King's Business - 1933-10


November, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

C hristmas C ard Salespeople I 100% profitselling our line of “true to the I occasion” Religious Christmas Greetings, I Millions of them sold last year. Send for attractive circular showing our I I 1933 assortments of 21 all Parchment Fold- I ■ ers as well as booklet describing 16 live* I I wire offers on 50c, 75cand $1.00 assortments. I I Unusual values offered in Everyday assort- I I ments. Get our samples early and realize H I real satisfaction and big profits selling our I | line. Write today! G O S P E L T R U M P E T CO . Address Dept. A-20, Nearest Office, Sacramento, Calif. or Anderson, Ind. I ChristmasMusic^S A postcard will bring you our FREE 64-page catalog whicn describes sacred and secular Pageants,Cantatas Services.Anthem Books, Ootavos, Organ Music, Plays, etc., ana contains a sample copy of our NEW Xmas Pageant-Service for the Oh. School, also spec. p. of Choir Music. ROSCHE'S QUALITY CHURCH MUSIC supplies practically every requirementof theCh.School and Choir. Catalog of plays without Music will also be sent if you name this paper. Stare early. GEO F. ROSCHE& CO., 337 W. Madison St.,Chicago, III. fmB$Ê 1 W H I T E P IP E -T O N t If F O L D IN G O R G A N S You can now learn to memorize Scripture for Personal Work by a new and amazingly easy way. A fewminutes of studyat home each day isall that is necessary. It is intensely interest­ ing, easy to master and will give you great spiritual and practical aid in religious work. “ ScriptureMemorizing for PersonalWork” was prepared by Rev. Oscar Lowry, nation­ ally known Evangelist and Bible Teacher. It constitutes a course in both Scripture memo­ rizing and in Personal Evangelism. Hundreds have already found it of great benefit in its application to their own Christian work. Ability to correctly quote God’s Word will make you a better Christian worker and a more inspiring leader in your own church and community. It will promote your spirit­ ual growth and give greater power as a soul winner and in giving comfort to others in its application to their Christian life. Fourteen other courses—non-sectarian— are also available to fit your needs. 56,000 students have become happier and more capable by their use. Mail Coupon TODA Yfor full information M O O D Y B I B L E IN S T I T U T E CO RR E SPON D EN CE SCHOOL Dept. 4208 153 Institute Place, Chicago, Illinois Moody Bible Institute Correspondence School Dept. 4208 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. Please send special descriptive folder on □ Scripture Memorizing for Personal Work □ Information onothercourses P ClassStudy Plan Name .............................................................................. Address ........................................................................... City ........................................................................... A. L. Dept. K, 215 Eng ■ Best ever made. 1 In use all over the world | for _more than 30 years. V Various styles and sizes. ¥ Free catalogue. WHITE MFG. CO. lewood Ave. CHICAGO, ILL. Mefnoi NEW, 1 ize Scripture : a s y m e t h o d

