King's Business - 1927-10


Read how to do it in “PHYSICAL VOICE CULTURE”, the greatest book ever written on voice building. It will show you the one scientific, tested way to build a powerful singing or speaking voice. Send coupon below for— JreeVook I

yourHvo-Glossus T HE four letters on this page tell amazing stories of vocal develop­ ment. They are- from men and women who have learned that Physical Voice-Culture is the one, infallible, tested, scientific method of voice building. They are just a few of the thousands telling the same stories of success, in many cases, after all other methods of voice building had failed. Your voice has fascinating dormant pos­ sibilities that you may not even realize. The new book, Physical Voice-Culture will show you how to build up a superb voice by the development of muscles whose existence you never suspected. No mat­ ter what condition your voice is in now, it can be improved at least 100% or every cent of tuition will be cheerfully refunded without question when you have finished the course. Just a fewyears ago, Bert Langtre’s voice Superb Singing Voice 1. C an you open your m outh wide enough to insert tw o fingers betw een your teeth? 2. C an you swallow five tim es in succession? 3. H olding your hand to your throat, can you feel the cords vibrate w hen you sing “ e-e-e-e?” 4 . C an you hold your breath fo r 30 seconds? 5 . Are you determ ined to sing or speak well? 1922 Sunnyside A ve., Chicago, 111. Gentlemen: Send a t once, free and without obliga­ tion, your beautifully illustrated book “ Physical Voice Culture” and full information regarding your home study method of voice building. It is under­ stood that I do not have to pay a cent for this book, either now or later, and that I do nothave to return it. PERFECT VO ICE IN STITUTE, Studio 53-17 If you answ er “yes” to these ques­ tions, you hayc a potentially fine voice that can be developed amaz­ ingly by PHYSICAL VO ICE CULTURE.

was almost destroyed by catarrh and asthma. An impediment in his speech caused him untold embarrassment and suffering. Now he is singing in Grand Opera in California. “An unusual case,” you say. Not at all. He merely took advantage of the opportunity you are given here. Build up your voice the simple, easy, nat­ ural way by silent physical exercises in the privacy of your own home. The Physical Voice-Culture method is ideally adapted to home study. It is being taught as successfully by correspondence as by personal instruction. No one need know that you are studying until you have developed a strong, beautiful voice. When you are constantly urged to sing or speak at your church, at private re­ ceptions or public functions—when you are the most popular person in your cir­ cle of acquaintances, then you will know the rich rewards of Physical Voice-Culture.

Glad to Tell Everybody What Your Course Did I shall certainly be delighted to tell anyone what your course did for me. In fact, I have been telling people for the last three years and started several people in the work in Japan. When one lives in New York, as I do now, and sees the number of wholly unqualified people who are teaching singing, it seems as if there ought to be some test for teachers. I think that learning ten operatic roles, one after another, is a pretty good test of the con­ dition of a person’s throat, don’t you? My voice doesn’t seem to have suffered in the least from it. Florence Mendelson, New York City. Wouldn’t Part With Course for $1,000.00 I have a great deal to say about this won­ derful course, and want you to know that I am a happy man since taking it up. I needed your course badly, very badly. Being a teacher, I have to speak, at times, quite loud, and the strain on my throat was acutely felt, and hoarseness followed. My voice is abso­ lutely clear and resonant now, in fact, I have no words to thank you enough. I wouldn't part with my Course for a thousand dollars. Julio C. De Vosconcellos, New Bedford, Mass. Realizes the Dream of Her Life A feeling of thankfulness comes over me to think I have found such an opportunity to cultivate my voice. It is the one great thing in mylifeto developa beautifulvoice,and tothink that it is daily improving through your won­ derful method brought right to my own door. I will now make you happy by saying it is certainly the best investment I ever made. Florence M. Clarke, 148811th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. Lost Voice Restored—Sings Better Than Ever I am very glad to be able to inform you that the study and practice of your exercises is making a great change in my voice. You may appreciate what this means to me when I tell you that an illness while in France, weakened my throat to such an extent that I feared I would never sing again. How­ ever, after studying your lessons, I find that I can sing better than ever, in fact, I was told by a friend who had heard me sing at a re­ ception that I had never been in better voice than I am now. f J. Ralph Bartlett, Newton, N. H.

If You Can Pass These Tests You Can Develop a

Mail This Coupon Find out at once about the wonderful possi­ bilities of your voice—possibilities that you have never realized! Simply send coupon for FREE book. Read the astounding truestories of what others have done. This may be the turning point in your life. Mail coupon today. Perfect Voice Institute 1922 Sunnyside Ave. Studio 53-17 Chicago, 111.

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