King's Business - 1963-10

Your foremost selection in the Authorized King James Version OXFORD PRESENTATION BIBLE

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Here is the perfect gift Bible for special occasions —particularly those in which a silver theme predominates. Exquisitely produced and packaged, this deluxe Bible edition features a silver stamped binding and UltraUr*» Oxford India paper, silver edged. It is attractively wrapped in silver paper and inserted in a two-piece silver box with blue cover. A silver ruled gift card is included in each Bible package.

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2 PS. 18.2 &26. 1 a (Ps. 22.5) Ps. 31. 1 b Ps. 13.4 &30. 1

3 Y ea ,c let none "that wait on thee be ashamed : let them be ashamed which 6/transgress without cause.



CONCORDANCE EDITIONS The most widely known reference Bible in the English language, this work of reverent scholarship is acknowl­ edged to be one of the most helpful annotated editions o f the King James Version ever published. Styles listed on this page include complete concordance, dictionary of Scripture proper names, subject index, and colored maps with indexed atlas, in addition to these famous S co field B ible features: notes and helps on same page with text, connected topical references to great Scriptural themes, revised marginal renderings, complete synopses of each book, helps at difficult places, definitions and explanations of seeming discrepancies, chapter subheads, summaries, chronology, comprehensive index, and a panoramic view of the Bible.

Large size, 5 }4 * 8V s" t x indicates Ultrathin O xford India paper 172— Moroccoette, limp, round corners, red under gold edges. 1 V i" thick. $ 10.00 I87x — Hand Grained Morocco, half circuit, leather lined, round comers. Only Vs" thick. B lack , red under gold edges; B lue , B rown , G reen , M aroon or R ed , gold edges. $26.50 183x — French Morocco, half circuit, round corners, red under gold edges. Only Vs" thick. For Family Record, specify FR. $16.50 I79x — Natural Grain Morocco, half circuit, leather lined, round comers. Only Vs" thick. B lack , red under gold edges; B lue or R ed , gold edges. $ 22.00 The Scofield Reference Bible is also available in handy size editions

17 For God sent not his Son into the “world to ^condemn the world; but that the world through him might, be “saved.

a lcosmos

(Mt.4.8) = mankind.


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