King's Business - 1927-10

October 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

O ctober 20 the shadows flee away.” —Song Sol. 2:17.

=NEW BOOKS W ELL W O R TH READINGS “‘Best” Books of1927 The Kind That Deserve to Have a Wide Circulation—Every One Important Ephesian Studies By H andley C. G. Moule Colossian Studies


EARTH is encompassed with shadows, but none are so dense as those that gather round the tomb where we have laid the mortal remains of our loved ones. Sometimes there is the shadow of disappointment. The life that seemed so useful, or so promising, is suddenly cut off, and we ask, “Why this waste of possibility?” There is the shadow of what seems inexplicable mystery. Wherefore were pain, and sickness, and death per­ mitted by a God of Love? Why does He allow the hearts of His children to be torn with such sharp affliction? But deepest of all is the shadow of earth’s bitter parting, the anguished long­ ing for “vanished smiles and voices gone.” There are, however, streamers of hope in the Eastern sky; “Dark, dark hath been the midnight, But dayspring is at hand.” The empty sepulcher at Jerusalem is the promise of a fair morn­ ing, the morning of resurrection; and when the day breaks, the shadows will flee away. We shall learn that there was no waste, but only the transference to fuller and wider opportuni­ ties of service. We shall find that pain and sickness and death were God’s good angels in disguise, working out in men a glory that was all divine. And in that glad hour, when hand once more clasps hand, and love’s language speaks again from kin­ dred eyes, the darkness of our parting will be swallowed up in the glory of a reunion that is eternal, and the very friendships and affinities of earth will be sweetened and enhanced by the temporary separation that was so bitter when it came. WHAT strange gospel is this? How can they be “happy” who are miserable? What joy is to be found in sorrow? The answer is that they are happy because “they shall be comforted.” There is no possibility of comfort without preceding discomfort. “The light is born out of the dark;” the brilliant gem is dug from the gloom of the mine; the stars shine the brightest when viewed from the depth of the well. The purest, most ecstatic gladness springs up in the heart that has been filled with sorrow. Were it eternal summer, we should find no delight in the sun­ shine, no beauty in the azure sky. The minor music of life adds sweetness to its major harmonies. But we must not forget, in estimating this happiness of the sorrowful, the personality of the Comforter. It is “the God of all consolation” Who shall “bind up the broken in heart.” Earth knows no such consoler as He. No touch so tender as that of His gracious hand; no voice so soft, no heart so pitiful, no patience so enduring as His. The world feeds upon its dinner of husks, and drinks of its wine of excitement, and cries: “Happy are they that laugh;”, but its festival is a Barmecide’s feast, and when the revel is o’er and the lights are out, desolate vacuity takes possession of the heart. The child of God suffers for a while, but when the testing time is past he receives the oil of joy for mourn­ ing and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness—and his joy abides for evermore. m O ctober 22 “Return unto thy rest, O my soul’’- —Psa. 116:7 “Where is the rest we long to gain, The rest beyond decaying?” MAN, unaided, has never been able to find it. He has toiled and striven unceasingly for something which would satisfy the restlessness of his heart ; he has sought for the blessing of perfect repose, in all directions ; and he has sought and striven O ctober 21 “Blessed are they that mpurn.” -Matt. 5 :4.

By H andley C. G. Moule Lessons in faith an d holi­ ness from St. P au l’s E pistles to th e C olossians a n d Phile­ m on w hich provide a rare tre a t for every reader. The igifted a u th o r tells . us th a t these "S tu d ies" have been w ritten w ith th e o bject of a s ­ sistin g an d stim u latin g those o th e r "stu d ie s” w hich th e C hristian can c arry ^on alone. U nder B ishop Moule’s m ed ita­ tiv e in sig h t th e G od-given u t­ teran ces of th e A postle Paul sp ark le and glow w ith new m eaning and vision. 318 p ag es; C loth $1.50

B ishop Moule is one of th e m o st scholarly of New T e sta ­ m ent expositors a n d these ex­ p o sito ry readings are founded on a th o ro u g h stu d y of th e original tex t. The ^C hristian edification of the read er is his g re a t aim , or, as he say s in th e preface of th is volum e, his am bition has been " to b ring th e read er into clo ser c o n tact w ith the ‘C elestial L e tte r’ itself, a n d w ith th e m ind and m essage of God in it." 340 p ag es; C loth $1.50

The Fine Art of Living Together By A . W . Beaven, D.D.

W ith th e n um b er of divorces g ra n te d yearly, equalling an d even exceeding th e n um b er of m arriag e s in som e of o u r states, it is indeed tim e for those w ho e n te r w edlock to le a rn “ th e fine a rt of living to g e th e r.“ T his volum e p o in ts o u t th e perils an d pitfalls in th e p a th of m atrim ony an d show s how to avoid them . T h e a u th o r gives ideas th a t a re a rre stin g an d liberal, y e t founded u p o n the C h ristian co n cep t of th e fam ily. C loth $ 1 .5 0 Chapel Talks By John E. Calfee The Other Side of The Door

By W illiam C arter T his volum e con tain s fo u r­ teen exceedingly stim u latin g serm ons—all ty p ical of th e preach in g w hich has earned a n d secured ap p reciatio n from th o se w ho have heard Dr. C ar­ ter, n o t only in his ow n p u l­ p it, b u t in m any o th er places of im portance, and “on th e a ir." The sidelights c a st upon B iblical h isto ry an d its c h a r­ acters, a d d to the charm , th e stim ulus an d p ro fit of . th is series of delightful discourses. C loth $1.50

Y oung Am erica needs this book an d will be imm ensely helped by reading it. A lthough these “T alk s" con tain m uch sage counsel, th ey are n o t “serm ons." T hey are s tra ig h t­ forw ard, h a rd -h ittin g d iscu s­ sions of su b jects th a t all y o u th face every day. Dr. Calfee n o t only has ideas th a t young men a n d w om en need, b u t he possesses th e facu lty of sta tin g them so a s to m ake them strik e hom e. C loth $1.00

The Crucified and Risen Bible By Jo h n M acm illan

You will find th is book b o th in terestin g a n d stim u lat­ ing. It show s th a t the sufferings of C h rist from b irth to crucifixion have th eir c o u n te rp a rt in th e sufferings of th e Bible, G od’s W ord, a n d th a t th e Bible, th o u g h slain a tho u san d tim es, continues to rise above th e slay er a n d all his w eapons. C loth $1 .5 0 An Outline Course in Bible Study By A d a T h u rm a n T errill T his book, by a tea ch e r of notable ability, is designed to m ake th e study of th e Bible m ore intelligent an d in te r­ esting. It will help Bible stu d en ts of a n y and every age. Its 150 lessons a re well w ro u g h t o u t in outline an d if th ey a re faithfully and conscientiously tau g h t, will in su re to the stu d en t an excellent know ledge of th e e n tire Bible. W e comm end this volum e h eartily. C loth $1 .5 0 If m oney does n o t accom pany order, goods will be sen t C. O. D. If goods a re to com e by m ail ad d 10% for postage. Send fo r a free copy of o u r com plete C atalog of Books, B ooklets, T rac ts, etc.

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

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