King's Business - 1927-10

October 1927


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

H EW BOOKS WELL W ORTH READ ING “Best” Books of 1927 These Volumes Should Be in the Library of Every Minister The Pastor’s Corner Bv William Melville Curry, D.D. 106 Sermon Outlines By U. G. Foote, D.D.

O ctober 31 “Thou hast the dew of thy youth." —Psa. 110:3.

THE Christian never grows old. His body may become aged and infirm, but the flesh is only his outer garment; a man is not old because his coat has become threadbare and frayed! The spirit which God gives to His children has the dew of an eternal youth. Its powers do not fail, though the tools with which it works while it sojourns in the tabernacle of clay lose their edge and become more or less -unusable. The earthly memory, may fail, the human eye grow dim, the bodily ears dull of hearing; but all these things will re-exhibit their fresh­ ness and their strength when once the soul is liberated from the prison-house of flesh. That which we call second childhood is a sign that the spirit is once more asserting itself over the body; for infancy is the true type of the spiritual, so that it is written that unless we become as little children we shall not see the kingdom of heaven. This eternal youth is the concomitant of immortality. The signs of what we designate ‘’old age” are the results of sin; but sin, while it blights the flesh, does not affect the spirit. Hence, the real ego of the Christian does not grow old; he has the dew of his youth. He may fail to ex­ perience its freshness while it is under the limitations of the body; but the day is coming when those limitations will cease to trouble him; he will be delivered from the burden of the flesh, and he will enter into the full enjoyment of his eternal juvenescence, of which “age cannot wither, nor custom stale, the infinite” delights. These thoughts should bring comfort and peace to those who grieve because they foolishly imagine that they are “growing old.” WE are children at school in a foreign land and our Father has written us letters; shall we not read them ? There is no measuring the ioss to those who fail to search the Scriptures. They are the guide-posts on life’s roadside, pointing out the paths wherein our feet should tread. They are lights in the darkness, revealing the dangers that beset our pilgrimage. They are mines of untold wealth, from whence we may dig jewels of comfort and of peace. They are living wells, whence we are to draw those draughts of the water of life which shall refresh our spirits and revivify our fainting hearts. .Moreover, they are “the Law of the LORD.” How shall we keep His com­ mandments if we do not make ourselves acquainted with the Statute Book? They are the sure and only trustworthy witnesses of the conditions of salvation and of the verities of the unseen world. The command is not merely that we should read them, but that we should “search” them. Casual, half-hearted perusal is not sufficient; we must “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them.” We must explore their pages diligently, like one that searcheth “as for hid treasures” ; we must compare Scrip­ ture with Scripture; we must delve deep, that we may find the secret veins of wisdom; we must bore unceasingly until the pure waters spring up beneath our feet. No one but the Bible student has any conception of the worth and beauty of the Book; none save he will ever come into close communion with the God Whose revelation it is. N ovember 1 “Search the Scriptures." —Jno. S:39.

These outlines cover a wide range of themes and will be of incalculable help to the busy minister. . Dr. Foote has ^ a positive genius for delving in­ to a subject and bringing light to bear upon it from many un­ usual and unexpected sources. The outlines are all arranged alphabetically, and in addition a very complete index is pro­ vided, making the book of even greater help and value. Cloth $1.50 By Dr. F. E. Marsh This is a rare collection of striking titles,^ appropriate texts, illustrative incidents, outline studies, suggestive say­ ings and helpful themes to as­ sist the busy worker for Christ. The plan of the vol­ ume is to give a title, then a text, then an incident, then a Bible reading and then a pearl of thought. Double indexed. Cloth $2.00 Pearls, Points and Parables

This volume contains nine­ ty-seven brief compositions— intimate discussions of moral and spiritual p r o b l e m s— phrased in terse and vivid terms. The author’s words of homely wisdom, of personal conviction and of friendly ad­ vice, will bring to the reader thoughts that convey instruc­ tion, courage and strength. This is a splendid book to read at odd moments—you will lay it aside with reluctance. Cloth $1.50 Every Minister His Own Evangelist By Edgar Whitaker Work, D.D. This is a most inspiring contribution to belief in re­ vival. The chapters are vivid, crisp and stimulating—full of solid fact as well as illustra­ tive material. With the help of the information here given it is in the power of prac­ tically every man and woman in the ministry to conduct ef­ fective evangelistic work. Cloth $1.50 Reason and Evolution

By G eorge A . Z ellers T h e p rin cip al object of this volum e is to exam ine som e of th e m ain h y p o th etical c o n jectu res p u t fo rth by evolu­ tionists in th eir arg um e n ts an d discussions, to b rin g them u n d e r th e scru tin y of sound rèason, and com p are som e of them w ith undoubted facts. In this w ay th e e arn e st seek er a fte r tru th is given th e o p p o rtu n ity to pro v e all things and hold fast th a t w hich is good. T his book should be w idely circulated. C loth $ 1 .5 0 The Historical Truth of the Bible By G. B. Michell Around the Lord’s Table

By Frank M. Goodchild, D.D. This volume of addresses preparatory to the Lord’s Sup­ per, deals with the origin of the Communion service, its history, its meaning, and the various aspects of truth which it suggests. These ser­ mons will be exceptionally helpful to ministers and oth­ ers who desire to put them­ selves in a deeply devotional state before approaching the Lord’s Table. Cloth $1.50 The Time Is At Hand By W. Bell Dawson This eminent a u t h o r—a man world-famous in the realm of science—shows in an un­ mistakable, convincing way, by the periods in prophecy al­ ready fulfilled, that the time is indeed at hand for the com­ ing of the Lord. This brilliant contribution to prophetic liter­ ature will provide a rare treat to all students of the Word. Board $1.25

Where was the Tower of Babel? Where was the land of Goshen? Was the Flood universal? Who were the Hyk- sos Kings? Who persecuted the Israelites? Who wrote Deuteronomy? Is the Book of Jonah true history? How all of these and many other puz­ zling questions have been de­ finitely solved by Archaeolog­ ical discoveries is explained in this book. Cloth $3.00 The New Psychology and the Gospel By W. J. Wray In view of the widespread interest in the study of Psy­ chology at the present time, this volume will be welcomed by ministers and students who desire to examine some of its assumptions, in relation to the teachings of the Gospels— which the author freely admits still elude the compass of man’s heart and mind. Cloth $3.50

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N ovember 2 “Phinehas . . . executed judgment.”— Psa. 106:30

B I O L A B O O K R O O M Bible Institute, Los Angeles, Calif.

On another occasion when God’s wrath had gone forth upon the Congregation, Aaron put incense in his censer and the plague was stayed. It is noteworthy, however, that in that

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