King's Business - 1963-10

i; W I N N I N G 1 Je w s to ! C H R I S T

scriptural standards by which the teaching of every prophet ought to be judged. At the outset, let it be understood that we recognize the Bi­ ble to be the final authority 1— the final arbiter — the last word. What we say must square with the Scrip­ tures also. It’s not what someone else says the Bible teaches, not what some other book says the Bible teaches; it is what the Bible itself says about itself. The only correct interpretation of scrip­ ture is scripture itself. We compare scripture with scripture, passage with passage until the balance of teach­ ing is reached in the Scriptures. One is not qualified to say “ this is what the Bible teaches” about any single subject until he has read everything the Bible has to say about that sub­ ject. The Bible takes a very serious view of false prophets. Paul says in Gal. 1:8 “ Though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto IN O RD INARY TH INGS I looked for Thee in visions And raptures of delight. — Shirley Cook you than that which we h a v e preached unto you, let him be ac­ cursed.” Those are strong words. Jesus said, “ Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s cloth­ ing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits” (Matt. 7:15, 16). Let us .be reminded that Christians have been admonished to test for truth. We have no right to listen to any teaching, whatever it is, and accept it gullibly. We have been com­ manded to be sure to find out that what we listen to is true or false. That’s a command — that’s an order from the Lord! “ Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits wheth­ er they are of God because many false prophets are gone out in the world. Hereby know ye the spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is the spirit of antichrist whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already it is in the world” (I John 4:1-3). I thought I'd feel emotion And' maybe see the "ligh t." Forgive me. Lord, for seeking " it " Instead of seeing Thee In all the ordinary things That daily compass me. I'll go through each day praising For Thou art everywhere, And all my common tasks, Lord, Are sanctified by prayer.

“Unique in the field”


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This month we quote in full a valuable article which appeared in the June 1955 King’s Business and which we believe to be well worth repeating. How to Tell a False Religion by Richard C. Halverson T h e apostle John makes it quite clear that the Christian has no op­ tion in this matter of false prophets (I John 4:1-3). The Bible warns us over and over again that there are many false prophets going out into the world masquerading often as angels of light, as servants of Christ, taking portions of the Bible and using them in a wav to deceive the children of God. So much of Christianity has been watered down that we have become infected with an innocuous climate that has generated a sickly, thin, ane­ mic attitude of tolerance. We’re sup­ posed to tolerate everybody and everything. If we raise our voice against anything we’re accused of being unchristian. This, however, is not the spirit of the New Testa­ ment or of Jesus Christ Himself (as we shall see). He loved men but He was indignant against false teach­ ers. “ Better a millstone” . . . “ Better never born” . . . said He concerning those who would lead others astray. If one will not tolerate poison that can destroy a man’s body, how much less should one tolerate poison that can destroy a man’s soul? If we are careful of what we put into our stomachs, how much more ought we to be careful of what we feed our minds? Once in a while a good, strong, healthy dose of intolerance is legitimate for a Christian. We ought to be intolerant of sin. We ought to be intolerant of error. We ought to be intolerant qf heresy. We ought to be intolerant of falsehood. We ought to be intolerant of false prophets and anti-Christs that do everything they can to lead people away from Jesus Christ and do it in His name. Note that we do not judge false prophets; they judge themselves by what they teach. Jesus Christ said, “ by their fruits ye shall know them,” and He was talking about false prophets when He said it. What we propose to do is not to judge any teacher or prophet (if the shoe fits, put it on), but to lay down OCTOBER, 1963


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