King's Business - 1927-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1927

citizen and a good Christian?” “I hope so.” .“Are you, then, teaching it habits of obedience, of industry, of kindness? Are you bringing it up to love prayer, and Bible reading, and the public worship of God? If not, what is the reason of your hope?” “Tell me, sinner, are you expecting to go to heaven when you die?” “I hope so.” “Have you, then, realized your lost estate? Have you come to Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? Have you accepted' Him as your substitute in the sight of God? Have you given your heart to Him? Are you trying to serve Him every day? If not, what is the reason of your hope?” There are a great many people in the world who are building on idle hopes that are founded upon nothing. This is especially true as regards moral and spiritual things. Such hopes are doomed to disappointment, and those Who in­ dulge in them are sure to meet with a cruel disillusionment in the days to come. Let us take care that our expectations of salvation have their foundations in God, and that our hopes for this life are built upon the precepts of His Holy Word. Then, and only then, can we look for their sure fruition. Just as there is no harvest without proper farming, so there are no moral and spiritual gains where the appointed means for their production are neglected. ■i1*. O c t o b e r 1 2 “Let me know mine end, and the number of my days.” WLlpsa. 39:4 (P. B. V.). BUT, as far as we are aware, there was no answer to the psalmist’s inquiry. It was better so. The knowledge, if he had gained it, would probably have haunted him like a nightmare. It is in mercy that we are not allowed to see “what a day may bring forth.” The desire to do so is at once futile and foolish. “I know not what may befall me; God tenderly shades my eyes and much of the joy of existence depends upon the blindness thus graciously imposed. Were it otherwise, the glorious glad­ ness of many a sweet surprise would be lost; were it otherwise, the terror of the approaching evil would hang like a thunder­ cloud upon the horizon of life. Fear would become an obses­ sion, and hope would be impossible, were all the future laid bare before our gaze. It is the unexpected which relieves the monot­ ony of our existence; it is the turnings that help to shorten the road; the new prospect and the new possibilities of each suc­ ceeding day add zest to our pilgrimage. “I journey on not knowing,” but it suffices that my Father knows. All that is hidden from my eyes lies open to His vision; though I walk in the shadows of uncertainty, He has promised to lead me by the hand. Therefore, I am safer and more blessed than if I saw the distant scene and directed my own steps. “I would rather walk in the dark with God Than walk alone in the light; I would rather walk with Him by faith Than walk alone by sight.” I M O c t o b e r 1 3 “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD.” Prov. 19:17. WE must not limit this declaration to the giving of com­ mon alms. Every deed of kindness shown to one who needs it, every word of love, every emotion of true sympathy with the suffering is a loan to the great All-Father of mankind. For it is not the gift, nor the giving, that counts in His estimation, but the pity that prompts the donation. For true pity is born of love, and “love is the fulfilling of the law.” ' The poor, whether in purse or in happiness, are God’s special pensioners, and He never faileth to note when His stewards help Him to

SELF-PRONOUNCING BIBLES FOR TEACHERS AND HOME USE We have a splendid stock of these Bibles on hand at the present time in a great variety of styles, sizes and hindings at practically any price you want to pay. No. S146X— B agster’s C om prehensive T ea ch e r’s Bible, co n tain in g H elps to Bible Study, a New C oncordance, R eferences and A lp h a ­ betical Index, E lem en tary In tro d u ctio n to H eb rew a n d G reek L anguages, a n d Index­ ed Bible A tlas w ith 14 M aps in colors. T his Bible has F ren ch M orocco “U n b re ak ­ able B ack” binding, flexible covers w ith overlap p in g edges, ro u n d c o rn ers, red u n ­ d e r gold edges, gilt title, long p rim e r type, India p a p er. No. 8 1 7 0 X — T his is a thum b-indexed Bible, p rin te d in larg e c lear ty p e on genuine In­ dia p a p er. It co n tain s over 400 p ag es of C oncordance, and u p -to -d ate a u th o ritativ e helps. F ren ch m orocco g rain ed le a th e r binding, overlap p in g flexible covers, rou n d No. 3 5 3— A splendid hom e Bible— p rin te d on thin im p o rted Bible p a p e r in large, c le ar type, especially a d ap ted to th e eyes of th e old folks. C ontains P re se n tatio n P late, Fam ily R ecord, 32 b eautiful illu stratio n s a n d m aps in colors. G enuine le a th e r binding, flexible, overlapping covers, rou n d c o rn ers, gold side and b ack titles, red u n d e r gold edged. No. 2 2 6— T his Bible contains com plete concord- dance, R eferences, M aps in colors and o th er H elps. G enuine le a th e r binding, overlap p in g covers, ro u n d co rn ers, gold side and b ack title, red u n d e r gold edges, No. X 52— C o n taining C oncordance, 16 full-page colored plates, M aps in colors, an d 32 full- p ag e d uotone illustrations. Bound in g en ­ uine leath er, seal grain, ov erlap p in g cov­ ers, linen lined, ro u n d c o rn ers, red u n d e r P ric e ....... ......................................$ 1 0 .0 0 corners, red u n d e r gold edges. P ric e ..........$ 7.7 0 P ric e ............................................................................. $ 5 .0 0 silk lined to edge. P ric e.................................... $ 4 .0 0 gold edges, gold side an d b ack titles. P rice $ 2.7 5 No. 256— A ll p ro p e r nam es th ro u g h o u t th e tex t divided into syllables and accen ted sam e as an u n ab rid g ed d ictionary. O v er 4 0,000 c e n te r colum n references. C loth binding, stiff covers, sq u a re co rn ers, red edges, No. 205 — Sam e as th e above Bible except w ith im ­ itatio n le a th e r binding, a n d w ith th e sa y ­ ings of C h rist p rin te d in red. P ric e ...............$ 1.50 A ny sty le p o stp aid upon receip t of price. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. Send for a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc. gold title side a n d b ack. P rice.....................$ 1.25 No. X 6 2R— Sam e as above described Bible (X 5 2 ), w ith sayings of C h rist p rin te d in red. P ric e ............ ................................................................ .$ 3 .0 0 No. 214— G rained cloth binding, stiff covers, sq u a re co rn ers, red edges, gold title. P rice $ 1.25

B I OLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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