King's Business - 1927-10

October •1927

$1.25 a year in U. S $1.50 foreign

Volume 18—Number 10 25 cents a copy

T OOKING over the Valley of Jehoshaphat,.part o f the territory which was violently rocked by earthquake recently. A toll o f 670 lives was taken; 3000 injured.


Read how to do it in “PHYSICAL VOICE CULTURE”, the greatest book ever written on voice building. It will show you the one scientific, tested way to build a powerful singing or speaking voice. Send coupon below for— JreeVook I

yourHvo-Glossus T HE four letters on this page tell amazing stories of vocal develop­ ment. They are- from men and women who have learned that Physical Voice-Culture is the one, infallible, tested, scientific method of voice building. They are just a few of the thousands telling the same stories of success, in many cases, after all other methods of voice building had failed. Your voice has fascinating dormant pos­ sibilities that you may not even realize. The new book, Physical Voice-Culture will show you how to build up a superb voice by the development of muscles whose existence you never suspected. No mat­ ter what condition your voice is in now, it can be improved at least 100% or every cent of tuition will be cheerfully refunded without question when you have finished the course. Just a fewyears ago, Bert Langtre’s voice Superb Singing Voice 1. C an you open your m outh wide enough to insert tw o fingers betw een your teeth? 2. C an you swallow five tim es in succession? 3. H olding your hand to your throat, can you feel the cords vibrate w hen you sing “ e-e-e-e?” 4 . C an you hold your breath fo r 30 seconds? 5 . Are you determ ined to sing or speak well? 1922 Sunnyside A ve., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: Send a t once, free and without obliga­ tion, your beautifully illustrated book “ Physical Voice Culture” and full information regarding your home study method of voice building. It is under­ stood that I do not have to pay a cent for this book, either now or later, and that I do nothave to return it. PERFECT VO ICE IN STITUTE, Studio 53-17 If you answ er “yes” to these ques­ tions, you hayc a potentially fine voice that can be developed amaz­ ingly by PHYSICAL VO ICE CULTURE.

was almost destroyed by catarrh and asthma. An impediment in his speech caused him untold embarrassment and suffering. Now he is singing in Grand Opera in California. “An unusual case,” you say. Not at all. He merely took advantage of the opportunity you are given here. Build up your voice the simple, easy, nat­ ural way by silent physical exercises in the privacy of your own home. The Physical Voice-Culture method is ideally adapted to home study. It is being taught as successfully by correspondence as by personal instruction. No one need know that you are studying until you have developed a strong, beautiful voice. When you are constantly urged to sing or speak at your church, at private re­ ceptions or public functions—when you are the most popular person in your cir­ cle of acquaintances, then you will know the rich rewards of Physical Voice-Culture.

Glad to Tell Everybody What Your Course Did I shall certainly be delighted to tell anyone what your course did for me. In fact, I have been telling people for the last three years and started several people in the work in Japan. When one lives in New York, as I do now, and sees the number of wholly unqualified people who are teaching singing, it seems as if there ought to be some test for teachers. I think that learning ten operatic roles, one after another, is a pretty good test of the con­ dition of a person’s throat, don’t you? My voice doesn’t seem to have suffered in the least from it. Florence Mendelson, New York City. Wouldn’t Part With Course for $1,000.00 I have a great deal to say about this won­ derful course, and want you to know that I am a happy man since taking it up. I needed your course badly, very badly. Being a teacher, I have to speak, at times, quite loud, and the strain on my throat was acutely felt, and hoarseness followed. My voice is abso­ lutely clear and resonant now, in fact, I have no words to thank you enough. I wouldn't part with my Course for a thousand dollars. Julio C. De Vosconcellos, New Bedford, Mass. Realizes the Dream of Her Life A feeling of thankfulness comes over me to think I have found such an opportunity to cultivate my voice. It is the one great thing in mylifeto developa beautifulvoice,and tothink that it is daily improving through your won­ derful method brought right to my own door. I will now make you happy by saying it is certainly the best investment I ever made. Florence M. Clarke, 148811th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. Lost Voice Restored—Sings Better Than Ever I am very glad to be able to inform you that the study and practice of your exercises is making a great change in my voice. You may appreciate what this means to me when I tell you that an illness while in France, weakened my throat to such an extent that I feared I would never sing again. How­ ever, after studying your lessons, I find that I can sing better than ever, in fact, I was told by a friend who had heard me sing at a re­ ception that I had never been in better voice than I am now. f J. Ralph Bartlett, Newton, N. H.

If You Can Pass These Tests You Can Develop a

Mail This Coupon Find out at once about the wonderful possi­ bilities of your voice—possibilities that you have never realized! Simply send coupon for FREE book. Read the astounding truestories of what others have done. This may be the turning point in your life. Mail coupon today. Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave. Studio 53-17 Chicago, 111.

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S. S. DORIC» one of th e new est of the W hite S ta r fleet» in re g u la r tra n s-A tla n ­ tic service, h as been especially ch artered fo r Jam es B oring’s 62-day C ruise to the H oly L and an d the M editerranean, w hich includes T he K ing’s B usiness T o u r to th ese countries, sailing from New Y ork F eb ru ary 8, 1928. FIRST CLASS ONLY.


