King's Business - 1933-10


November, 1933

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


failures, our pride, jealousy, bitterness, and destructive criticism, our sins o f omission, as well as our sins o f com­ mission. When we are broken before God, the Holy Spirit can convict the unsaved. A study of real revivals will show that they began with humiliation and confession on the part of God’s children. A revival comes in answer to prayer. “ Praying Hyde” prayed, and revival came to India. Abel Clary prayed, and revival broke out in Finney’s ministry. David Brainerd prayed, and the Indians were evangelized. Evan Roberts prayed, and revival came to Wales. A city missionary prayed in New York, the Fulton Street Prayer Meeting was started, and the great revival o f 1857 came to America. Aunty Cooke prayed, and D. L. Moody was filled with the Holy: Spirit and became the flaming evangel. Prayer is the greatest power on earth. “ Prayer changes things.” Prayer releases the resources o f God and gives the Holy Spirit a chance to work. Prayer brings conviction. The greatest thing we can do for God is to pray. The greatest thing we can do for man is to intercede. A day of prayer was followed by the greatest revival the writer has seen in his ministry. Are we willing to give ourselves to prayer for revival ? A passion for souls is necessary, if we are to have a revival. Jesus wept over Jerusalem. Do you ever weep over your city ? Have you a vision o f a lost world ? Have you a vision o f Calvary and what it cost God to redeem lost men? Do you echo the prayer o f Moody: “ Oh, God, stir the cities of America once again” ? Can you say with Paul: “ Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved” ? Are you ready to pray: “Lord, lay some soul upon my heart, A surrender to God that will result in the infilling of the Holy Spirit will bring a revival. W e are talking about something that is sane and wholesome, something that gives a cool head and a hot heart, not a hot head and a cold heart. We are talking about an experience that is normal and genuine, and that produces fruit in the life and min­ istry. Moody had this experience, and so has every real man o f God: It is an experience that glorifies Christ and makes one’s life speak and work in the energy o f the Holy Spirit. It comes in response to an attitude o f surrender and trust. “ The world has yet to see what God can do through one man who is wholly surrendered to Him,” was the state­ ment made in the presence o f Moody, and he determined by the grace o f God to be that man. The world knows the result! It is said that through Moody’s ministry, a million souls came to God. “ What is the secret of your life ?” asked Chapman of General Booth. “ God has all there is o f me,” was the answer. “ God is looking for a man to whom He can entrust more power than He has yet given to any man,” said Moody. Can God trust us with power ? Shall we not pray: And love that soul through me, And may I humbly do my part To win that soul for thee” ?

[The follozving items were written by Dr. Paul W. Rood, President o f the World’s Christian Fundamentals Association dur­ ing an exceptionally fruitful series o f evangelistic services in Oc­ tober in the Church o f the Open Door, Los Angeles .— E ditor .] Let the Fire Fall! ar v is it to Yosemite National Park, the wonderland o f the Pacific Coast, is a never-to-be-forgotten experience. It is intensely interesting to visit Mirror Lake, when the sun is rising, and to see the surrounding mountain peaks re­ flected in the still waters, then to visit Bridal Weil Falls in the afternoon, when the sun is setting, and' to see all the colors of the rainbow reflected in the waterfall that sways hither and thither in the summer breeze like the veil of a bride. A climb up the one-and-a-half-mile trail to Glacier Point is rewarded by a view o f the High Sierra peaks, the waterfalls, and the valley below. One o f the outstanding memories o f a visit to this place o f unsurpassed grandeur is something that takes place every evening at nine o’clock. At that hour the program at Camp Curry suddenly ceases. Every eye is riveted upon a great fire burning on Glacier Point. Some one has gathered material for it during the day. The onlookers gaze silently, awe-stricken. At length, the stillness is broken by the announcer at Camp Curry, who cups his hands and cries ou t: “ Hello Glacier.” The man on Glacier Point calls back: “ Hello Camp Curry.” Then, from the announcer comes this command: “ Let the fire fall!" One then beholds a scene that beggars description, and that can never be erased from the walls o f memory. The bonfire is pushed over the cliff, and it descends from those dizzy heights like an illuminated waterfall. Some o f us, who watched this scene, walked quietly to our places of abode with a prayer on our lips: “ Lord, let the fire fall in my heart.” Is not this what is needed in the heart o f every believer and in every assembly of believers? Do we not need the purging fire that will burn up the dross o f selfishness and indolence and indifference ? Shall we not pray that the fire o f God may fall upon our churches, that revival fires may burn in our communities! Oh, for a genuine, heaven-sent, prayed-down, sweeping revival all over our land and in the regions beyond! Let the fire fall! How Can W e Have a Revival ? I I i n n e y used to say that- God’s people could have a re- J L " vival whenever they were willing to pay the price. Certainly the difficulty is not with God, or with the Holy Spirit, or with the gospel. God still loves lost men, the Holy Spirit still convicts of sin, and the gospel is still the power of God unto salvation. Moody’s, Wesley’s, Fin­ ney’s, Edwards’ God is our God—-living, omnipotent, and loving. The difficulty is with men. Can God find a chan­ nel through whom He can work? Are there sufficient numbers o f believers in any given community who will meet the conditions of a revival? How can we have a revival ? A genuine revival is some­ thing costly. There is no easy method by which to obtain it. It costs repentance, tears, and confession on the part o f God’s people. It must begin with us. W e must remove hindrances. W e must humble ourselves and confess our

“ Lord send a revival, Lord send a revival, Lord send a revival, And let it begin in me” ?

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