King's Business - 1927-10

October 1927

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


and the happiest day of all the seven, and is, if it be spent in the company of our Lord. The view which we gain in those holy hours of the inheritance above, and the mental and moral stimulus which they afford, should send us out to face the trials of the rest of the week with greater elasticity, with renewed courage, and with brighter hope. O ctober 16 “I wish . . . that thou mayest . . . be in health ."—3 John 2. MEN always undervalue their common mercies. Take, for instance, the boon of health. How seldom we hear it spoken of as a blessing at all, save by those who never possessed it or who have been deprived of its comfort. Yet, among all God’s good gifts to men, what is there to equal that of a healthy body? Of what use is wealth, or power, or fame, or learning, without the capability of using and enjoying them? How many a man would exchange all his possessions, and all his possibilities, for relief from infirmity or pain 1 There are two lessons which we should learn in this connection. The one is to thank God for the blessing of health while we possess it; the other, to guard that possession by every means in our power. For health is a Divine bestowal. “Thou art the health of my countenance,” is not a poetic simile, but a solemn fact. Except He heal our many incipient diseases, and shield us from our ever-recurring physical dangers, we shall not long be well. And, like all Heaven’s bestowals, it is sent us for a purpose. We are stewards of our health as truly as we are stewards of our goods. We are to use the strength which He gives us in His service and for His glory. We have no right, therefore, to be careless of our physical well-being; to endanger it, is to waste that which is not really ours but God’s. Nor should health be lightly es­ teemed. Not to render thankful acknowledgment of the en­ dowment and its continuance is to rob Him of the glory due unto His name. I is O ctober 17 “/ love my master.” —Ex. 21:5. CHRISTIANITY is but a change of masters. “Being made free from sin, and become bondslaves unto God.” But what a change! The one is the service of the drudge bound with iron fetters, dragged, a miserable captive, whithersoever the Slave Driver will; the other, the captivity of the man who is ensnared by the golden links of affection, wearing his chains proudly and delighting to do his Master’s will because he loves Him. Both are despotisms: the one is the despotism of hate, inflicted with the malicious desire to injure and destroy its object; the other is the despotism of benevolence imposed for the purpose of working out in its subject “an exceeding weight of glory.” The former ends in everlasting death; the latter in eternal life. The Master in the one case is an alien, in the other, a Father. Satan clothes us in the filthy rags of moral and spiritual corruption; God gives us the ring and the shoes, and puts upon us the beau­ tiful garments of salvation and of praise. The servitude of the former is an iron bondage, which we learn to hate, even while we submit to it; that of the latter is to the renewed heart “per­ fect freedom,” so that the bondservant cries out in his ecstasy: “I love my Master; I will not go free.” How blind, how un­ happy, are they who prefer the service of the Evil One; how mistaken they who imagine that deprivation and misery are the results of giving themselves to Christ. Shall not we, who know the blessedness of the Divine bondservice, seek to un­ deceive them?

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B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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