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Write today to get the facts about this Tour. The sooner you decide, the better, the accommodations you can secure at the lowest cost. Membership limited to 5S0, and already many of the choicest rooms are engaged. All your dreams will come true on this Tour— the sacred mysteries of the Holy Land, the exotic romance of Asia and Africa, the lure of the blue Mediterranean, the enchanting spell of Italy, of

Greece, and the perennial charm of sunny Spain, vivacious France and Old England.-B All these are yours to enjoy 1 Think of i t ! 62 days, visiting three continents, at but little more than $10 per day—covering all costs on ship and ashore, including famous White Star service and cuisine, first-class ho­ tels, special trains, automobiles, all sight-see­ ing expenses, etc. $690 and up, for everything!

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A W on d er Tour We Will Visit New York Syria Madeira Palestine Gibraltar Egypt Spain Sicily Algiers Italy Tunis Monaco Constantinople Malta France Athens England IM PO R TA N T - - S t o p o v e r steam sh ip tick ets a re included, th u s m aking possible inexpen- sive extension to u rs to N orth- ern Europe.

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W & È full P a rticu la rs of the K ing’s B usiness 1928 T our to the H oly Land, th e M editerranean, N orth A frica an d Europe, including scale of prices for th e Tour.

N am e.....

A ddress.


S tate................... K.B. 10-27.

nnouncin g Available Bible Conference Leaders and Evangelists The Bible Institute of Los Angeles stands eagerly and wholeheartedly committed to the tas\ o f extending its Teaching and Evan' gelistic ministry, IN COOPERATION w i t h EVAN' GELICAL CHURCHES, as far afield as there are God'given opportunities and God'provided resources. DR. G. CAMPBELL MORGAN Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, one of the world’smost noted Bible teachers, now a permanent member of the regular school Faculty, will be available during • the school year for four-day weekend Bible Conferences in fields within a radius of a night’s travel from Los Angeles . . . There are still a few un­ claimed dates on Dr. Morgan’s winter calendar. REV. BRITTON ROSS

REV. LEO POLMAN Rev. Leo Polman, Singing Evangel­ ist, director of music in the Ross meetings, able in the leadership of song, a young man of personality and power. The late winter and spring schedule of the Ross-Polman Campaigns is now in the making.

Rev. Britton Ross, Field Evangelist of the Bible Institute . . for twenty years a markedly successful Pastor, Bible Teacher and Evangelist, true to the Word in message, safe and sane in method, has just closed a crowded year of service with mar­ velous spiritual results.

OTHER LEADERSHIP Other members of the Institute Staff are available for a limited number of Bible Conference and Evangelistic engagements in nearby fields. (¡[The Bible Institute is in a position to serve the Church . . and is happy so to do . . through the recommendation of other Bible Teachers and Evangelists, not officially related to the Institute, but known to be true to the Word and capable in service. All correspondence relative to the above leaders should be addressed to T h e Extens ion Depa r tmen t of T h e B i b l e I n s t i t u t e 536 S o u t h Ho p e S t r e e t Los A n g e l e s , Ca l i f o r n i a

T h e K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s Motto : “I, the Lord , do \eep it ; I will water it every moment : lest any hurt it , I will \eep it night and day ." Isaiah 27:3 PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES J ohn M urdoch M ac I n n is , Editor-in-Chief K eith L. B rooks , Managing Editor C harles E. H urlburt , Associate Editor Volume XVIII October, 1927 Number 1 0 BOARD OF DIRECTORS

Table of Contents



D r . J ohn M. M ac I n n is , Dean D r . R alph A tkinson , Associate Dean R ev . J ohn H. H unter , Secretary of Faculty R ev . W illiam H. P ik e , Secretary Evening School R ev . A lan S- P earce , Secretary Cor. School R ev . A lbert E. K elly , Student Secretary D r . G. C ampbell M organ D r . J ohn M c N eill D r . C harles E. H urlburt C hristian M. B ooks P rof . A lfred A. B utler M iss M arie C arter M iss F lorence C haffee R ev . J ohn A. H ubbard P rof . H . W . K ellogg M iss R u th W alter P rof . H . G. T ovey P rof . J. B. T rowbridge M iss C harlotte L. W oodbridge H . W . B oyd , M. D.

EDITORIALS The Indwelling Christ...... ............................... .......617 Going to Have a New Bible, Folks!............. ....... 617 The Way to Unload................. ............................. 618 The Ford “Retractor”................ 618 Keswick ..................... 619 When the King Cornés In....................................... 620 White-collar and Kid-glove Men...... .....................621 Editorial Flashlights ................... 622 ARTICLES Jerusalem and Earthquakes—Rev. D. M. Wells-624 The Two Bernards and Their Hymns :—Prof. John B. Trowbridge............................. 625 Who Told the Grunion?—Roland Case Ross..... 626 The Golden Gate of Scripture-—Rev. R. S. Beal 627 God ;$?Messages From the Ocean —Rev. Fred H. Wight....................................... 628 Is Holy Spirit Baptism Subsequent to Conversion? .......... *....................... ...................631 Here’s a Sample-Case of Liberalism........... :.........633 The Shepherd Psalm ............................ .....634 A Sign Out of the Heavens....... ............................636 DEPARTMENTS Passages That Perplex^—K. L. B........................ 637 The B.B.B.B. Page ............. 638 Finest of the Wheat ............ ............... .................641 Striking Stories of God’s Workings..................... 643 Children’s Garden ....... 645 International Lesson Commentary ....................... 647 Biola Table Chat................ 661 Our Literature Table ,............................................ 662 Daily Meditations for the Year........ .................... 672

