King's Business - 1949-08

Christ cleanses from sin. (Psalm 5:7; 1 John 1:9). The ring finger has a green string on it, reminding us that the Christian who has been cleansed by the biood of Christ should grow. (2 Pet. 3:18). The little finger has a yellow string on it, and reminds us of the heavenly city with streets of pure gold. (Rev. 21 : 21 ). Always remember the Bible meaning of these “ Forget-me-not Fingers.” Ac­ knowledge your sins and accept Christ as your Saviour, and you will reach the city of gold.

Lesson: Would one small “ SIN” at the top of this heart be noticeable to God? “Yes, He sees the smallest sin.” We will write the word “ SIN” in many places in the heart. (Put the word “ SIN” in the four positions sug­ gested, as well as in various other places. This is a very sad-looking heart, but it is the way God sees each sinner’s heart. In Psalm 103:12 we read, “ As far as the east is from 5the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” Did you ever wonder how this could be done? In 1 John 1:7,9 we read, that the blood of Jesus Christ cleases from sin. (Pull the hinged halves out, showing the red side of each.) The two halves fold over the heart, and we now see our “ SIN” and “ SINS” on the cross of Christ. This explains why God can sepa­ rate our sins from us as far as the east is from the west—it happens when we believe in Christ and accept Him as our Saviour. Objects: An autograph album and five strings—black, red, white, green and yellow—tied to the thumb and fingers of one hand. Lesson: Who knows what an album, such as this, is used for? “To help remember your friends.” Yes, and this album reminds me of a verse found in Psalm 105:5. “ Remem­ ber his marvelous works that he hath done.” It is more important that we re­ member what God has to say than what our friends have to say. On one of the pages in this album I read, “ Forget-me-not.” Did you ever hear of “ Forget-me-not Fingers” ? Here they are. (Hold the hand closed, with the exception of the thumb, so that the dif­ ferent colors will not be visible until desired.) Sept. 18, 1949 F orget -M e -N ot F ingers

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 5 CENTS PER WORD—MINIMUM $1.00 PHOTO POSTCARDS OF YOUR CHURCH IN one color or Multi-color. Fine Quality. Active Church Publicity, Box 829, Hammond, Indiana. BIBLES, BOOKS, REBOUND, REPAIRED, 28 years experience. Send for prices. Bible Hospital, 1001 South Harwood, Dallas 1, Texas. PIPE ORGANS, REED ORGANS AND PIANOS. All reconditioned and guaranteed. Also electronic instruments. Write Cannarsa Organ Company, Hollidaysburg, Pa. FIVE NEW GOSPEL SONGS: ‘My Mansion in Glory,” ‘‘Jesus Is Mine,” ‘‘I Am Saved Because He Came.” ‘‘My Saviour's Face,” “ Jesus My Saviour and King.” All for $1.00. No stamps please. G. L. Griswold, 80 Orawaupum St. White Plains, N. Y. NEW EFFECTIVE TRACTS FREE IN ANY quantity for distribution to the unsaved: “What Have YOU Done with Christ?” “ The Most Im­ portant Question of Today,” “ Judge or Saviour,” “ The Resurrection Body,” “ Prepare NOW for the GREATEST EVENT in the World's HIS­ TORY.” Address Neal E. Huff, 611 S. Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas. CORRECT AND SINGABLE MUSIC SETTING for your hymn-poem, assures editorial considera­ tion. Music composing, arranging, editing and printing. Folders free. Raymond Iden (K.B.). Mount Vernon, Ohio. GOSPEL OBJECT LESSONS AND VISUAL AIDS. Send 20c, receive one lesson and complete list of.material. Charles Morrison, Nichols, N. Y. PIANO ACCORDIONS — GUITARS — HORNS — Any’ musical instrument. (Discount to Christian workers.) Harold Westcott, 3515 Lincoln Ave., Altadena, Calif. Phone SYcamore 4-6684. STEEL “ SCOTCHLITE” reflectorized directional Hi-way Signs three sizes. Your copy made to order. Active Church Publicity, Box 829, Ham­ mond, Indiana. CHRISTIAN WORKERS WANTED; PART OR FULL TIME. Good income. Write N. V. M. Post Office Box 229, San Bernardino, Calif. WANTED —• PROTESTANT MINISTERS, semi­ active or retired, to help in religious work; pleas­ ant work, good remuneration, no house-to-house soliciting. Please state denomination. Address Henry Rising, 124 W. Fourth St., Los Angeles 18, California. WANTED COPIES EVANGELICAL MAGA­ ZINES of all kinds. Will exchange assorted stamps. Advertiser Methodist lay preacher. Mus- kett, Box 114, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.

Sept. 25, 1949 R eminded to R emember







Object: A piece of paper 8% x ll inches, or larger if visibility requires. (Fold each end to within % inch of the middle, leaving a gap of Vz inch. In this space print the word, “ REMEM­ BER.” Open the folds and using the letters in this word, complete the fol­ lowing words: “ FROM HEAVEN’S MULTITUDES, MEN, MA I D E N S , BEASTS, PRAISE LORD.” ) Lesson: We see the word “ REMEM­ BER” on this piece of paper, and it re­ minds us of some very important things which we should remember in Psalm 148. In verses 1 and 2 we read, “ Praise ye the Lord from the heavens . . . Praise ye him, all his angels.” Opening this paper we find the first three words say, “ FROM HEAVEN’S MULTITUDES,” which includes the an­ gels. The angels are reminded to praise Him. We next see 3 words, “ MEN, MAID­ ENS, BEASTS.” In verses 10 and 12 we read, “ Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl . . . Both young men, and maidens; old men, and chil­ dren.” This shows us that all living things, in heaven and on earth are to praise Him. ' The last 2 words are “ PRAISE LORD.” The praise of God is so important that not only are all living things told to praise Him, but we read, “ Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps: Fire, and hail; snow, and vapours; stormy wind fulfilling his word: Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees; and all cedars” (Psalm 148:7-9). It is wonderful to know that the noises of the animals, as well as the wind and storm, the hail, snow, moun­ tains and hills, when properly under­ stood are praising our wonderful Lord. REMEMBER TO PRAISE HIM! T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


1. Babel—Abel 2. Job—robe 3. Tyre—lyre 4. spear------ cheer 5. Og—dog

You know that people often tie a string around a finger to help them re­ member. I have a black string around my thumb, and it suggests that we re­ member one of the things that God has said: “ All have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Don’t forget this great truth. The next finger has a red string around it, and it tells me to remember the blood of Christ. (Repeat 1 John 1:7). The middle finger has a white string around it, asking us to remember how

6. Baal—quail 7. hawk—cock 8. myrrh—fir

the lesson, so as to fall within the out­ line of the cross, without making them visible to the class. Fold the halves be­ hind the heart before beginning the lesson.) Page Thirty

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