King's Business - 1927-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1927

w o x m i ^ G S

| B ook T ab le J


R e a d T h i s

Beautify Furniture PROTECT FLOORS and Floor Coverings .by attaching Glass Onward Sliding Furniture Shoe to - your furniture. If your dealer will not ; supply you, write us. ONWARD MFG. CO. Menasha, Wis., Kitchener. Ont.

Bible. The chapter headings and sub­ headings are very suggestive and helpful, and each chapter is followed by most interesting and valuable topics for dis­ cussion. The whole course is planned out in a very scholarly and practical way, and it is safe to say that anyone faith­ fully following it would come into a new and inspiring, appreciation of Bible study and also would acquire a fine working knowledge of the Bible. M. C. - —o— The Tabernacle, the Temple and the Offerings ■B y T homas N ewberry This is an English publication coming from the presses of John Kitchie. Mr. Newberry’s articles > on Biblical topics have for years been enjoyed by spiritual readers, especially on the other side of the water. He was the editor of the Englishman’s Bible. This, fair-sized vol­ ume, which in th? United States will sell for $2.00, takes up in some .detail the types and teachings of the tabernacle and tem­ ple. Thosq whcfvjenjoy these profound Old Testament studies will find this a book full of suggestions concerning the significance of the various materials of the tabernacle and the arrangements of the temple. There are eight excellent illustrations in the book. The study of thp offerings is a rich contribution to the literature qn this .subject;vand will throw new light upon many of the New Testa­ ment teachings.—K. L.. B. —o— We have here the first of four com­ panion volumes devoted to the exposition of the Revelation made to the apostle John on the Island of Patmos. We are not told when the remaining volumes will appear, but we assume that Hamilton Brothers will make them available in the near future. Dr. McKnight, the author, is pastor of the First Reformed Presby­ terian Church of Boston, He q said to have a remarkably true conception of the inwardness of Palestinian Greek, as well as the true nature of primitive Chris­ tianity. This first volume. is surely a most satisfying book, and while it carries us only through the . third chapter of. Revelation, we feel. safe, ih saying that the- entire set ■when completed, will be highly valued in the libraries of Bible teachers. The best that other commen­ tators have said < quoted freely, the local setting is vividly pictured, and the historical background clearly set ‘ forth. It is doubtful if any two Bible scholars would agree on all points, of the ihjef- pretaiion of this, book, which has been the great enigm^ fn, the field of Biblical exposition, but it seems certain that Bible students of whatever persuasion can find much in Dr.’.McKnight’s writings which will be suggestive. $3.00 is the price of each volume.—K. L. B. The Apocalypse of Jesus Christ B y D r : W illiam J. M c K night

L e t t e r

“I have been so busy at other things that I have not taken time to write to you and to thank you, and to say ‘thank you’ seems so empty when I try to express to you the great ser­ vice in this course. “I cannot tell you of the great joy which over-flooded my soul as I came to the great truths that have been re­ vealed in these wonderful lessons, from time to time as I would ask the Holy Spirit to show to me these won­ derful words of life and food from God’s own table. I believe that every Christian should take this course 'so that they may live nearer to Christ and live a life with nothing but Christ within. I thank God for ever giving me the time to take this course and for leading me to take it. I am talking about your wonderful course and trying to get as many as I can to take it, and to think it is only $5.00; if I were to try to put a price on this course I could not for it is to me priceless; money could not buy it.” Bible Courses by Mail 1. Bible Doctrine......... ..............$5.00 2. The Gospels ............ 7.00 3. Old Testament ........ 3.00 4. Efficiency Course .............. 3.00 5. Book Studies ..................... :. 3.00 6. Beginners ..... 2.00 7. New Testament ..........■___... 3.00 8. Supplemental.................. ; l .00 9. Teacher Training ................. 3.00

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A HYMN-BOOK that is ideal for Evan­ gelistic Campaigns, Missionary Con­ ventions, Young People's Rallies;' Radio Services, etc. 202 SELECT SONGS—all favorites— 91 Songs of Worship and Evangelism, 16 Songs on the Deeper Life, 8 Songs On Di­ vine Healing, 23 Songs on Missions,-20 Songs on the Second Coming, 17 Invitation Numbers, 10, for .Children; 11 for Choirs, 6 Choruses. The yery best book possibleat a remark­ ably low price. ' Cloth, 50c each ; |40 per hundred ; Manila, 30c each ; ¡$25 per hundred. s A returnable copy w ill be sent to yo u fo r exam ination upon, request The Christian

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536 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif.

Please send me full particulars of the above courses offered by mail. Name .... ...........:.............. Address ............ ............

Alliance Publishing Company 260 West 44th Street New York, N. Y.

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