King's Business - 1927-10


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

October 1927

R A I S E S * 10 " l i o n C H U R C H j in11m inutes SMrs. Seawell of Missouri found DUST- 11AWAY—the amazing mop innovation— the greatest money raiser ever heard of. A WestV ir-/ ” ginia auxiliary raised $276with it—and one F school class made $60in one week.

want what is just and right.” The man said, “Yes,” but went on to state the case over again. Very gently father said to him: “If you have been misinformed, I presume that you would be perfectly will­ ing to know what the truth is.” He said he would. Then father, very gently and quietly, made a statement of the other side, and when he was through the man got up and said: “Forgive me, doctor. Forgive me.” Father had beaten him by his quiet, gentle way. Do Not Forget That—Samuel W. Beazley & Son, Chicago, 111., are leaders as hymn-book publishers. Their books can be ordered from your own denominational book store. See one of their New books advertised on page 666 of this issue. EARN EXTR A MONEY Sell INITIAL CHRISTMAS CARDS $1 per box. I'll- teen' assorted. Designs in colors. Sentiment and your INITIAL on each card, all Steel Die Stamped. FAST SELLERS because they are DIFFERENT. Write for details. .Pilgrim Studios, II Otis St., Boston, Mass.

Mariolatry Anticipated A REMARKABLE incident is re­ corded in the twelfth chapter of Matthew’s Gospel, wherein we see Mary, the mother of Jesus, seeking to interrupt Him in the midst of His earnest preach­ ing. “While he yet talked to the people, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him. Then one said unt5 him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee” (Matt. 12:46-47). What had moved upon Mary that she should thus join in such a transaction ? Did she begin to believe what some of the friends of the family maintained, that He was “beside Himself” ? (See Mark 3:21, 23.) But Jesus was not to be distracted. The “Virgin Mary” had no authority over Him. Note His answer: “Who is my mother? and who are my brethren? , . . Whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother and sister and mother” (vs. 48, 50). He is not rejecting the ties of human nature, but He is putting them in their proper relationship—-the spiritual relation­ ship has precedence. Earthly relationships are nothing in comparison with this. Mary’s relationship to Him was but hu­ man. It is not Mary’s fault that a certain church has elevated Jesús’ earthly rela­ tionship above the spiritual. The Virgin is put up for worship because of her re­ lationship as the human mother of Jesus. By this incident Mariolatry was an­ ticipated. It shows that Mary derived no special advantage over others from the circumstance of being the earthly parent of Jesus. When once “a certain woman lifted up her voice and said unto him, Blessed is the womb that bare thee . . .” He said, “Rather, blessed are they that hear the Word of God and keep it.” The one command of Mary is recorded in John 2 :5: “Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it.” When Wrath Opposes Wrath When wrath opposes wrath wise ends are rarely served. A soft answer does turn away wrath. Henry Ward Beecher used to tell this story about his father, Dr. Lyman Beecher: I remember that once a man came to our house red with wrath. He was boil­ ing over with rage. He had, or supposed he had, a grievance to complain of. My father listened to him with great attention and perfect quietness until he had got it all out, and then he said to him in a soft and low tone, “Well, I suppose that you only

DUSTAWAY sells everywhere like wild fi_ Has 13 novel features. Makes broom into i mop in one minute. Washes out in a jiffy. Gets into hard places, under radiators, be­ tween banisters, etc. Holds dust without« oil. No metal toscratch. Exactly what / women have always,wanted. Approved by Good Housekeeping Institute! Send fo r FREE SAMPLE Send forasample of this cleverwork- saver—FREE on request to officer ■ of any recognized church society. jeL A two minute test you | Brag tremendous money-raising possibilities.

Our special plan increases church funds quickly withou ; investingone penny. W rite for sample and details todayt > GLENCO PRODUCTS CO.,D ept.11-181,Quincy,Hi. H p iiiB im i» - i r e used in thousands òf schools and. -] i p » ;; churches. ' vThis line of projection. ; | 'I f lan tern s. — fo r g lass slides, opaque ’’ o b jects an d ^ strip '’ film is lhei<|rijest-

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. Si'mlfor flhistra/c'dl.itirutnn ; BAUSCH & LOMBÓPT1CALCO.. 72»St. PaulSt„ Rochester, N. V. ‘BeautifulGirlhood I " ® By Mabel Hale

“ Standing with reluctant feet Where the brook and river meet ”— Y OUR daughter.with the flush of youth in her cheeks, and the star-shine in her eyes, facing life eagerly, enquiringly, needs this book. For the teen-age girl, written by a Christian mother to help her own girl meet life’s problems unafraid. Her wise hand will lead unfolding womanhood past yawn­ ing pitfalls to character, virtue, per­ sonality and leadership. Thousands of copies sold, demand increasing. Gift style, bound in pretty blue cloth with medallion on

By Elsie E . Egermeier. 233 ever-new stories of Bible times. Fascinating, vivid, dramatic. Told in simple language, beauti­ fully illustrated in color. Cloth Binding, $2.00.* Home Study Edition, with 64 pages test questions,etc. $2.75. * K raft DeLuxe Edition, with home study features, $3.75. * Christian Hero Series Life-stories of world-renowned religious leaders—Wesley,Paton, S p u rg eo n , T a y lo r, M oody, Luther, Livingstone, Judson. Thrilling tales,dramatically told. 75c each.* 8 vol. set $5.50 post­ paid. The Home Series By M rs. Byrum, a Christian mother, and one of the best writers of children’s stories. “Happy Hours a t Home” (9 to 15 years), “Twilight Talks W ith Children” (6 to 12 years), “ Bed­ time Stories” (4 to 9 years). Price 60c each.* * Postage 5 centsfor one book and 1 cent for each additional book ordered at the same time.

front side. A delicate blue border surrounds each page. Comes wrapped in water-silk em­ bossed tissue. 232 pages. Sizes 5 x I f f . Price $1.00 plus 5c postage.* Does not deal •with Sex Questions Order from your religious publishing house or write direct. G o s p e l j r u m p e t ^ sw PEITtTERS-PUBLISllERS-BlBUCALUTERATURifv^ * D ept. 1 2 A nderson, Indiana Pomona, Calif., 7th St. and Garey Av. Kansas City, Mo., 2616 E. 15th St. Yakima,Wash., 10S. Seventh Ave. Atlanta, Ga., 804Edgewood Ave.N.E. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ) O B ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H i MAIL m M ail n earest office, D ept. 12 I Gentlemen: Please send volumes on attached list for which I en- Coupon ;f TODAY may return thé booksand you will refund full amount paid. □ Check here for Cataloj _ Check here for general cat- . -I--------...— - --- H ■ L-'alog of Books, Bibles, Wall L_JChurch and Sunday _ g Mottoes and. Scripture Text Supplies and Equipment. l g of School Greeting Cards.


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