It's Never Too Late To Start Moving!

Exercise Essentials Try this exercise to keep you help with pain... Always consult your physical therapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Staff Spotlight

Jenny Riley DPT

SINGLE LEG STANCE - FORWARD Stand on one leg and maintain your balance. Next, hold your leg out in front of your body. Then return to original position. Maintain a slightly bent knee on the stance side.

As a physical therapist, I love having the ability to treat my patients in the pool. Many of my patients appreciate the improved comfort with stretching and strengthening in a warm water therapy pool. Aquatic therapy can help patients who may have joint

Helps Improve Balance

issues including - knee/hip arthritis, spinal stenosis, low back arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis or may be just coming out of orthopedic surgery - do activities they otherwise could not do comfortably on land. Exercising in the warm water decreases stress on their joints. Aquatic therapy has somany potential benefits including improvements in strength, flexibility, walking ability, stamina with activity and especially improved pain management. It is great for me to see patients enjoy their rehabilitation process and see such improvements that may have been difficult to get without the benefit of the water.


“ Poor Balance May Be The Reason Your Overall Activity is Compromised.”

Can you close your eyes and stand steady on one leg for 10 seconds? If not, then your balance is not up to par. Your ability to balance is an incredibly complex action that requires millions of nerves and hundreds of muscles to work together to stop you from falling onto your face. Many people think having poor balance happens in just older people. However, poor balance is one of the leading causes for sports injuries, chronic back pain and much more. Having poor balance often goes undetected until it is very severe and puts one at exceptional risk for injury. It is even worse for older adults, especially over age 65, of which one third fall each year. People who experience a fall are at increased risk for future falls too.

Major injuries, including fractures, head trauma, and soft tissue injuries, occur in about 10% of individual falls. However, minor injuries are much more common. Balance and walking decline as you age. Fear can develop of going up steps or curbs, walking on grass or walking into dark areas. One reason for this loss of balance is joint stiffness and weakness in muscles of the hips, lower extremities and feet. When there is a loss of the mobility in the ankle joint and multiple joints of the foot, you cannot adapt well to uneven terrain. We can help you regain your balance, walk and even run better! To learn more about our balance program, and restoring you to a pain-free life, call us today!

“How’s Your Balance?”

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