J. M. I rvine , President H oward F rost , Vice-President J. M. R ust , Treasurer C. E. F uller , Secretary C. A. Lux, Asst. Secretary H . B. E vans

A. A ddison M axwell A lexander M ac K eigan N athan N ewby W illiam H azlett M rs . L yman S tewart

D r . J ohn M. M ac I n n is , Dean C harles E . H urlburt , Superintendent J. P. W elles , W m . A. F isher , Assts. to Supt. Terms : $1.25 per year. Single copies 25 cents. Foreign Coun­ tries (including Canada) $1.50 per year. Clubs' of 5 or more 25 cents reduction on each sub­ scription sent to one or to sep­ arate addresses as preferred, magazine. Remittance, : Should be made by Bank Draft, Express or P. O. Money Order, payable to the “Bible Institute of Los Angeles.” Receipts will not be sent for regular subscriptions, but date of expiration will show plainly, each month, on outside wrapper or cover of magazine. Manuscripts: T h e K i n g ’s Business cannot accept re­ sponsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent to it for consideration. Change of Addresses : Please send both .old and new ad­ dresses at least one month pre­ vious to date of desired change.

R ev . G eorge E. R aitt M rs . A lma K M oss P rof . R aymond C onner D. W. M ac M illan , M.D. B. G. P inkerton , M.D. F. J ean H olt , M.D. Ross A. H arris , M.D. J oseph J acobs , M.D. H . W . F rahm , D .D.S.

Advertising : For information with reference to advertising in The King’s Business, address the Religious Press Assn., 325 North 13th St., Philadelphia, Pa., or North American Bldg., Chicago, 111. Entered as Second Class Mat­ ter November -17, 1910, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at spe­ cial rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized October 1, 1918.

P^J^ICY -A.S DE FIN ED BY THE BOARD a n f f t (a) To sta n d fo r th e infallib le W ord of God and its g re a t fu n d am e n ta l tru th s , (b) To stre n g th e n th e fa ith of a ll believers w Tn i a W M I and wom en to fit them selves for and engage in definite C h ristian w o rk (d) To m ake th e Bible In s titu te of Dos A ngeles known, (e) To m ag n ify God our F a th e r and th e person, w ork and com ing of our L ord Je su s C hrist- and to teach th a ioundaTm nsSofP C ^?L t°4n ?aUhly S P lrit M ° UT PreSent praotloal life - To em phasize in stro n g , c o n stru ctiv e m essages th e r e a t 536-558 S. Hope Street BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Los Angeles, California \jje w 1 1.0 ujj - x±i±!j B1BDE INSTITUTE OF T.OS

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October 1927

T h e

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Indwelling Christ N English sportsman—a Christian man—was resting on the desert sands in the Sudan in the heat of the day. He felt someone touch him. Turning, he saw an old Arab. “Do you know Jesus?” the old man asked. “Y e s, I know H i m,” was the reply. “Well,” said the man, “is He coming soon?” “I do

the thing before which every ambition of man is folly, and all lower achievement vain.” It is certain that the very purpose for which believers are redeemed and called is that they should be “conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom. 8:29). We may listen for days to messages on “the victorious life” ; we may clutter our minds with complicated theories of “identification” and agonize for hours in Search of a “baptism of the Holy Ghost,” but have we gotten down to the simple truth that Jesus Christ wants to live His life in us? Can we say with Paul: “For me to live is Christ”? Is the love of Him the moving spring of our lives? Are we ready to take Him into everything? Are we ready to have our emptiness filled? Are we ready to have Him shift the center of things from ourselves to HIMSELF? It is a’ life to be lived “by the faith of the Son of God.” Too often faith begins by desiring a blessing rather than Christ HIMSELF. It should end with de­ siring HIM more than all besides, and with losing self utterly in the love of Him. We cannot love Him and disregard the words which He spoke while here upon earth, and which He declared to be the very foundations of Christian character (Matt. 7:24). We must ponder His words continually and draw from Christ HIMSELF the power to obey them. What a responsibility is this for mortal creatures! We may be girded with His own strength for whatever He has for us to do. Then shall others be able to say of us what was said by an unknown poet of a Christian friend:

