in the will of God.

Sept. 4. 1949 G od ’ s W ill and W ay

Object: A piece of paper 8% xll inches, or larger if visibility requires. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of Yz inch. In this space print the words, “ GOD’S WILL.” Open the folds and using the letters in these words, complete the following words: “ RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEOPLE JUDGED, KINGS WORSHIP, DELIV­ ER HELPLESS SOULS.” )

Sept. 11. 1949 E ast F rom W est I s B est

Objects: A white paper heart and a black crayon. (Make the heart by using a piece of paper 7x11 inches or larger if visibility requires. Fold the, paper in the middle making the size 7x5% inches. Fold each free end to within % of an inch of the middle, leaving the paper approximately 7x2% inches. With the fold and the two single edges to your right, begin to cut out the heart, cutting from a point on the right-hand fold lYz inches from the top. When cutting down the left side, where the heart extends the farthest, leave the folded left-hand edges uncut for Yz inch. These will act as hinges later. Continue the cutting, making a point at the base of the fold as the lower tip of the heart. Open and you will have a whole heart in the middle and two halves on each side. Color the opened halves red inside. On one print “ 1 John 1:7,” and on the other “ 1 John 1:9.” Cut rectangles in both halves 3% inches from the lower point, 1 Y* inches wide and Yz inch high. These openings, when facing each other with the hinged halves closed, will form the cross-arm for a cross. Fold the halves forward over the heagt, leaving an opening the shape of a cross. Mark along the edges with a red crayon in order that the outline of the cross may stand out distinctly. With a blunt tool print the word “ SIN” across the cross- arm. Print the word “ SINS” down the upright, using the “ I” in the cross-arm. Open the halves and print the word “ SIN” four times across the heart using a vertical letter in each horizontal word. Using a blunt tool will let the teacher know where to place the letters during








Lesson: You will see the words: “ GOD’S WILL” on this piece of paper. I know of nothing more important for the Christian than to know the will of God. In fact, much of the Bible is de­ voted to man’s knowing God’s will. With this in mind, we will open the folds of this paper and see if we can find out something about the will of God. The first word we see is “RIGHT­ EOUSNESS.” In Psalm 72:2 we read, “He shall judge thy people with right­ eousness.” Again we find, “ Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; where­ of he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead” (Acts 17:31). The second and third words are “ PEOPLE JUDGED.” Psalm 72:2b “And thy poor with judgment.” These three words show us that it is God’s will to judge all people in righteousness, including His people and the poor. The next two words are “ KINGS WORSHIP.” It is God’s will for the kings as well as their subjects to wor­ ship Him. In Psalm 72:11 we are told, “ Yea, all kings shall fall down before him.” It has been the desire of some kings that people worship them, but here we find that it is God’s will that kings fall before Him in worship. The last three words are “ DELIVER HELPLESS SOULS.” “For he shall de­ liver the needy when he crieth, the poor A U G U S T , 1 9 4 9

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