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A Tamarisk Garden Blessed with Rain, or The Autobiography of Pastor Ren T ranslated and E dited by H erbert H ud ­ son T aylor and M arshall B roomhall The China Inland Mission has made many contributions to Christian literature, of which this is one. It is particularly in­ teresting and valuable because it “reveals the inner working of the Chinese mind.” Pastor Ren was an educated man who used his powers and abilities for Christ in the building up of self-supporting churches. Throughout his life, he worked in harmony with the leaders and missionaries of the China Inland Mission. His own fellow Chinese recognized his keen judgment, and frequently called upon him to decide ques­ tions of policy which no one else dared to tackle. The English translators have care­ fully selected the salient facts, leaving out wearisome pages of names, dates, and other minute details which would detract from the book’s usefulness to English speaking people. 288 pages. China Island Mission. Cloth. Price $1.00. Chinese Rhymes for Children B y I saac T aylor H eadland This is an enticing book for small chil­ dren, a successor to the author’s Chinese Mother Goose Rhymes. The verses will not only delight children, but parents, kin­ dergarten teachers, and all who work among little people will find pleasure in reading the book. The illustrations on every page are by Sui Wesley Chan. Nu­ merous other Chinese decorations complete the oriental setting. In his translation, the author, who is a professor at Peking Uni­ versity, has preserved the quaint idiom and outlook peculiar to the people of Eastern lands. He has not attempted any intro­ duction o f religious thought. 156 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. More Light on the Virgin Birth B y F. W . P itt The “new light” consists in the develop­ ment of the thesis that the silence of Jesus on this subject was intentional, because His “ far greater purpose was to identify Him with the Father, that the world might know that He was ‘God manifest in the flesh.’ ” From this silence, the author draws a number o f conclusions which con­ firm both logically and psychologically the belief in the virgin birth. The arguments o f this short essay are thoroughly reason­ able and are unanswerable. 32 pages. Pick­ ering & Inglis. Paper. Price 25 cents. Talking Objects B y E lmer L. W ilder On fifty-four clear-cut, mimeographed sheets, Mr. Wilder offers as many object talks for children. The stories are care­ fully thought out and cleverly presented and will meet a rapidly increasing demand for such material on the part of teachers and pastors. A Scripture text precedes each lesson, and the material for the speaker is brief and compact, yet it can be easily understood and enjoyed by children. Clear instructions as to the use of the necessary simple equipment accom­ pany each story. E. L. Wilder, 335 E. 35 St., Los Angeles, Calif. Price $1.00.

Tabernacle Types and Teachings B y W . S. and A. M arshall This is a collection of seventeen plates, illustrating the Jewish passover and taber­ nacle services, with a small pamphlet con­ taining explanatory material. The plates are printed in colors and are remarkably clear. The explanations are brief and lucid. It is splendidly adapted for use in small Bible classes. Martin & Parnham. Paper, with envelope accompanying. Price $1.50. _________ A Reasonable Faith B y L eander S. K eyser In treating the subject of Christian apol­ ogetics, the author says: “I do not think that argument for the sake of a polemical victory is o f any value; in fact, I feel that it is wrong. But to explain difficulties to people who are troubled, and who would rather believe than doubt—that is some­ thing worth while.” Dr. Keyser has amply fulfilled his pur­ pose. In the fifteen chapters of this book, which comprise a collection of his ad­ dresses and previously published magazine articles, he deals with the origin and in­ spiration o f the Bible, creation versus evo­ lution, the incarnation of Christ, and other moot questions o f modern religious think­ ing. Though not exhaustive in scope, the work is scholarly. The style is conversa­ tional, and its simplicity renders it easily understandable. The arguments are fair, the claims sane, the attitude kindly and persuasive. It will prove a safe guide through the mazes of several modern soph­ istries. 192 pages. Fleming H. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. The Partiality of Jesus B y E. C. C omfort The foreword o f this little volume says: “This book contains my first meditations in my new life in Christ Jesus.” Written by one who has evidently known both the shame of failure and the glory of Christ, it presents eight brief expository studies in the marked personal preferences of Jesus, such as His favorite friend, or His favor­ ite book. The remarkably original treat­ ment of familiar material, the high devo­ tional quality of the thought, and the prac­ tical application o f each study make them both forceful and inspirational. The painstaking study o f Scripture, the freshness o f the concepts, and the keen­ ness of the author’s spiritual perception will delight the heart of any Christian reader. 154 pages. Reformed Press. Cloth. Price $1.25. These nineteen short addresses were pre­ pared originally for the boys of an English school. Although the addresses do not always prove as unique and inspirational as the title promises, there is much good material in the book, and many apt illus­ trations help to drive home the lessons in Christian living. The frequent quotation o f Scripture insures the writer’s loyalty to the Word of God, and his earnest desire to present it to boys no matter how young they may be. 128 pages. Pickering & Inglis. Cloth. Price $1.00. The King’s Pen Knife B y C. F. H igginson

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