not know.” “Is He coming in a few months—or next year?” pressed the sheik. “God only knows—I do not: but I know He is coming again.” Said the man, “I want you to tell me what He is like, so that if He should pass me in the desert I may recognize His face and be able to welcome Him.” This is the question that men are still asking—“What is Jesus like?” and God has decreed that our method of informing men what He is like shall be to show them what He can make us like. It requires, first of all, that we shall know something of what He is like as He is revealed in the Scriptures. It means also that He must possess us by His Representative, the Holy Spirit, and live His own life in us. Our Lord has “left us an example, that we should follow in His steps” (1 Pet. 2:21). The Apostle John declares that “He that saith he abideth in Him ought him­ self also to walk, even as He walked” (1 Jn. 2 :6). Many have vainly sought to imitate Him, not realizing that His was a supernatural life and float there is no copying of Christ until Christ Himself is “formed in them” (Gal. 4:19). “I live ” said Paul, “yet not I, but Christ liveth in m e : and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith o f the Son of God, who loved me and'gave Himself for me” (Gal. 2:20). The apostle’s prayer for all his converts was that “He would grant them according to the riches of His Glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man; that Christ may dwell in their hearts by faith” (Eph. 3:16-17). If our Lord has not only given us the precepts and example of this divine life, but has actually made it avail­ able to us by promising to impart enabling power to repro­ duce it, just to the extent to which a saved person is yielded to Him, then what excuse have we for living the low-level Christian life which completely misrepresents Him to the world ? If we do not live the resurrection life in Christ, we shall never be able to convince anyone that Christ is “the resurrection and the life.” A living Christ in a living man is a living sermon. Skeptics may find arguments against every point of the Christian creed, but they are helpless to find an argument against a Christlike life. The one thing that God blesses and uses above everything else in a Christian—is not great talent—not great benevolence—but great likeness to Jesus. Professor Drummond once said: “To become Christ­ like is the only thing in the whole world worth caring fo r;

“Not merely in the words, you say, Not only in your deeds confessed, But in the most unconscious way Is Christ expressed. “Is it a beatific smile ? A holy light upon your brow? Oh, no: I felt His presence while You laughed just now. “For me ’twas not the truth you taught, To you so clear, to me still dim, But when you came you brought A sense of Him. “And from your eyes He beckons me, And from your heart His love is shed, Till I lose sight of you—and see The Christ instead.”

Going to Have a New Bible, Folks ! « "V \7 E want a Bible.” It is H. G. Wells who says so, VV and but for the widespread influence he has, we would not give space to the consideration of the sugges­ tion. It is not the old Bible that Mr. Wells wants. He thinks we should have an altogether new one, as a help in “sal­ vaging civilisation.” He believes that civilization is in a precarious, state. He sees dangerous tendencies at work which will destroy society unless a means of control be found.

October 1927

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thinkers who would attempt to agree on the four points mentioned. And even should they agree and produce the new Bible, who would accept it? They would have greater difficulty getting men to agree upon it, than the Gospel preachers have ever had getting men to receive the Gospel. The whole proposal is laughable, and the funniest part of it is that it should come from such a serious thinker as Mr. Wells. If men could have produced anything to compare with the Bible, they would have done it ages ago. If the Bible we have was but the product of human minds, we should have had a new Bible with every generation. The fact is there is but one Book that has ever spoken to the hearts .of men with divine authority—but one message that carries in itself the power to live a holy and restful life. Let unbelievers explain it as they may, the Book still re­

He comes to the conclusion that one necessity is a book which will do for the civilization of the future that which the Word of God has done for the civilization of the past. Even the admission that the Bible has been the moulding influence of civilization is most significant com­ ing from one who has so often revealed himself an enemy of the Bible. He frankly admits that civilization owes, not only its origin, but its preservation, to the Bible. Mr. Wells is an evolutionist and evolutionists are sup­ posed to look upon the Bible as the product of civilization. An evolutionist who confesses that “the civilization we possess could not have come into existence without the Bible’’ has gotten himself into;a corner. But why a new Bible? Mr. Wells thinks the old one has lost its influence. He declares that it is not so much that the Bible has lost its grip on men as it is that men

mains, to all believing souls, “the sword of the Spirit” ; it will never be superseded, and if civilization is kept from tottering to its ruin, it will only be because it comes to see that the mod­ ern attempts to discredit the Bible are just as futile as those of the first century. The Way to Unload “Bear ye one another’s bur­ dens and so fulfil the law of Christ” —Gal. 6:2. B Y bearing others’ bur­ dens you will lighten your own. Rogers, the poet, has preserved a story told him by a Piedmontese no­ bleman. “I was weary of life, and after a melana choly day was hurrying, along the street to the river, when I felt a sudden check. [ turned, and beheld a little boy who had caught the skirt of my cloak in his anxiety to solicit my notice. His look and manner were irresistible. Not less so was the lesson I learned. ‘There are six of us, and

have let go their hold on it. The grave aspect of the matter is, he says, that “nothing has arisen to take its place.” One cannot but wonder if Mr. Wells has ever pon­ dered the reasons why many men have “let go their hold” on the Bible. It certainly is not because the Gospel is no more “the power o f God unto salva­ tion,” for there are thou­ sands who bear testimony to its regenerating and ren­ ovating influences. Is it not because Mr. Wells himself (and many other influential and brilliant men) h a v e been doing everything pos­ sible to destroy the confi­ dence of men in the Bible? “C o u l d anything be m o r e insanely foolish,” asks the editor of The Bible Champion, “than for the responsible leaders of civi­ lization to destroy the foun­ dation of that great build­ ing before the new founda­ tion was ready?” Mr. Wells proposes the getting together of a com­

