King's Business - 1927-10

nnouncin g Available Bible Conference Leaders and Evangelists The Bible Institute of Los Angeles stands eagerly and wholeheartedly committed to the tas\ o f extending its Teaching and Evan' gelistic ministry, IN COOPERATION w i t h EVAN' GELICAL CHURCHES, as far afield as there are God'given opportunities and God'provided resources. DR. G. CAMPBELL MORGAN Dr. G. Campbell Morgan, one of the world’smost noted Bible teachers, now a permanent member of the regular school Faculty, will be available during • the school year for four-day weekend Bible Conferences in fields within a radius of a night’s travel from Los Angeles . . . There are still a few un­ claimed dates on Dr. Morgan’s winter calendar. REV. BRITTON ROSS

REV. LEO POLMAN Rev. Leo Polman, Singing Evangel­ ist, director of music in the Ross meetings, able in the leadership of song, a young man of personality and power. The late winter and spring schedule of the Ross-Polman Campaigns is now in the making.

Rev. Britton Ross, Field Evangelist of the Bible Institute . . for twenty years a markedly successful Pastor, Bible Teacher and Evangelist, true to the Word in message, safe and sane in method, has just closed a crowded year of service with mar­ velous spiritual results.

OTHER LEADERSHIP Other members of the Institute Staff are available for a limited number of Bible Conference and Evangelistic engagements in nearby fields. (¡[The Bible Institute is in a position to serve the Church . . and is happy so to do . . through the recommendation of other Bible Teachers and Evangelists, not officially related to the Institute, but known to be true to the Word and capable in service. All correspondence relative to the above leaders should be addressed to T h e Extens ion Depa r tmen t of T h e B i b l e I n s t i t u t e 536 S o u t h Ho p e S t r e e t Los A n g e l e s , Ca l i f o r n i a

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