The Press and The Christian World Birthday and Anniversary: In a recent gathering in Dallas, Texas, joint recognition was made of the sev enty-eighth birthday of Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, president and founder of the Dallas Theological Seminary, and of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the school. Prom a very small beginning, conserva tive and scholarly Dallas Theological Seminary has grown to a present enroll ment of nearly two hundred men. Bible Memory Association: With nearly three thousand contest ants memorizing Bible verses, this ex cellent organization, headed by Dr. N. A. Woychuk, each summer sponsors a series of Bible camps which many of those who complete a program of memoriza tion attend without cost. A series of 250 Bible verses is needed to earn this award at Miracle Camp near Ringgold, Louisiana. New Kind of Missionary: Harold E. McMillan is a graduate pharmacist, living in Jos, North Nigeria, who dispenses vitally needed supplies of drugs and medicines to eighty bush sta tions across Central Africa. Mr. McMil lan was five years with the Royal Cana dian Army Medical Corps. Following his army experience, he responded to the call of the Lord to missionary service. This spring he is concluding his first two years’ work as a new kind of dental missionary with the Sudan Interior Mission. A recent statistics report by the U. S. State Department indicates a potential audience of nearly three hundred million who can listen to the radio by short wave. This is in contrast to listeners in North America where most radio is by long wave. A real opportunity for evangelical Christianity is seen in reach ing these listeners by short wave sta tions like that of HCJB in Quito, Ecua dor. It is estimated that from thirty- eight key points around the world mis sionary radio stations could lay down a veritable barrage of the gospel in many languages at a cost of about $50,- 000 per station. There are an estimated two million short wave sets now in use in Soviet Russia. Latin American Goals: Under the leadership of energetic Kenneth Strachan, son of Dr. Harry Strachan, founder, the Latin American Mission has begun a real expansion pro gram emphasizing evangelical cam paigns, publication of evangelical liter ature in Spanish, a short wave radio transmitter, and an increase in training facilities for native workers. A recent evangelical tour by Dr. Strachan resulted in over five hundred souls accepting Christ. Three Hundred Million Short Wave Listeners:
Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated
Louis T. Talbot, D.D.
Betty Bruechert Managing Editor
William W . Orr, D.D.
Editor in Chief
Associate Editor
Copyright, 1949, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved. Vol. 40 August 1949 No. 8
CONTENTS Editorially Speaking ........................................................ ............................... 4
Dr. Talbot’s Question B o x ............................................................................... 5
Biola’s School o f M issionary Medicine .................................................... 6
What the Bible Says About Heaven, Louis T. Talbot ......................... 8
My Shepherd, Martha Snell Nicholson ...................................................... 10
Dare We Ignore the Challenge o f the Unfinished Task? Oswald J. Smith ..................................................... -.......................................... 1 1
Biola Fam ily Circle .................... ................................................................... 14
Hitchhiking on Purpose, George Watmough ......................................... 15
The Bible in the News, William W. O r r .................................................... 17
His Hands, Dorothy C. Haskin, Junior K ing’s Business.................. 18 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. W ilson ............................................... 19
Sunday School Lessons, Homer A. Kent, Allison Arrowood .............. 23
Object Lessons, Elmer L. W ilder ................................................................... 29
Cover: Technician at Work. Reproduced from Therapeutic Notes, by courtesy o f Parke, Davis and Company.
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