we are dying for want of food.’ ‘Why should I not,’ said I to myself, ‘relieve this wretched family ? I have the means, and it will not delay me many minutes.’ The scene of misery he conducted me to I cannot describe. I threw them my purse, and their burst of gratitude overcame me. It filled my eyes; it went as a cordial to my heart. ‘I will call again tomorrow,’ I cried. Fool that I was to think of leaving a world where such pleasure was to be had. and so cheaply. There is many a load which only grows less by giv­ ing a lift to another. A dim Gospel makes a cold Chris­ tian ; a distant Saviour makes a halting, hesitating disciple.” JH The Ford “Retractor” (Headline borrowed from “The Los Angeles Times”) M R. Ford has offered his apologies to the Jews for the unfair articles which appeared in his newspaper against that race. He has frankly confessed that these articles contained statements which were absolutely un-

mittee to produce a new Bible. Who will appoint the committee ? It might be left to the University of Chicago; the association of scientists, or the American Association of Atheists to select the committee. These are among the outstanding institutions which seek to civilize men. What will the new Bible contain? Mr. Wells says it must have “a cosmogony.” The evolutionists already have that in shape, though it does not seem to be elevating the morals of the race to any extent. It must also have “a history of man.” Mr. Wells himself has already prepared that, and we are unaware of its having exerted any saving influences upon our tottering civilization. It must also contain “rules o f health.” Mrs. Eddy and one or two others have already furnished these and still people are dying off at a furious rate. Finally, it must contain “rules o f conduct.” There are various ideas as to what constitutes proper conduct. Nothing could furnish better material for the comic papers than the proceedings of “a committee” of modern

October 1927


T h e

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Christians who have injured one another must confess to those toward whom they have been unjust? When the matter has been of a public nature, confession should certainly be publicly made, so as to undo the mischief so far as possible. Above all, the matter should be sealed by prayer! In spite of these plain teachings how often Christian leaders have publicly made statements or written articles against their brethren—statements which have wrought untold injury not only to individuals but the work of God on a wide scale—and even when shown to have been in the wrong, have never made a move to confess o r make restitution. Some men in high positions have been famous for riding rough shod over others, and often it has seemed that they have grown fat on the injuries they have done. Our Lord views things very differently. A sad day of reckoning must come for every Christian who fails to play square with his fellow man. Matt. 5 :23, 24 states a fundamental of Christian living which all Christians should seriously ponder. ¿Wi. ¿Me. m? w? Keswick (Written by the Editor, who was in attendance ) T O the average tourist the word “Keswick” suggests one of the most beautiful bits of lake and mountain scenery in Great Britain, and for that matter in the whole world. It is quite worth the journey there to see it. To the literary man the region suggests poetry and art, for here Ruskin, Southey and Wordsworth got their inspira­ tion and in turn immortalized its picturesque waterfalls and lakes in letters. But to the Evangelical Christian, Keswick stands for religious inspiration and helpfulness —for the art that makes men and kindles the song of heaven in their hearts. Tired, discouraged and defeated Christian workers from all over the world have come to the peaceful shores of Derwent Water to discover that we need not live a dis­ satisfied and defeated life, and to find the secret of power that sent them back to the sacred task new men and effective workers. “The Keswick Convention,” which has been meeting here in tents for more than fifty years, is the secret of this religious interest and romance. There is nothing like it, so far as we know, for religious gatherings anywhere in the world. We have tried to get something like it in this country and, with this in mind, have invited recognized “Keswick speakers,” thinking that they would do for us what is done in Keswick from year to year. Nothing could be more futile than this. A few outstanding speakers do not make Keswick—it is a life and atmosphere created by earnest prayer and the spirit of expectation and faith on the part of groups of people who gather together during the Con­ vention in what is known among them as “house parties.” One of the most impressive and illuminating things about Keswick is that the speakers count for but compar­ atively little in what happens there. No speaker was ex­ ploited and no men were lauded so as to create a desire on the part of the people to hear them. Bible readings and meetings were announced at certain hours, and the people crowded to the great tent by the thousands to hear a message from God, not knowing through whom it was to be brought. A different man spoke at each hour and different men spoke at different hours when they spoke more than once during the week. Every man was given close attention and each man seemed earnestly desirous to help the yearning hearts which quietly waited upon his ministry. Indeed, some of the men were so anxious

