King's Business - 1927-10

October 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

. O c t o b e r 9 “Changed into the same image.”—2 Cor. 3 :18

3\(ew Bible (bourses


TO be changed into the image of God! Surely that is the ambition of every Christian heart. But how is it to be accom­ plished? Note, first of all, that as far as we are concerned the work is to be passive. We are to be changed, we are not to change ourselves. Moreover, it is to be progressive; we are to be changed “from glory to glory” until the gracious result is complete. That result is to be obtained by reflection. The true rendering of the passage is, “We, reflecting as a mirror the glory of the Lord, are changed from glory to glory.” We are to set ourselves , at such an angle that the Divine radiance may shine upon us continually and, while we are reflecting that glory, to His. praise and our brother’s enlightenment, by a wonderful spiritual alchemy we are slowly but surely to grow into the image which we reflect. This law of reflection and transformation is not an unknown one. People who are con­ tinually together upon earth insensibly grow like one another, both in features and in ways. In the same manner, the more we are with Christ, the closer and more continuous the com­ panionship, the more intimate the communion, the more we shall reflect His beauty, the greater the degree in which we shall resemble Him in character. A simple recipe, truly, and one that brushes aside our fussy strife after self-improvement, but as blessed and glorious as it is simple. Let. us test its efficacy without delay. A!*. O ctober 10 "The joy of thy salvation.” —Psa. 51:12. THERE are three great, outstanding joys in salvation, for each of which the worldling strives in vain. There is the joy of Peace. Men seek for rest and contentment everywhere but in Christ, and fail to find it anywheretefor “there is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked.” With no hope in the future and no- assurance in the present, the sinner’s heart is like the troubled sea; and it is only when Christ says: “Peace, be still,” that a great calm comes into the soul. Then there is the joy of Possession. The worldling conjugates the verb, “to get,” in all its tenses, and a brass-handled coffin and six feet of sod is all that he ultimately obtains. The Christian becomes an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ; all the riches of grace and glory are his, and his is an inheritance that passeth not away. Moreover, there is thei joy of Fellowship. The friendship of the world is a hollow mockery; fleeting and un­ certain are the companionships of earth. The friendship of God and the communion of Saints are abiding relationships, full of untold pleasure, and immutable as the throne of the Most High. These are the heritage of the saved; yet men are still to be found who speak of religion as a gloomy thing, to be avoided if possible, at best to be endured. Is it because we, who should know better, have failed to enter fully into our privileges? If we have lost our early gladness in holy things, let us pray the prayer of the psalmist: “Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation.”

By Correspondence “Christian Workers’ Efficiency Course” ...and “Teacher Training Course”


See. Description on Inside Back Cover. r Book Premiums Offered to Subscribers W ho Procure N ew Subscriptions CHOICE OF ONE BOOK FOR EVE R Y N EW FULL YEAR SUBSCR IPTION SEN T US S imple L essons in B ible M arking .... (Brooks) D iary of A D octor ' s S on —H umorous .................. (Brooks) Is S alvation S afe ?—Discussion of the question of the true believer’s security............ (Brooks) S tronghold of T ruth ............................. (Thomas) C hristian S cience and th e W ord of G od .......................................................... (Huling) T ruth F or Y ou —V aluable fo r personal workers ...................... .............. . (Sammis) R ansacking th e S criptures —Valuable collec­ tion of Bible information...................... (Brooks) T he G ospel and its M in istry .......... (Anderson) K ey W ords to th e K ing ' s T reasury .. (Paxson) T h e L ord F rom H eaven .................. ...(Anderson) S atan ............................................................. (Chafer) T he P rophet J onah ......................... (Dixon) W hat S a ith th e S criptures ?—V aluable re fe r­ ence book showing what Scripture says in an­ swer to important questions.................. (Brooks) T he S hepherd P salm ............................... (Torrey) T he G enealogies of C hrist ................ (Stillion) J esus —P rophet , P riest and K ing ...... (Torrey)

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O ctober 11 “A reason of the hope.”—l Peter 3 :15.

X X T h e K ing’s Business

“PRAY, Mr. Farmer, do you expect a good harvest next summer?” “I hope so.” “Have you, then, plowed your field deep; have you rooted out the thorns and plucked up the weeds; have you taken care that the seed you sowed was good? If not, what is the reason of your hope?” “May I ask, dear mother, if you think that your child will grow up to be a good

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