King's Business - 1927-10

October 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

d. The death of Jesus was of no value to man. e. The teaching and example valuable. f. Salvation by character. g. Ridiculed orthodoxy. 6. Socinianism. a. A more rational view of Christ. b. Matter eternal—creation impossible. e. Denied virgin birth of Jesus. d. Denied the three persons in the God­ head. e. Death of Jesus only an expression of love. j. Salvation by character. g. Ridiculed orthodoxy. ;7, Modernism —as stated by Kant. a. A scientific view of Christ. b. Man has the attributes of God. c. Repudiates the atonement. d. Denies the virgin birth of Jesus." e. The Bible quite imperfect and not trustworthy. /. The value of Jesus is in leadership and teaching. g. Salvation by character. hi Ridicules orthodoxy. If these seven citations do not illustrate the fact that heresy is essentially the same in the twentieth century as it was in the second, what do they illustrate? The Bible Treasure Chest A V aluable book of Bible know ledge, giving co n ten ts of each book. G r e a t c h a ra c te r sketches. N othing finer for boys a n d girls. J u s t w h at teach ers w ould like to give th eir scholars. 64 pages, 44 b eautiful illu stratio n s, m agnificent cover, only 15c. 10 fo r $1.00 p o s t­ paid. Golden Rule Book Shop, A lbion, M ich. 5000 “ S ™ WANTED to sell Bibles, T estam ents, good books- and handsom e v elvet S crip tu re m ottoes. Good comm ission. Send for Free C atalog an d P rice L ist GEORGE W . NOBLE, PUBLISHER D ept. No. 7C, M onon Bldg. C hicago, 111. P o st C ards w ith a M essage. Choice poem s, S cripture, sentim ent. Supply / real ’need of C hristian people. 50 sam ples, 25c, p o stp aid . G olden Rule Book Shop, A lbion, M ich. “Revival Gems Number Two” con­ tains many old favorites common­ ly known as the “Moody and Sankey hymns.” Only ten cents per copy. Fully orchestrated for 14 instruments. See adv. on page 666 of this issue.

IYMNS from the Heart H I 107 Inspiring G ospel H ym ns by th e W orld's G reatest H ym n W rite rs: Stebbins, Harkness,. Sankey, Gabriel, Tovey, Hooker, etc. Mrs. James Henry Larson, Editor, Voice Student Boston, New York and Paris. 25e Each, $12.50 per 100. Returnable copy on request. REV. J. H. LARSON, L ake Shore D rive, - Lake Geneva, W is. 0nn\unionWareofQualil^ FIN EST ‘¿ j É g f l p S Ï f f l S M i SILVER PEATE W orkmanship lowe s t P rices « INDIVIDUAL COMMUNION SERVICE CO Room 356 1701"1705 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia.^ “THESANITARY comunion CUPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary

Martin Luther, giving his estimate on the Universities and schools of the fu­ ture, which amounts to almost a pro­ phecy. Luther wrote : . “I am much afraid that universities will prove to be the great gates of hell, unless they dil­ igently labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures, engraving them in the hearts of youth. I advise ,no' one to place his child where the Scriptures do not reign paramount. ' Every institution in which men are not unceasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.” , , i ■ 1 ói'j. ■< afe “Modernism” An Ancient Heresy W rHAT is there that is new in Mod­ ernism? Some of Us, for a long time, have been trying to: find out. A reader of The Southern Methodist, who has been making a study of ancient her­ esies, recently sent in the following tabu­ lation of the result of his investigations : 1. The Gnostic Heresy: 1 a. Claimed to have a deeper and truer view of Christianity. ’ b. Rejected the inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures:;;: Belief in one’s self is, belief in God. d. Christ delivers men by His coming and not by an atonement. e. Rejected the virgin birth of Jesus. /. Ridiculed orthodoxy. g. Salvation by illumination. 2. Marcionites-r-lmproved Gnostics. ■ a. Had a truer understanding of Paul. b. Christ revealed good will. c: There is no value in the death of Jesus. d. Held the Scriptures imperfect. e. Denied the virgin birth of Jesus f. Ridiculed orthodoxy. g. Salvation by good will. 3. Neo-Platonic Heresy. ' a. Bible not a positive revelation. 6. God is the supreme mind. c. To commune with one’s self is wor­ ship of God. d. Denied the virgin birth of Jesus. e. Christ a mère man. f. Consciousness of God’s salvation. g. Ridiculed orthodoxy. 4. Manichean Heresy. a. Had a refinedand superior view of Christianity. b. Rejected Moses and the prophets. c. Declared the New Testament cor­ rupted. d. Denied the virgin birth of Jesus. e. Denounced orthodoxy. f. Salvation by character. 5. Pelagian Heresy. a. Found a b e t t e r interpretation of Christ. b. Adam’s fall injured only himself. c. All mankind born in an incorrupt state.

S e n d f o rJ U u stra ted Catalog

The individual com­ munion service per­ mits. an impressive ceremony. We in­ troduced individual cups (many state

laws now demand them). We make the finest quality of. beautiful polished trays and supply thousands of satisfied congregations. Send for list of these churches and FREE CATALOG with quotations. SANITARY COMMUNION OUTFIT CO., 500-57th St., Rochester, N. Y. SENT FOR TRIAL

is within reach o f your church, tool | Imaginetherich, musical tones of D eagan T ow er Chimes coming from the belfry of your church*- a J constant inspiration to worship; a golden \ voice eagerly awaited by multitude# every, day. Write for plan. Standard Sets $6,000 and Up, 9 J.C. DEAGAN, lac., 191 Deagan Building, Chicago, IP. I S urpassing a ll others in New Songs, Solos, Hymns, Duets, Quartets and Chor­ uses. (3) Bindings. Cloth, 55c Red Rope, 45c Manila, 35c S e n d fo r S a m p le a n d B e C onvinced B I LHORN BROS. 136 W. Lake St. Chicago M m 100 PERCENTPROFITS CHRISTMAS TREE TINSEL Write for Samples JohnW.GottschalkMfg.Co. Lehigh Avenue and Maschet Street T inned Dept. A PHILADELPHIA, PA. Pipe-Tone Folding Organs ‘ 4 Octave Double Reed PETER PHILIP BILHORN

Tn order to introduce our LATEST MODEL LIBERTY PIPE-TONE FOLDING ORGANS e i t h e r leatherette covered, or 3-ply oak case, we will accept for a limited time orders at $40.00 each (list price $70.00). A. L. W H ITE MFG. CO. 205 Englewood Ave., Chicago, III. Any church, school or class can publish a parish paper by using our co-operative plan. A parish paper fills empty pews, keeps community informed, speeds up church work. Free Samples and Particulars. Our plan provides a paper for your church without cost to you. The National Religious Press Grand Rapids, Mich.

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