true. He has asked forgiveness and received it. He has offered to make restitution so far as possible. There are, of course, many ready to suggest the motives behind Mr. Ford’s confession, and we do. not say that we are altogether satisfied with some phases of it. By saying that he was wholly unaware of the details of these articles which not only appeared for several years in his paper but had been printed in book form in many languages, to say nothing of the protests which must have been directed to Mr. Ford from all parts of the world, he puts himself in the position of never having read his own paper or !any other paper or magazine which com­ ments upon the news, or even his sown; ^correspondence. Furthermore, it'may not be considered particularly sport­ ing in Mr. Ford to lay all the blame upon his subordinate, the managing editor of the paper. In spite of all this, Mr. Ford has owned up to the entire world that he sinned against the Jewish race, and wants to be forgiven. “I deem it my duty as an honorable man,” he said, “to make amends for the wrong done to the Jews as fellow men.” The American Hebrew says in an editorial that any man who writes such words, “must be accepted as a true repentant. His statement breathes honesty and sincerity, no matter how the cynic may rationalize the motives be­ hind it. We forgive and will seek to forget.” Thus, both parties in the matter have shown a commendable spirit and the whole situation should bring to the minds of Christians the fact that those who profess to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ are often failing to reveal the spirit that has been shown by these men who make no special profession as students of the New Testament. If there is one thing our Lord clearly taught, it is the obligation of the Christian to carefully preserve Christian love and peace toward his brothers, and that if, at any time, a breach comes about in which he finds himself at fault, he will not only labor for a reconciliation but will hasten to confess that he was in the wrong. It is hum­ bling business to have to go to a brother whom we have wronged and beg his pardon and make restitution. It is not easy for a great man to "do such a thing, but according to the Lord’s words in Matt. 5 :23, 24 (words which He Himself declares were directed to “whosoever” and “everyone,” Chapter 7 :24,26), it is essential to the enjoy­ ment of real communion with Him and certainly to the progress of God’s work. It has been said that if one has wronged another, the shortest way for him to get to the Throne of God for him­ self is to go around by his brother’s house and make things right. “I f thou bring thy g ift to the altar” said the Master, “and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee, leave there thy g ift before the altar and go thy way. First be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer < thy g i f t It is implied that the brother has some ground for being offended; that some injury has been done, either real or in his apprehension. In either case, one’s duty is the same toward another who is known to be offended. We are to make short work of it. It is empty form to approach solemnly to God’s altar in prayer and to stand before the church as one who does the will of God, when we refuse to right the wrong we know we have done. The offended party is directed also to make short work of it by prompt forgiveness (Mark 11:25). Our religious exercises are not pleasing to God and He cannot bless us as He desires when malice and uncharitableness hold us in control. “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another” (Jas. 5:16). What does this mean if not that

October 1927

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an d Som e th ing Else The Bible you bought for youiig Sing Lee With the money you sent across the; sea', Was the Word of God that saves from sin; But, alas, we confess with great chagrin, ' Some men you. sent; to teach the Way -Are spreading the gospel of doubt today ;■ And young Sing Lee is staggering back And getting his feet clear off the track. Arise, ye saints, in armor clad, And grasp the Sword and save the lad Whose name you know as young Sing Lee From demons and men across the sea Who would steal away the Book you send, And stop the work that should have no end. W. S. ELLIOTT, in The Sunday School Times, Jan. 22, 1927.

W e Sen t the Book ^ You sent the money across the sea, That bought a Bible for young Sing Lee, ; And young Sing Lee, when he’d read therein, ( Proceeded to turn his back on sin. Then he rested neither night nor day ’Till his brother walked in the narrow way, And his brother worked ’till he had won Away from their gods his wife and son. The woman told of her new-found joy, And Christ was preached by the happy boy. Some of the folks who heard them speak Decided the one true God to seek. It wasn’t long until half the town Had left its idols of wood and stone, And the work’s not ended yet, my friend, You started something that ne’er shall end, When you sent the money across the sea, That bought a Bible for young Sing Lee. AMELIA PRICE AYRES, in The Sunday School Times, Jan. 10, 1925.

natural in the Christian religion that cannot easily be gain­ said. Many other features of the Convention clamor for mention, but space makes it necessary that we should con­ fine ourselves to just one more thing—one of the most dynamic things connected with the Convention—the work done among the young people. There were hundreds of them and they came from all walks of life—from the home, office,.shop and the great universities of England and Scotland. They were there in a serious frame of mind; and the Chairman of the Conference, Dr. J. Stuart Holden* to whose life, service and influence the work owes much, was wise enough to deal with them in a frank and serious way. No foolish stunts were put on to get them together and to hold their attention when they were to­ gether. The claims of Christ upon their lives and ser­ vices were frankly and earnestly pressed upon them in a strong and wholesome way, and the response justified— highly justified—the method. Young people will respond if we will only do them the justice of challenging them to real and difficult things.;, The influence of the Conference will reach the uttermost parts of the earth, but nothing done there will be more gripping on the life of the Church than what was done for the .young people. When the King Comes In T HE strongest argument against Christianity today is Christians. That is a sentiment that is continually being flouted before the editors of this magazine by unbe­ lievers. No doubt they are overworking it, but it is a sad fact that there are so many who are better at wrang-

to say the right word in the right way that they read what they had to give. It is most interesting to add that the people gave close attention to the reading. But whether read from full notes or given without any notes, each address dealt with some fundamental phase of Chris­ tian life and service in a simple, direct and thorough way. The first two days special emphasis was laid upon the importance of being right with God. The following two days consideration was given to the possibilities and privileges of the Spirit-filled life. This was followed by a clear and ringing challenge to real Christian service. The praise meeting on Saturday morning, which was at­ tended by nearly three thousand people, revealed that these messages found a response from needy hearts; and lives were actually transformed and new torches sent out to different parts of the world. Individuals and groups gave most impressive testimony as to what happened to them during the Convention. That meeting also clearly showed that one of the most important elements in the making of Keswick is what happens through the house- party group. The Conference is backed by a mighty vol­ ume of prayer and most consistent and diligent personal work. A few star speakers could stir the crowd, but they could never produce the miracle of Keswick. This is the work of the Spirit of God, made possible by the earnest prayers and consecration represented in- the thousands gathered there in strong expectation. It was also interesting to note that little was said from the platform about the controversial questions and highly fanciful interpretations which figure so largely in Bible Conferences and Conventions in this country. Yet from there went out many living arguments for the super­

