King's Business - 1927-10

October 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


R A O J O K T B 1 T he B ible I nstitute of L os A ngeles ,C alif .

H arry P. H erdman , Announcer

H érbert G. T ovey , Program Director


TUESDAYS 8:45 to 9:15 am . D evotional Service. 2:00 to 3:00 pm. In sp ira tio n a l H our. 7:15 to 8:00 pm. A unt M a rth a ’s C hildren’s ' Hour. 8:00 to 9:00 pm. B ible E x p o sitio n and music.:':: WEDNESDAYS 8:45 to 9:15 am. D evotional Service. 2:00 to 3:00 pm. In sp ira tio n a l Hour. 7:15 to 8:00 pm. A unt M arth a’s C hildren’s Hour. 8:00 to 9:00 pm. Bible E xposition and music. lected. Such was the case with Israel. During thè stated feasts they were very religious, but when the festive time passed, religion was dropped. In opposition to this sporadic worship the prophet insisted that they should “let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” It is unfortunate that the He­ brew word has been translated “mighty.” It is true that the word does have that signification, but the primary meaning of the word is “perennial, ever-flowing.” Unlike the waddies óf Palestine which flowed only during rainy seasons and were dry the rest of the time, Amos wanted righteousness and justice to flow from their hearts and lives as a mighty perennial stream. —o— Treating Everybody Right Amos S:4-15. Memory Verse: “Depart from evil, and do good.” Psa. 34:14. Approach : You know, boys and girls, the Lord Jesus knows just what kind of people we are, for He can look right down into our hearts. If our hearts are

THURSDAYS 8:45 to 9:15 am. D evotional Service. 2:00 to 3:00 pm. In sp ira tio n a l Hour. 7:15 to 8:00 pm. A unt M a rth a ’s C hildren’s Hour. 8:00 to 9:00 pm. B ible E x position and m usic. . FRIDAYS 8:45 to 9:15 am. D evotional Service. 2:00 to 3:00 pm. In sp ira tio n a l Hour. 6:15 to 7:00 pm. A u n t M a rth a ’s C hildren’s H our. 7:00 to 8:00 pm. E xposition of In te rn a ­ tio n al Sunday School lesson. , 8:00 to 9:00 pm. Bible E x p o sitio n and music.

10:45 to 12:30 am. R e g u la r service of th e C hurch of th e Open Door 3:00 to 4:00 pm. Jew ish R adio Hour. Bible E x position by Rev. D avid L. Cooper, a ssiste d by m usical a rtists. 6:00 to 6:45 pm. R adio V esper Service. In sp ira tio n a l serm ons by m em bers of the fa c u lty and v isitin g m in isters. 7:15 to 9:00 pm. R e g u la r evening service of th e C hurch of th e Open Door. MONDAYS 8:45 to 9:15 am . D evotional Service. 2:00 to 3:00 pm. Monday Club. 7:15 to 8:00 pm. A unt M a rth a ’s C hil­ d re n ’s Music Hour. 8:00 to 9:00 pm. B ible E xposition and Music. if duty demands that one speak forth, let him be faithful to God, for he may claim the protection of God, as seen in Psa. 11. Vs. 14-20. These omitted verses may be called the Old Testament expression of the recipe for a happy life and walk with God. Verses 16-17 give a predic­ tion of certain calamity. Verses 18-20 show that the Day of the Lord is a day of calamity and certain retribution to the wicked. V. 21. “I hate, I despise your feasts, and I will take no delight in your solemn assemblies.” The reason God hated their assemblies was that the worshipers were living impure, corrupt lives and still en­ gaging in the service of God. Morality and righteousness cannot be divorced from true religion. The marginal render­ ing of the expression, “will take no delight in," is “will not smell a savor.” Their religious observances were disgusting and nauseating to God, as the most unpleasant odor is to one with delicate sense of smell. V. 22. God, through Moses, demands offerings and sacrifices, but Amos says that God would not accept them, the reason being that their lives were cor­ rupt. V. 23. In this verse the prophet re­ jected their worship (cf. Mai. 1:6-10). In their worship they did not seek to please the Lord, but themselves (Zech. 7:6-7). V. 24. "But let justice roll down as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream.” This verse emphasizes the pos­ itive side of religion. Both sides, positive and negative, appear in Psa. 1 :l-2 and Psa. 34:13-14. Jesus laid the emphasis upon justice and mercy and at the same time preserved the necessary outward ceremonial observances (Matt. 23:23). Religion, with many people, is periodical in special times of revival. When the revival ceases, religion is largely neg­

BLACKBOARD OUTLINE ONEST EARTFELT ÌM icah6:8. UMBLE r Love thy neighbor as thyself. —Lev. 19:18.

brothers or sisters? How do you treat mother and father? Prayer. Lesson Story. A long, long time ago when they had no Bible, God chose men to go among the people and warn them of the punishment for sin, and urge them to be true to God and His word to them. God spoke to these men, called prophets, and told them what to tell the people. We remember one of these prophets God called was named Amos. Amos was taking care of sheep when God called him, but he obeyed at once. In our story to­ day God’s people Israel are living very selfish lives, and we know selfishness is always sin. They were greedy for money and pleasure. They were building fine houses of stone and other fine material, and planting great vineyards. They gave no thought to the poor people living in their land. The poor people were often made to pay high taxes; sometimes the rich people did not pay them enough wages for their work.. When we disobey God, we are always in danger, and so these people became so greedy to make money, they did not care how they got it, and became dishonest and wicked. But during all this time some one was watching—God. Now God sent Amos to the people of Israel with a message, and it was a very hard thing for a prophet to go to people and tell them of their sin, for often the prophets were cruelly treated and sometimes killed. These wonderful messages are for us today, for people today are for-

wrong, our lives are sure to be wrong. So then the first thing for us to do is to s e e that o u r hearts are pure and clean, and we can n o t do that our­ selves, but the dear Lord has asked us to let Him have our

hearts. Now, when we come to Jesus He comes to live in our hearts through His Holy Spirit. He will make our lives pure and clean, and then we are sure our hearts will be right When we see people doing that which is wrong, we know their hearts are sinful. How do you treat each other in your games? How do you act in the home toward younger

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