King's Business - 1927-10

Try This in Your C la ss October 16th Naboth is neighbor, the man who is nigh me, near to my dwelling or near to my life, he who is hindered or forwarded by me, lifted in blessing or buried in strife. Naboth is neighbor, and we are like Ahab; if childish, we covet what others pos­ sess ; not helpful and giving as Ruth or as Rahab, but mad to have more while our neighbor has less. Naboth is neighbor, and if, in our gaining, boldly we grasp what our neighbor controls, we are like Jezebel, ruthlessly reigning, slaugh­ tering happiness, murdering souls. Where is Elijah? Ah, swiftly upon us, bearing Jehovah’s implacable rod, into the vineyard so wickedly won us, sternly he enters, the prophet of God! Enemy, enemy, now hast thou found us?” groaning we cry in a sudden despair. Quickly Elijah flings penalties round us,— ah, the bleak vineyard we fancied so fair! Yet, even yet, as we truly repent us, die to our selfishness, change it for love, see what a mercy the Saviour has sent us, see what a pardon from Heaven above! Here is our punish­ ment, here is our labor, Naboth to quicken, recall, and restore; giving ourselves ^ for the love of our neighbor, glad to have less while our neighbor has more.

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