October 1927


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White-Collar and Kid-Glove Men A STRIKING article in Nation’s Business appeared some months ago under the title “Taking off the Curse.”^ The writer speaks of the growing army of col­ lege graduates who are not prepared for the jobs that require brawny muscle and horny hand, but only for the: white-collar and kid-glove places in life. The great de­ mand everywhere is for productive labor, and there is a growing complaint that thousands of young people, after going through college, are not prepared for these places. Masons, carpenters, bricklayers today earn more than doctors, lawyers, teachers and preachers, and the country is far overstocked with candidates for these white-collar positions. •One university last year graduated more teach­ ers than there were teachers’ jobs in the whole state. Many who have had college training are forced to manual labor for a living. When this situation was called to the attention of the president of a university having 8,000 students, and he was asked how they were going to make their living, his reply was: “By taking the curse off labor. The cultured man is going to carry his trained mind into mechanics and take the curse off labor. It will make culture uni­ versal instead of the privilege of the few.” The writer goes on to show how men from these white-collar ranks are inventing machinery that reduces labor and expense. By the turning of a switch a great machine will do the work that formerly required scores of men. Thus man would remove the curse by putting the white-collar man in the place of the man who labors by the sweat of his brow. After the fall of man, God ruled, for man’s good, that labor should not henceforth be so easy and remunerative, but that hard work should occupy man so far as possible. The curse came upon nature to enforce this so that by the sweat of man’s'brow he should live. One of the marks of man’s fall was dislike for work. Man has ever since bent his energies to the task of dodging work, invent­ ing labor-saving devices and improving upon nature’s products by artificial means. We are profoundly grateful for many wonderful in­ ventions which have eased the burden of suffering and enabled God’s servants to accomplish more in the advance­ ment of His kingdom, but one is shortsighted who thinks he can outwit God, and promote his own welfare, by these things, thinking to escape the realm of the curse which God put here to deter men from sin. Worse evils are flooding in on every side. Highly educated men are turning their powers into channels that are destructive rather than constructive. Others, whose inventive genius has brought them quick returns, are living in license and luxury. Meanwhile there is a veri­ table volcano of unrest among the laboring class, and any day may witness an awful upheaval. While man is “re­ moving the curse” he is hastening headlong to the fulfil­ ment of Jas. 5:1-8, for “behold, the hire of the laborers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth” (Jas. 5:4). White-collar men we must have in many places, but it will be a sorry day for the world when good productive physical labor comes to an end and everything is done by pressing a button.

ling for religion, and even dying for it, than they are at present living for it. Further, we are forced to admit that the churches have many who are wearing Christianity only as a cloak of profession. But granting all that—is Christianity disproved? Our Lord Himself warned of the days when the love of many should wax cold, and when the great majority of relig­ ionists would have a form, rather than the power of god­ liness. Therefore, to all such objectors, some of whom are honest, we would set forth our Lord’s own parable of the marriage of the King’s Son in Matt. 22, wherein we have a representation of the ingathering of the church and its consummation in the coming of the King. - When all were assembled, the King came in to see the guests (v. 11). Immediately He saw a man who was not clad in the proper garment for such an occasion. What keenness of glance, that He should so soon discover one man in a large crowd! He questions him—-“How earnest thou in hither not having a wedding garment?” There was no rebuke to the servants for admitting him. He does not blame the preacher and the evangelist. They can be easily deceived. The man was “speechless” (lit. “muzzled*’) . He had been able to talk glibly enough to the other guests, but when the King comes in he stands self-condemned. Why could not he have said : “I had no chance to change my clothes” or “I was too poor to provide them” ? The whole point of the parable is that the King Himself provided the robes for such occasions, according to ancient custom. Horace tells of Lucullus that he had 5,000 mantles in his wardrobe. Chardin says of the King of Persia that he gave away hundreds of garments on festive occasions. No wonder the King said to the ser­ vants : “Bind him and take him away into outer darkness.” It was a piece of defiant insolence and could not go unpun­ ished. Let the critic remember that “the hope of the hypo­ crite shall perish,” like his own. No one will get to par­ ticipate in the marriage feast who is not “clothed with the garments of salvation” and “covered with the robe o f His righteousness” (Isa. 61:10). To the church it is said: “To her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the right­ eousness o f saints” (Rev. 19:8). The rags of self-right­ eousness will never be tolerated there (Isa. 64 ;6). The day will come when every hypocrite in the Church will discover the necessity of the righteousness of Christ as his garment, for in the light from the King’s Throne he will find himself, like the unbeliever outside, in moral nakedness. Yes—some are sure to get into the visible Church who have no business there. They have no real love for the King’s Son and are there only to eat of the good things at His table. But forget not that there is a vast company that no man can number, who have come by way of the King’s wardrobe. They are like the feeble Chris­ tian lady attending a mission service. The sermon had been on “The Garments of Salvation.” At the close, she told the speaker that she might never be able to attend another service, but that she would meet him anyway at the marriage feast. “Have you no fear of appearing before God?” he asked. “No—-no,” 'she replied with a smile: “I ’m too well dressed for that.” Surely it is no place of security to be standing on the outside criticizing those who have gone inside, even though some of them have entered in their rags.

