King's Business - 1927-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1927

MASTERY of THE BIBLE BRINGS POWER Power to develop your own life, to influence the lives of others, to use better English, to make right deci­ sions, to learn to adjust yourself to your circumstances, and to overcome every disadvantage. You Can Master the Bible under one of the world’s most fa­ mous teachers, the Rev. C. I. Scofield, D.D., by using the Scofield Reference Bible All difficult passages' explained on the page where they occur. Study this Bible daily in spare moments for a short time, and you will know the Bible. Printed in two sizes of type, all styles being page for page the same. TWO SIZES—The same, page for page. Handy Size—Minion black-faced type. Size 7x4% Inches. Larger Type—Brevier black-faced type. Size 8%x5% inches. Handy Size No. 40 Price $1.95

No wonder we read that He will be “admired [wondered at] in all that be­ lieve.” So stupendous and marvelous will His work in redeeming love appear, that when we see it all summed up, we shall stand aghast with amazement. Wonder of wonders—the untold millions re­ deemed by the blood of the Lamb and clothed in His righteousness. Chemists tell us the black bit of coal becomes the beautiful diamond. What shall we say of the power of Christ that has taken such material as Christians once were, and changed these multiplied millions of sinners into flashing diamonds at His coming? This is the crowning, marvel of marvels—the highest miracle of Christ. “His name shall be called won­ derful,” And don’t miss this part—“them that believed.” This is what puts men into that throng. The simple act of faith knits one to Him forever, and, kept by the poorer of God ready to be revealed, these trusting souls—often while On earth trembling, struggling, fainting souls—are they IN whom He shall be wondered at when He comes. Atheists Get Crabby Have you‘ noticed that when a man loses his faith in God and in the Christian religion he invariably begins to feel a grouch against almost everything under the sun? We note that this school of infidels are either outright atheists ,or else agnostics,1 and base their negative beliefs on the hard and unpleasant occurrences in the world of nature, says The Bible Champion. That is, they find fault with the economy of the cosmos. Instead of making the most of the hard tasks of life, and cheer­ fully believing that “all things work to­ gether for good,” they are “out of sorts” with the very nature of things. Whenever people get into the skeptical mental frame, they get a fundamental grouch. They become universal fault-finders. Nothing in the world suits their hypocritical and discontented souls. The skeptic soon lands in the country of ennui. His motto is Nil admirari, which, being liberally translated, means, “Nothing is right; the whole world is a farce.” The Walking Concordance Daniel Webster, who was called, be­ cause of his familiarity with the Scrip­ tures, “the walking concordance of the United States Senate,” said of the Bible: “I have read it through many times. I now make a practice of going through it once a year. It is the book of all others for lawyers as well as divines, and I pity the man who cannot find in it a rich sup­ ply of thought, and rules for conduct”

His Highest Glory “He shall coinè to be glorified in His saints and to be admired in all them that believe.”—2 Thess. 1:10. H ERE is the primary purpose of our Lord’s coming—not to render ven­ geance (although He will do this—v. 9), but to be glorified in His saints. Observe, too, that it is to be glorified IN them, not simply BY them. All the universe will see Him IN His people. This is the highest glory of Jesus in His coming—not the Shekinah cloud, not the dazzling throne and not the angelic hosts—but those whom He has made to share in His nature. “Christ IN you, the hope of glory.” An artist is known by his work. We look at the great painting and say, “This is the glory of Raphael.” We listen to the great symphony and say, “This is the glory of Beethoven.” What will be Christ’s glory ? He points to His handi­ work—“glorified IN His saints/’ “Revival Gems Number Two” is a sensation. Only ten cents per copy. Large plates and clear type. Fully orchestrated for 14 instruments for Sunday school and general use. See adv. on page 666 of this issue. Do S u Know?!

Larger Type No. Price 90 $2.75 70 3.25 71 6.00 73 6.50 79 8.50 73x 9.00 75x 10.00 78x 11.00 79x 11.50

Cloth ........................................

5.00 5.50

French Morocco, divinity cir-



7.00 Persian Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge.. Oxford India Paper Edition

53x 7.00 French Morocco, divinity cir- 55x 8.00 French Morocco, divinity cir- 58x 8.50 Alaska Seal, limp, leather 59x 9.00 Persian Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge.. 65x 10.50 Real Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, calf lined to edge,

In w h a t book of th e Bible th e Serm on o n th e M ount appears? W ho comm anded th e Sun and M oon to stan d still? W ho w as th e first K ing of Israel?

85x 12.75

66x 12.00 Levant Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, calf lined to edge,

86x 15.00

68x 13.00 Sealskin, divinity c i r c u i t , calf lined to edge, silk Maroon Levant M o r o c c o (boards), silk s e w e d ,

88x 16.50

FREE—Se/u/ for this 5-minute Bible Test Find out if your Bible knowledge is what it ought to be. A complete grasp of the Testaments comesonly fromdirected study. The 34,000 stu­ dents who have taken Moody Bible Institute Home Study Courses are

25.00 25.00

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Interleaved Edition 265x 16.50 Real Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, calf lined to edge,

285x 19.00

With Concordance, etc. French Morocco, divinity cir-



173 7.50 173x 10.50 175x 11.50 178x 12.50 179x 13.00

153x 8.50 French Morocco, divinity cir- 155x 9.50 French Morocco, divinity cir- 158x 10.00 Alaska^ Seal, limp, leather 159x 10.50 Persian Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge 165x 12.00 Real Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, calf lined to edge. 168x 14.50 Sealskin, divinity circuit, calf lined to edge, silk

happier, better men and women becauseofthem. Ten courses—non-sectarian—one suited to the needs of the youngest beginner t 9 the most ad­ vanced Christian. You’ll be surprised to seehow much Biblical knowledge helps you in simple, everyday affairs. Send for our free 5-minute Bible Test. See if you think your knowledge measures up. Mail Coupon today. M OO D Y B IB LE IN S T IT U T E CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL D ept. 4207 153 Institute Place, C hicago, III. Moody Bible Institute Dept. 4207, 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Please send me, Free, your 5-Minute Bible Test. No obligation.



188x 18.00

With Cyclopedic Concordance French Morocco, divinity Oxford India Paper Edition Persian Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, leather lined to edge,





359x 11.00

479x 13.50

With Dr. Torrey Helps

70T 3.50

50T 2.75

Oxford India Paper Edition Real Morocco, divinity cir­ cuit, calf lined to edge, silk sewed

65xT 11.00

85xT 13.50


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