King's Business - 1927-10


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

October 1927

O ctober 18 "A great multitude which no man could number.” —Rev. 7 :9.

Vest-Pocket Size Nextf Testaments

HERE is the answer to the question, “Lord, are there few that be saved?’’ Here is the exposure of that narrow creed which would limit salvation to a chosen few—numberless, be­ yond computation, are those who _stand around the throne. What an encouragement.for us in those hours when we are tempted to wonder if, after all, Christianity is not a failure. Here also is the answer to those who tell us that Foreign Missions bear no fruit. For this is no local host; they are out of “all nations and kindred and people and tongues.” They come from the burning south, “Where Africa’s sunny fountains Roll down their goldén' sands.” , They have been brought from the regions where the Icelander builds his hut of snow, The Chinaman of the East and the Red Indian of the West join hand in hand to sing “the song of Moses and the Lamb. For though they be so diverse, yet have they a common experience and a common testimony. They have all “washed their robes and made them white’’ in the Redeemer’s blood. Once they spake many tongues; now, earth’s babel o’er, “They, with united breath, Ascribe their conquest to the Lamb, , Their triumph to His death.” Let us be encouraged by the vision; above all, let us see to it that we wear the white robe which alone will entitle us to join that happy throng. WHAT a choice! To reject purity, love, gentleness, right­ eousness, help; to prefer theft, rebellion, murder! The people were free to choose between brute force and moral suasion; to declare whether might was right or right was might; and they chose the former. Being allowed to decide between the material and the spiritual, the seen and the unseen, they refused the latter and declared themselves on the side which determined to accomplish its end immediately by the brute force of the mailed fist, rather than on that which sought to attain it ultimately by the law of love. Such choice comes to most of us nearly every day. To grasp at the evident, in forgetfulness of the invisible; to pursue our earthly aims at the cost of the laws of honor and of our brothers’ rights; to trust in the arm of flesh, ignoring the claims of righteousness and the power of God; this is to choose the Outlaw rather than the Christ. And that, not alone in the crises, but in the little things of our everyday life. The man who cheats his neighbor of a farthing in a commercial transaction says (in effect) of our Lord: “Not this man, but Barabbas.” The consequences of the choice were such as should warn us against its repetition. They chose the sword (so to speak) and by the sword they perished. But its moral results are most appalling still. One nation, since that day, has conspicuously relied upon the mailed fist and rejected the Naza- rene. Let the deeds of the modern “Hun” reveal to us the depth of infamy into which all who make such an election may, and probably will, fall. “And where the arctic rigors freeze The hardy life blood in-the veins.” O ctober 19 “Not this ..than, but Barabbas.” —Jno. 18:40

In a Great Variety of Styles At a Great Variety of Prices

Our stock of Pocket-Size New Testaments was never more complete than at the present time. We can supply practically any re­ quirement— for the personal use of Chris­ tians and Christian Workers, and for gifts to the newly converted and sinners. COLLINS’ CLEAR -TYPE ED ITION , p rin te d in bold an- tiq u e type. Size 3 % x 2 - 7 / 16x!4, inches. W eight 2 ounces. T his m in iatu re edition will slip easily into th e vest p o cket. No. N 21— F ren ch M orocco binding, orig in al India pap er, flexible covers, ro u n d co rn ers, gold edges, gold title......................-..........................................80c No. N 18— P aste G rain binding, original India p a p er, flexible covers, ro u n d co rn ers, p u rp le edges, gold title............................................ ...............$1 .0 0 No. N 12— L ong G rain R oan binding, original India p a p er, flexible covers, ro u n d co rn ers, gold edges, gold title .............. ............................................$1.25 No. NO IP — Pluviusin M orocco G rain bindin-g, flex­ ible covers, ro u n d corners, p u rp le edges, gold title, 7 double-tone colored illu stratio n s............... 75c No. AN 19— D a rk B row n G rain binding, flexible covers, ro u n d corners, gold edges, gold title— $1 .0 0 SELF-PRONOUNCING NEW TESTAMENT. No. 10 — T a n Suede L ea th e r binding, flexible covers, ro u n d co rn ers, gilt edges, w ith frontispiece..........50c EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD VALUE— R eal F ren ch M orocco b lack lea th er binding, ro u n d c o r­ ners, gilt edges, gilt title. A splendid New T estam en t an d a genuine b a rg ain a t th e low p ric e of __?............. ...........................................................50c CHEA P NEW TESTAMENTS TO GIVE AWAY C loth binding, stiff covers, ro u n d co rn ers, p rin te d in clear, easy-to-read type, e ach ...............................25c Em bossed com position lea th er binding, flexible cov­ ers, sq u a re corners, e ac h ..................... ............ ........... 15c A ny sty le p o stp aid upon receip t of price. If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. Send fo r a free copy of ou r com plete C atalog of B ooks, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc. OX FORD NEW TESTAMENT. No. 029— D ark B row n V elvet P e rsia n binding, h alf o v erlap ­ pin g covers, ro u n d co rn ers, gilt edges, gilt title. Size 4 x 2 % x 7 /1 6 inches. P rin ted in c lear easy-to-read ty p e ................... ........................... $1.25

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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