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This is dangerously near one out of three. This does not include the number of marriages that are unhappy, but have not required action from the courts. * * * Rolf Lium, 23 years of age, had to preach his first sermon to a congregation which included the President of the United States. He took the pastorate for the summer at the Mission Church at Hermosa where the president has been worshiping during his vacation in the Black Hills. It has taken courage for this "young man to stand before the President and his associates, and prob­ ably no one knows the amount of grace it has taken to bear the burden of cor­ respondence from religious fanatics. We have seen some of the literature ad­ dressed to the young man, copies having been sent to publishers, and we have been led to pray that the young preacher should not be caused to turn with disgust from Fundamentalism merely because some of its adherents are unwise. * * * •Harry Carr, news-writer, says of this new-fangled “companionate marriage” doctrine advocated by Judge Lindsey, H. G. Wells and several lightweight parsons —“Why not call a spade a spade? There is nothing new about it. Men without ethical standards have kept mistresses from the beginning of time. But why call upon the public to help them? Mor­ als and ethics put to one side, there are a lot of practical industrial and socio­ logical reasons why it would not be a good idea to heave the ancient institution of marriage overboard. It isn’t impor­ tant that people do what they want to do. Much more important that they be dis­ ciplined into doing what is. good for them to do. In marriage, as in other things, we need more of Vermont and less of imported European ideas.” * * * One thing is certain. There are evi­ dently a number of editors who think there is good reading in T h e K ing ’ s B usiness . For several weeks we have noted the fact that about a half-dozen of our exchanges are largely made up from material taken from our columns— headlines and all. It would be a help ■to us if they would give credit, for sev­ eral times we have clipped our own items to use again, giving credit to the paper from which they were clipped, only to discover at the last moment that we had

Having made his apology for offending the Jews, Henry Ford now goes to the opposite extreme with his paper and says: “I am going to stop absolutely every­ thing that could possibly cause complaint or hurt the feelings of anybody.” Those of us who have ever tried to run a paper with that idea are ready to testify that Mr. Ford is about to go out of the news­ paper business.

You may get through the world, but ’twill be very slow, If you listen to all that is said as! you go. You’ll be worried and fretted and kept in a stew, For meddlesome tongues must have something to do - And people will talk. * * * “A scientist,” says The Los Angeles Times, “is a man who can examine a bit of thigh bone and reconstruct the pre­ historic monster’s skull.” * * * “Perhaps you have noticed from the ads,” says The Pathfinder, “that the best way to picture the excellencies of any article for sale, from automobile to tooth paste, is to exhibit the likeness of a pretty and smiling girl.” * * * Melville E. Stone, the Chicago pub­ lisher, was quoted not long ago in The New York Times as saying that no mur­ der is so heinous as the killing of faith in the human soul. * * * This from The Oregon-Trail Church­ man : “It is a curious fact that the man who never goes to church and rarely gives toward its support wants the longest ser­ mon over him when he is dead.” * * * Here is something for some church officials to ponder, especially if they have been given to accusing the Jews of being money grabbers : The Associated Jewish Charities of Chicago recently refused a gift of $20,000, because the giver had made his fortune as a bootlegger. When the philanthro­ pist replied that he was no longer a boot­ legger, he was answered that since he had gained his money by illicit means, the gift was tainted and, therefore, could not be accepted. * * * In The Lutheran, we meet this chal­ lenging paragraph: “Why is it that men have so generally been led to resort to various semi-relig­ ious secret orders in order to realize what they felt was a reasonable possi­ bility in the field of brotherhood among men? Was it not that the word ‘brother’ had come to mean practically nothing when used to designate fellowship among churchmen?”

Would I be called a “Christian,” If ev’rybody knew My secret thoughts and feel­ ings, And ev’rything I do? Oh, could they see the likeness Of Christ in me, each day? Oh, could they hear Him speak­ ing, In ev’ry word I say ? Would I be called a “Christian,’ If any one could know That I am found in places, Where Jesus would not go? Oh, could they hear His echo In every song I sing? In eating, drinking, dressing, Could they see Christ my King? : Would I be called a “Christian,” If judged by what I read? By all my recreations, And ev’ry thought and deed ? Could I be counted Christ-like, As I now work and pray? Unselfish, kind, forgiving To others ev’ry day?

M rs . J. F. M oser

It is getting rather amusing to see how the modern fads are made to serve the purpose of the Modernists, A writer has contributed some articles in The Bap­ tist Times on Modern Psychology and the Old Testament, in which he tries to make out that the Book of Daniel, read in the psychological rather than histori­ cal spirit, becomes a parable rather than a record of actual facts. * * * Out of 16,230 marriages in Los Ange­ les, last year, 5085 went on the rocks— either through divorce or annulment.

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