King's Business - 1927-10

P eace of M ind Concerning Your Investments No satisfaction can surpass that of knowing that your invested funds, while bringing in regular and assured returns at a definite interest rate, are, at the same time, assisting to further an enterprise in which you can have a genuine heart interest. A n n u i ty A g reem en ts of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles are backed by the resources o f an established institution whose activities are directed by a conservative and experienced Board of Directors. With their oversight you can be assured that your principal is safe, that your interest return will be regular and at a definite rate . . . that the enterprise is worthy of your fullest endorsement. Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street : : Los Angeles, California

Ask fo r Booklet AA

L ife Annuity Rates A g e R a te 3 0 -3 4 ........ ...........4 % 3 5 -3 9 ......... ...........4*494 4 0 -4 4 ......... a s . 5 % 4 5 -4 9 ......... H ...... 5 * 4 % 5 0 -5 4 ......... ...........6 % 5 5 -5 9 ......... ...........6 * 4 % 6 0 -6 4 ......... ...........7 % 6 5 -6 9 ......... ...........7 % 94 7 0 -7 4 ......... ...........8 % 7 5 -7 9 ......... ...........8 * 4 % 8 0 -8 4 ......... ............9 % 8 5 -8 9 ......... ............9 Vi 94


Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 So. Hope Street Los Angeles, Calif. Gentlemen : Please send me, without obligation, your Booklet AA concerning “Annuity Income Agreements.”


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